Author Archives: gfnhoffice

Meagan Minions Spotlight

Meagan’s Minions are my peeps doing S3 (our annual transformation contest!)  In our private Facebook group I asked them WHY they choose to train with Get Fit NH and what keeps them coming back- this is what they had to say…

I chose Get Fit NH on the recommendation of a friend who had been through boot camp and liked it. Since joining I have become stronger than I have ever been. Anyone who wants to work at becoming their best selves should definitely join. The trainers are all wonderful, they are very encouraging and keep close watch to ensure you are doing the exercises correctly so as not to get hurt. They are also very helpful if you have questions.


I walked into Get Fit NH alone 5 years ago. Not knowing what to expect... what I got was a welcome with open arms and have felt like I was accepted into a family. The coaches are all fantastic, knowledgeable, their facility is equipped to help you learn your body. They give you that extra push knowing you can do it and work with you. And the personal touches such as messaging you if you miss a class to see if okay or a note in mail ... the tiny things are appreciated. As a whole Get Fit is an awesome place to train 


Joined when my sister Elinor asked me to. Has been one off my all-time best decisions. I am much stronger and feel better about my body, still a long way to go but persevering. I would highly recommend Get Fit.


The entire group is supportive, so friendly and helpful. I also like the fact that we're not working on machines! The strengthening and stretching exercises are perfect for any age.


I have gotten stronger and leaner. I have learned that we can lift more weight than we think in our head. Join because you can become healthier and more fit than you are working out on your own.


I have lost over 15 pounds and 8+ inches total. I've still got a long way to go but for me, seeing the scale going in the downward direction is definitely motivating.


Being a holistic mental health counselor Get Fit NH's holistic approach resonated strongly with me. In addressing all the elements required for improved health & fitness (nutrition, goal setting, motivation, strength & aerobic training, coaching) as well as providing all the tools necessary to achieve success is immeasurable 


I have been playing tennis for many years and still play 3-4 times a week with a group of competitive women. After 3 ½ years of strength training, cardio-work, and healthy eating, I am FOR SURE a much better tennis player and I feel like I keep getting better. I have seen improvement in my serve – especially from a stronger core, and I am much speedier at chasing down lobs or drop shots. I take great pride in getting to the ball and know that my success rate is directly related to the work I do at Get Fit.


You can join the excitement too. The time is now.

Make it happen,

Coach Meagan

Supplements Made Easy For You!

We are excited to be bringing a new subscription program in to the gym to help everyone get their supplements without having to wait for orders or rush to get more when you run out. Doesn't that sound super exciting? We know that many of you are awesome with your consistency and good health taking your supplements and it can be frustrating when there isn't the right protein flavor or the last bottle of fish oil just got bought. We are bringing this subscription in to help you avoid all that! 

The subscription program will be allow you to sign up for the supplements that you would like to get and we will charge you monthly for those supplement every month waiting for you to pick up! This is beneficial to help you regularly take your supplements and it allows you to know when you are getting more, YAY for no unknowns!! 

So here is the information you need to know:

  1. We will charge your account for the subscription on the 1st or 15th of the month, you can pick.
  2. You will be able to pick up your supplements on every 1st or 15th of the month, you can pick.
  3. The supplements available for the subscription are all flavors of SFH and UMP, fish oil capsules, and FitTabs.
  4. If you sign up for one flavor of protein and want to switch at some point just let us know a month a head of time.
  5. You can subscribe to as many supplements as you need. 

Also if you didnt see I made a video explaining all of this right here:

So if you have any questions about the subscriptions or the supplements or would like to sign up talk to any of your coaches and we will help you out!

-Coach Brian

Competing With Warm Weather

Alright everybody, it's SUMMER TIMEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!  I know I’m not the only one who is excited. After the winter we had we are all itching to get out and enjoy the weather.  Don’t even pretend like you aren’t. So why am I talking about summer in my article? Well here is why, because just like anything else warm weather is a temptation.  A temptation for ice cream, a temptation for your 7th Corona and lime, and mostly…. a temptation to skip training.  I remember in the beginning of my college career as soon as the weather started warming up, my skipped classes somehow started adding up.  I have no idea how, must have been by magic because I would never skip class…but I digress. After receiving less than stellar grades I realized that I couldn’t keep that up and always made sure to make it to class even on those nice days.  Now I get it, who wants to be inside on a beautiful day even if it is somewhere fun. For example I love playing soccer, but given the choice between playing indoor and playing outdoors in the summer, I’ll choose outdoor every time. Even though I love the sport either way.

Before I continue, quick show of hands, who reading this article thinks the most fun thing to do on a beautiful day is to sit inside with the shades drawn watching TV (cue crickets).  No one right? No, you want to be outside, hiking, biking, relaxing on the beach, pick up basketball, walking around six flags or Disney world on vacation. You want to be active; you want to enjoy the weather.  Guess what happens when you skip out on your training though. Suddenly that relaxing hike or bike ride isn’t so relaxing anymore when you are sucking wind 3 minutes in. I will tell you from experience that my summers have never been as fun in the past as they have been over the last few years.  The main reason for this is that I am so much healthier than I had been in the past.

So now that the warm weather is starting up and you get to the end of your work day, and it's still gorgeous and you start to think “I’m going to skip training today and just hang out, sit in my hammock and sip Corona” think about how you will feel down the road.  As I have said before once you do something once it gets easier and easier to do it again and again. So before you know it you have skipped 5 classes because it has been nice and you are wondering why you can't enjoy the hike with your family. Why your kids are halfway up the mountain and you’re way behind breathing heavy, just trying to make it through the hike.  Pause for a second and reread that last sentence…… “make it through the hike”. How many of you want to go for a hike with your family and want to be thinking “I just have to make it through the hike” rather than enjoying the hike and enjoying the time with your family or friends outdoors. None of us want that. So come on in, get your training in for the day, have some fun, eat healthy and I guarantee it will make your summer that much more enjoyable in every aspect.  Make it happen!

Coach Adam

Kristin’s Farewell

Farewell to Our 5:30 Friend, Kristin Mullaney

Kristin has been training with Get Fit NH for almost FIVE years! She lives in Mass, but worked here in Concord. She was faithful to her training and got incredible results (which you will read soon!) We had mixed emotions when she let us know that she got a new job that would keep her in Mass full time. We are so proud of her for finding a job that makes her happy, but so sad to see her go! We will miss her dearly. She was kind enough to send over this note the other day and we couldn’t help, but share…

I wanted to reach out and say THANK YOU for what Get Fit NH has done for me and my health!

As some of you know, I had to leave the gym due to a job change that took me out of New Hampshire. The hardest part of accepting the new position was the realization that I would have to give up the gym that I have come to love! During my time with you I changed my eating habits (albeit slower than it should have taken) and lost just over 50 pounds during the last year and a half! I joined challenges and made so many great friendships!

I have to tell you that replacing Get Fit NH is IMPOSSIBLE! I have tried to look at options over the past month or so and have not seen one gym that offers what you do nor HOW you offer it! I ended up joining a gym out of necessity so that working out stays in my routine but after two workouts I miss Get Fit even more now! The coach was less than helpful and very impersonal!

Thank you seems like not enough but it's all I can offer. I will look back at my time there with fondness. The coaching team is AMAZING and so supportive. Your kindness, humor, and supportive nature to members is above and beyond what your competitors currently offer!

I will miss you all and wish nothing but the best for you all! Keep making it happen for all of the lucky members that get to work with you! 

Thank YOU, Kristin. We wish you all the best in your new role and we trust that you will build fantastic relationships in your new community. Please join me in congratulating Kristin on her new role and her incredible results over the years!

Keep making it happen,

Coach Meagan

Athlete Academy: Only 2 Summer Spots Left, Bonus Summer 3rd Day!

Breaking News!

Starting Tuesday, July 10, 2018 we will be adding a THIRD  day of our Athlete Academy program for the summer.  That third day will be held every Tuesday night from 8-9:15 PM starting July 10th.  

What’s the best part?

That third day is FREE!  If your child is signed up for the 2x per week program that third day is absolutely, 100% free.  For those of you with teens 13-18 years old this is the perfect opportunity to help maintain or even increase their performance and health over the summer.  

It’s no secret that all to often when summer rolls around kids see a decrease in structure and physical activity.  This can lead to decrease in performance for those playing fall sports, as well as the creation of unhealthy habits in others.  Studies show that childhood obesity numbers increase the most over the summer when kids have less rigid schedules and less structure.  Our Athlete Academy program can help mitigate this as well as help kids playing fall sports come back stronger, faster, and in better shape than ever.  

Well maybe you aren’t playing a fall sport?  Then there is no better time than the summer to step your game up to the next level.  The extra time to focus and hone their skills can be instrumental in many fantastic seasons to come!  Space is extremely limited so please register below. As always every kid will have a free coaching call, athletic assessment, and training session to see if the program is right for them before signing them up.  Happy Summer!

Want to see what our Athlete Academy is all about? Check out our Facebook pageHERE !!!

-Coach Adam

FMS Correctives

Have you been to this section on our website?

Since we just finished up Functional Movement Rescreens this is a great time to dive in and get some fresh out of bed movement in or some just before bed movement. Heck, you can even do them while you watch the news! The table looks like this…

By visiting the link I provided above you will be able to click on the exercise and watch the video. Each colored wrist band represents one of the screens we took you through. By wearing the colored bands your coaches will know which exercises are safe and which exercises are not so safe for you right now. This chart is a hierarchy so if you have a yellow and purple band then start with the exercises with the yellow band. These corrective exercises will help you screen out of your bands. If you have pain that is holding you back from screening out of a band or if you just have pain that has been hanging on for longer than a month then we highly recommend giving Performance Health a shout. They are located in Concord and they are local miracle workers.

Coach Meagan

A Youthful Spotlight In Her Own Words

One of my first written spotlights I was able to do was with Melanie Kenney about all the hard work she had been putting in being new at Get Fit NH. Now that she some more time and sweat under her belt I decided to talk with her again, but this time I would let her share her own words in person.

Melanie has made perfect attendance multiple times, is following and doing great on our Sizzling Summer Slim Down program, and  works to her full potential every time she steps on the training floor. Thanks for taking time to talk with me and keep making it happen!

-Coach Brian

Your Thoughts About 10 Years Of Get Fit NH

Last month we celebrated 10 years of Get Fit NH! 

This is a huge accomplishment and we owe so much of it to our amazing members. It is because of all of you we get the chance to wake up everyday and do what we love, which is helping people become the version of themselves they want to be.

Coach Meagan had the great idea to hear from all of our clients about what the 10 year anniversary meant to them and we wanted to share that with the world. This is what you all told us:

Thank you all so much for your continued support of us! It is because of all of you we get to make it happen every single day!

Now it is time to look forward to another 10 years of Get Fit NH!

-Coach Brian

A Veteran Spotlight

I was able to take some time with a long time member recently to hear about her time training at Get Fit NH. Anne is closing in on TEN YEARS here at Get Fit NH so getting to hear her experiences and thought about the gym, how it has evolved, and why she has been here for so long was really great. Anne is a staple in the 8:30 women's class and is always a hard worker as well. 

We recorded a video of all her thoughts and I am happy and excited for all of you to have the chance to see it!

Thanks for taking your time to share with us Anne!

Keep Making It Happen!

-Coach Brian

Pay Now Or Pay Later.

I was thinking about this recently in terms of food and medical costs.  However it really applies to most things we encounter on a consistent basis for most of our life.  

What got me onto the subject was talking about how “expensive” it is to eat healthy.  While I can argue you that you can actually eat healthy much less expensively than you can eating unsupportively, lets pretend for a second that you cant.  Lets pretend that no matter how I present that argument you still don’t believe me.  So lets say you believe it costs extra and that’s all there is to it and you wont do that.  So you don’t want to pay the extra now, guess what, you may not want to now, but I promise you that if you go about it that way forever, you will be paying every penny you saved and then some down the road.  “Where” you say? Well in medical costs, you eat unsupportively for your entire life your risk of piling up medical debt goes up exponentially.   You either pay a little extra now to eat supportively or you pony up everything you spent your life saving later in medical costs.  

Think about it in terms of a car, what happens if you keep putting off all the little fixes.  “Oh that’s not important I don’t need to fix that right now…or that…or that…” you end up bringing your car in for inspection one year and because you neglected it in a bunch of small ways it now needs 3-4 thousand dollars worth of work to pass inspection.  Or worse the car breaks down and becomes un-drivable or the engine blows and now its not just a matter of getting it fixed, it’s a matter of having to shell out for a new car.  Don’t make the mistake of thinking that not putting in the work now isn’t going to catch up to you somewhere else down the road.  The difference is there is no “New Car” option for your body, you get one, take care of it.

-Coach Adam

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