Audrey Survived the 21+ Nutrition Challenge – Here is What She Has To Say!
Audrey is shining in the spotlight today talking about her success with the latest 21+ nutrition challenge. I knew Audrey must have been successful, because she was one of the most active participants on the Facebook accountability page. She posted updates daily about how she was feeling, what was challenging, and how she was overcoming obstacles. During this challenge she even spent time out of her home and in the hospital with her father as well as in living arrangements that were not her own. She made a plan and made it work. I am proud of Audrey for finding a way to make it happen when it would have been SO easy to find an excuse. Her positive attitude, energy and smile are all very contagious. We are lucky to have her in the Get Fit NH Family. Here is what she has to say.

Audrey is pictured on left
"Absolute biggest challenge? For sure was meal planning. I broke up the week and planned meals from Monday-Wednesday, and then planned again for Thursday-Sunday. Breaking the week up made it not so overwhelming.
What changed after starting the 21+ Day Challenge? I always love a challenge. The no sugar and no dairy was the biggest change. I love to bake so this was difficult, I just decided to not bake at all. I took out every unapproved food in my house so I am not tempted at all.
What results have you seen? Weight loss - finally. I love that I have not starved myself. I am working on changing my thought pattern to use food to fuel my body, not just eat for pleasure. I've also lost inches and I know I'm gaining muscle (thanks to the awesome workouts). I feel healthy from the inside out, not just looking for weight loss.
What would you say to someone on the fence about starting? I would tell them it's not easy but so worth it. To write down their goals and make a plan. I would tell them I've tried everything in the past and there are no shortcuts. Something worth having is worth all the work. This is a life long journey not a sprint.
What keeps you coming back? To have success you need support, and Get Fit is the best support I have ever had with a gym. The accountability is awesome and something I absolutely need. Dean and Nancy, as well as every trainer, practice what they preach. I love how they keep it exciting and challenging - always mixing things up. I especially love that the gym talks and educates us on healthy eating - not just working out.
People ask me what the price is to go to Get Fit. They say Planet Fitness is only $10 a month. My response is you get what you pay for, and Get Fit NH is worth every penny!"
Thank you for taking the time to share your story with us, Audrey. Keep at it- we are so proud of you!
-Coach Meagan