2 Down, 2 To Go

Slow DownOK, admittedly that is not quite accurate if you haven’t trained yet today, but the point remains. We have 2 more days of training before next week’s scheduled recovery week.

And that brings up an interesting point…

It is no big secret that some of you have no intention of taking time off next week. I know this because when I talk to some of you who need some extra attention and encourage you to lay low, your body language (if not your actual voice) tell me you have no intention of following the training plan – which, to drive the point home, calls for recovery next week.

For those of you I want you to go back and read this article again (and again and again) I Hate Recovery Weeks

It always kind of boggles my mind. You hire us to be your coaches, and you trust us with your day to day training, yet when it comes to following this part of the training, all of a sudden everybody is an expert.

Your body is telling you one thing. I need rest. PLEASE! It is a stressful time of year, you aren’t training as hard, you just aren’t feeling it right now. I know it, and you know it.

But your brain is making you doubt.

“I can’t stop, I lose all my progress.”

“I’ll gain all my weight back.”

“My teeth will fall out.”

Ok maybe not the last one, but they all are equally ridiculous.

And yes, I do have a vested interest in this. It’s called keeping you healthy, which is our mission. It’s building on the foundation so you will be better, and isn’t that what you want?

There is no doubt that our coaches are among the best at refining movement patterns and modifying training when necessary, but we would rather have all our clients able to train to maximum capacity. That requires your cooperation.

So do yourself a favor, and just rest.

Your body will love you!

Schedule Reminders

As most of you are aware our next scheduled recovery week is December 24th through December 28th. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :)

Our schedule around New Years day is a little different as well, so please take note.

Monday December 31st, 2012: Full Schedule

Tuesday January 1st, 2013: “New Years at Noon” Training Bash at Get Fit NH Concord

Wednesday: Off

Thursday and Friday: Full Schedule



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