5 Things You Can Do Over The Holiday Season to Maintain and Even Lose Fat!

The holiday season can be one of the toughest times to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Between festive meals, sugary treats, and holiday parties, it can feel like you’re surrounded by temptations at every turn. However, it is possible to enjoy the season without packing on extra pounds. Here are five practical tips to help you stay on track and come out of the holidays feeling great.

1. Prioritize Protein and Veggies

Holiday meals tend to be loaded with rich, high-calorie options like casseroles, mashed potatoes, and pies. While you can still enjoy your favorites, try to fill most of your plate with lean proteins (like turkey, chicken, or fish) and vegetables first. Protein and fiber-rich veggies will help you feel fuller longer, making it easier to avoid overeating and limit high-calorie extras.

Tip: Start with a salad or veggie platter before diving into heavier dishes. This simple strategy can reduce your appetite for the more indulgent foods.

But at the same time, remember that one day is not going to undue all of the hard work you have put in all year. Enjoy yourself and know that this strategy works to pick yourself back up after induging. 

2. Stay Active

One of the biggest mistakes people make during the holidays is letting their workout routine slide or telling themselves they're too busy and will get back to it after the holidays. With a busy schedule of shopping, parties, and family gatherings, it’s easy to skip exercise, but this is when staying active matters most. Even if you can’t fit in your usual workout, aim to do something active every day—whether it’s a brisk walk after dinner, a quick bodyweight workout.Ideally, get your strength training in and do your best to stay consistent.

3. Watch the Liquid Calories

Holiday drinks, whether it's spiked eggnog, hot chocolate, or cocktails, can add a surprising number of calories. While it’s fine to indulge in a drink or two, be mindful of how many liquid calories you’re consuming. These can add up quickly without making you feel full, which may lead to overeating later on.

Tip: Opt for lower-calorie drinks like sparkling water with lemon, or stick to a glass of wine or a light cocktail, and be sure to drink water between alcoholic beverages.

4. Portion Control

It's easy to get carried away when you're surrounded by delicious food at holiday feasts. Instead of denying yourself your favorite holiday dishes, practice mindful portion control. Take smaller servings of calorie-dense foods and enjoy them slowly. This allows you to savor the taste without overeating.

Tip: Use a smaller plate to help manage portions, and avoid going back for seconds unless you truly feel hungry.

5. Plan Ahead

If you know you’ll be attending several holiday events, plan your meals and workouts around those days. Eat a light, healthy meal before going to a party so you're less tempted to overindulge. Similarly, schedule your workouts early in the day so you can cross them off your list before things get too hectic.

Tip: If you’re traveling or attending a potluck, bring a healthy dish that you can enjoy guilt-free. That way, you know there’s at least one nutritious option available.

The holidays are a time for joy and celebration, and you should absolutely enjoy them! By implementing these simple tips—prioritizing protein, staying active, watching your liquid calories, controlling portions, and planning ahead—you can survive the season without gaining weight and enter the new year feeling strong and healthy.

You got this, 

Coach Meagan

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