Beginning on July 11th, Get Fit NH’s Athlete Academy will be hosting a Speed Academy for 6 weeks running through the end of the summer at 12pm every Monday.
Speed is an athletic trait that is always highly recruited and highly touted as one of the most important parts of athletics. However, building speed is all about certain principles that can not be accomplished simply by picking up heavy weights.
Speed, if harnessed incorrectly, can lead to more injury and harm than good.
At our Speed Academy, not only will you get faster, but also learn how to build speed to give you real results, without the risk of injury further down the road.
For any questions about our Speed Academy please contact Coach Adam at!
The Speed Academy can be attended for $149 for the 6-week program, or as an add on for current Athlete Academy athletes for only $49!!
For additional information and to sign up please follow the link below:
Its going to be a fantastic 6 weeks. YOU WILL GET FASTER! THAT’S MY GUARANTEE!!
-Coach Adam
The other day I came across this picture on Facebook. This image is so powerful and it speaks 1,000 words with just one quick glance.
Why do we train?
Being a healthy weight is important, being strong has undeniable benefits, and looking and feeling good make us happier. Those are all great reasons to train. When we’re healthier, we’re happier and there is no doubt this world needs happier people! But when we reach our strength goals, weight goals, bodyfat goals, body image goals, etc- what keeps us going?
How about that picture? When I am 74 I want to look like the woman on the left. I want to put my grandchildren to shame one day with my deadlifts. I want to do pull ups in my seventies. In every single success session, I say, “Training is forever.” There is no end date for training. The day I stop training is the day I die and that should be your mindset. Don’t settle for less or else you will be the woman (or man!) on the right looking out the window thinking about what you could have done.
Raise your hand if you want to age more gracefully than that woman on the right. Raise your hand if you want to walk on your own two feet with no assistance from a cane, walker, or wheel chair for as long as possible. In most cases, the choice is yours. Make every second count. Train hard, eat well, recover and don’t skip days and weeks at a time!
Make it happen,
Coach Meagan
I saw this list the other day and I thought it was so relevant to experiencing success both inside and outside of the gym. Just for overall health, really. Here is the list and then of course I had to add my 2 cents on each of them – it’s the coach in me :). Here are 5 things you need to give up to experience true joy!
• Complaining
We all do it. I think it is unrealistic to say I am going to stop complaining, but I think it is realistic to be more aware of it. There is a quote on the wall that says you have it better than 99.9% of the world. That is so true. While it is easy to complain about an injury, complain about how results are too slow, complain about time…. those things are petty. Embrace those things you can control and celebrate all the great things in life. Coach Dean does Grateful Tuesdays. Write down 5 things you are grateful for each week and put your energy into that rather than the other way around.
• Blaming others
You could blame genetics or your upbringing or an injury or whatever for your current situation OR you could take responsibility, take control, and make a change today.
• Negative self-talk
No, you don’t suck. You are not stupid. You are not fat. You are not weak. You are not a wimp. If you call yourself something long enough you will start to believe that it who you are and that is not okay. YOU are a winner and you need to talk yourself up today. Ready, set, GO!
• Dwelling on the past
The past does not define your future. You know this, so let it go and move forward. Your sugar addiction does not control your results- YOU control your results.
• Resistance to change
You know, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Are you insane?
Just give those things up already! I bet it makes a significant difference in your results and in your life. You CAN do it!
Here to help you make it happen,
Coach Meagan
How many of you out there are perfect? **One or two people jokingly raise their hand**.
How many of you slip up from time to time? How many of you may not think about how you bend over to tie your shoe or pick up that piece of paper every time? No one who answered honestly can say they do everything correctly every time. No one expects perfection. We don’t, and you shouldn’t. The idea is to give yourself the biggest margin for error possible.
Now, are we telling you it’s okay to pick things up incorrectly compromising your back or knees? Of course not. Are we telling you it’s okay to have the ice cream, cake, and bread? No. However, you need to realize that no one is perfect. We realize that, and we don’t expect perfection from you. Giving yourself the biggest margin for error simply means doing everything you can so that those couple times that you do slip up, it doesn’t cause a huge negative outcome. I’m going to give two practical examples, one from a nutrition side, and one from a functional movement side.
First, the nutrition side. We talk about 90/10, right? Eating correctly 90% of the time and 10% being things you normally shouldn’t be eating. Just as a practical example, think about eating 21 meals a week (3 meals a day). That means that two to three of those meals (about 10%) may include things that you normally wouldn’t eat. The idea is that if you eat correctly the majority of the time, those small little slip ups won’t really cause a problem. Again, you’re setting yourself up for a greater margin of error. If you eat fantastic for a week, then you go to a barbeque somewhere and eat a couple things you shouldn’t have, it’s okay because you gave yourself a large margin of error by eating so well the rest of the week. That one meal isn’t going to haunt you too much. Let’s say in that same week, you had 2 or 3 slip-ups already and you get to that barbeque on Sunday… your margin for error is much, much smaller because you already had those slip ups earlier in the week. Essentially, the food that you eat at the barbeque in the second scenario is more likely to cause you to gain fat because it is combined with the other 2 or 3 slip-ups.
Now to the functional movement side of it. Do you have tightness in different places? Back, hips, shoulders? Some of you are saying “check, check, check”. Is overall flexibility a problem for some also? Yes. How does that feed into our everyday life? If you have tightness in certain muscle groups, it only takes that one time when you bend at the waist to pick something up and boom, there goes your back. Or in training it only takes doing that swing wrong one time out of a thousand and boom, back pain. The more flexible and mobile those muscles and joints are, the more margin for error you have to move incorrectly and not have it result in major injury. How can you get that bigger margin for error and significantly decrease the possibility of injury? Get here on time, and take the warmups and the cool downs seriously. I see way too many people are just going through the motions on the warmups or blowing parts of them off entirely. You don’t want to get hurt and spend your time and money dealing with back issues, right? That’s where the warm ups and cool downs come into play. They help you maintain flexibility and mobility to give yourself the biggest margin for error for that one time you don’t do something correctly.
Give yourself the biggest margin for error possible. Eat well as much as you can so those couple slip ups every once in a while don’t hurt you. Take the warm-ups and cool downs seriously and don’t blow them off. The rest will come easy breezy.
Make it Happen!
-Coach Adam
Ladies and gentleman- for the first time ever, I come to you with a spotlight from my Athlete Academy. Two weeks ago Athlete Academy finished up another successful session. However, the following week held something else that made it even better.
After the end of Athlete Academy, Concord High won the state meet for track and field! Two of my athletes, Jacob Nichol (pictured to the right) and Sam Orzechowski, both were a part of that team. They were two of my hardest working students and they both made a consistent effort to be here (8am on a Saturday for highschoolers is not exactly easy, I’ve been there…) as well as lift heavy and push themselves every time. I am extremely proud of the both of them and look forward to continuing to work with them over the summer! Great job Jacob and Sam! See you in a couple weeks!
-Coach Adam
“I don’t want to be a product of my environment. I want my environment to be a product of me.” –Frank Costello
Listening to a radio program recently I was reminded of this quote from “The Departed”. While I love this movie, it had been a long time since I had seen it last, so suffice to say I had forgotten about it some. For those of you who haven’t seen it, the movie is about two men in the Boston police force. One is an informant for the mob imbedded within the Boston police force. The other is the opposite, an undercover police officer giving information on the mob. It is a great movie but no need to go into many more specifics than that in terms of the plot.
The quote above comes from the character Frank Costello (played by Jack Nicholson). He is essentially supposed to be an homage to Whitey Bulger. Obviously when talking about individuals to model yourself after, Bulger is not someone I would suggest. However, I love the way this quote was written. It is far too easy to become a product of your environment. If you just let your environment make your decisions for you, then what would that require of you? To be constantly busy, eat junk, and not have time to improve yourself. We are constantly bombarded by things we need to get done, by quick easy nutrition-less foods that you can get on the run, and worrying about everyone but yourself.
That’s all well and good until you look in the mirror one day and say, “Woah…who is that?”. You have no energy, you are out of shape, you just feel crappy, but you know the next 12 hours are dedicated to everyone but yourself. You think, “Well, this is just the way it has to be”. Guess what? No, it doesn’t have to be that way.
Of course there are going to be practices, or meetings, or other things that you can’t change. I am not so naïve as to think my situation and your situation are identical. I fully realize that as parents and business owners and the like, your lives are more hectic and more rigid than mine. I fully realize and understand that, however, this is also the reason that it is even more dependent on YOU! You are the one that can make the change and make your environment a product of who/what you want to be. If you can’t have junk in the house without eating it, it’s as simple as DON’T BUY IT. Right there you are affecting your environment. If there is always cake in the break room and you just can’t not eat it, DON’T GO TO THE BREAK ROOM. If you are running for fast food 3 times a day, stop taking the time to do so, get your work done, and use that free time (and extra money saved on gas) to make real food.
There are a thousand other possibilities to change your environment to suit the person you want to be/need to be. Just accepting that you are “too busy” is never going to get you anywhere. You are letting yourself become a victim of your environment. Make your environment one that works for you, instead of against you.
Make it Happen!
-Coach Adam
The 6:15 crew celebrates Stacy’s birthday!
I can’t imagine Get Fit NH 6:15 Epsom without Stacy. She brings life to the party each training day. Not only does she encourage her team, but she wows me as her coach. I am truly thankful Stacy has chosen to train at Get Fit NH. She’ll inspire you with her story but to truly experience all Stacy stands for, you’ll have to visit us and the 6:15 crew.
“I am not the type of person to work out or join a gym by myself so I always went with my friend Diane. We did the Planet Fitness and Anytime scene but it was boring and not challenging. Diane signed up for Get Fit. She asked me to join. Honestly, hearing the price I said no way, I continued on my Planet Fitness $10 per month and not gong because I was alone. After Diane moved I did the math and realized how wrong I was and signed for my 2-week trial.
Stacy & Tom worked together to break a slam ball
My 1st day I was a nervous wreck. Will people like me? Will I look like an idiot? Am I strong enough for bootcamp? Ugh I won’t know anyone…. HUGE issues for me. I found myself with the 6:15 crew. I walked in the door and they were all smiles and I did know a few. Phew! First workout done and I didn’t die. Then a month later, I got my “I Survived” t-shirt. I was so proud of myself for making it, I put the shirt on right away.
What I learned after my first month… I remember this day like it was yesterday… We were laying on the benches doing arm presses. In my whiniest voice ever, I said “I CAN’T do it”. Nancy’s response… “Hey, read the wall!”. And that was it, I was hooked. For me I need someone to push me or I will find the first way out. I realized that day that I was stronger than I thought.
Now in my 4th year I am more attached to this gym than ever. Nancy, Dean and my 6:15 family have taught me so much about myself. We laugh, sweat, and share accomplishments together. We truly are a family where people care about each other. I love being around them daily.
My experience here has been fantastic. I have people excited for me as they push me to lift heavier or do more squat thrusts. I have learned that I need to balance my workouts and my eating choices. Nancy has taught me so much about nutrition. I got married 2 years ago and like any bride you want to fit into your wedding dress. I jokingly asked Nancy if we could do exercises to get rid of my back fat. She looked at me and simply said, “change your eating”. That stuck with me. I changed what I was eating and I fit into my dress. Then I did my first detox and realized how food affects my skin. Another life changing result. Now after doing 3 detoxes and doing my first S3 challenge, I have created new healthy habits for my nutrition. I am down over 15 pounds, a body full of muscles and a happy, healthy lifestyle. There is nothing sexier in a person as the confidence that shines through them. Get Fit has given me that confidence.
To my Get Fit 6:15 family, past and present: I love you all. Thank you for taking that shy girl and accepting her, then changing her into the go getter I am today! I’m so glad you pushed me out of my comfort zone to where I’m signing up for road races and Muderella’s. I now strive to stay a better version of me and get the next year’s t-shirt. There is a reason Get Fit has been chosen #1 gym in NH! WOOO!
Love you Get Fit!!
Oh my, I almost forgot – they taught me to love Brussel sprouts and bear crawls. Ha ha!”
Keeping on shining, Stacy!
-Coach Nancy
Are you constantly battling some kind of bug? Maybe it’s the stomach bug or a nasty cold or flu that you just can’t seem to fight off?
That’s not cool! You shouldn’t have to live your life with a tissue box and hand sanitizer under your pillow or mapping out where the nearest restrooms are everywhere in town. Your body should be able to fight these things off, but it can’t do that if you’re not giving it what it needs. Germs are everywhere. Believe me, I know. I work in a GYM! Germs are unavoidable. I touch sweaty people (that’s how much I love you) all day long. I am around you and you are around kids and kids are around sick kids…the germ chain goes on and on and on. It’s life.
Guess how often I get sick? Never. I honestly don’t know the last time I was legitimately sick with even a cold. And that is because I have built a strong immune system and continue to give my body what it needs to fight off the funk. I say all of that to encourage you to think about how often you get sick. If you are constantly not feeling well- even if it’s a constant headache or stomach ache or the sniffles- then it’s time to look at your plate. What are you putting into your body and how is that affecting your health? A lot of times we think our plate only affects how we look and we justify by saying we’ll work harder, but it goes so much deeper than that.
When you are healthier, you are automagically happier- wouldn’t you agree the world needs more happy people?
Coach Meagan
With S3 in full swing, I wanted to go over something that I think it is important to talk about. That thing is focus. Now, focus is something just like willpower. It has its ebbs and flows, its highs and lows. If you try to be super focused on something for long periods of time (I’m talking for more than a few months) – what ends up happening? You lose that focus and end up stumbling, correct? If you think, “I’m going to eat perfectly for the next year!”, one or two things will happen, for sure. One – you do great for 3 months, and then you fall off and are so depressed with yourself that you only made it three months that you fall off big time and drop right back to where you were. Or, two – you think, “Ehh I have a year, I’ll start next month…. oh wait maybe next month” and before you know it you have wasted 6 months without putting things in place because “well, I have a whole year to do it”.
So this is where S3 comes in to play. Its 39 days. Its a focus period, a time where you can say “I can live without my sweets for 39 days, I can live without cream and sugar in my coffee for 39 days, I can rearrange some stuff and make it to training every day for that period”. Before you know it, you have done the things you wanted to do and achieved the goals you set because you focused up and you gave yourself a realistic time frame to keep yourself engaged.
However, here is the extra part that you may not have thought about. So much of what we talk about is building habits and figuring out ways to set yourself up for success. So who’s to say after 39 days of little to no sugar or cream in your coffee, you don’t actually start to like it that way? We can pretty much all agree that a large coffee with 7 mocha flavor shots and 7 creams (which is essentially a milkshake) is better tasting than a large with 2 cream and 2 Splenda, but you have adapted to drinking your coffee without all that added sweetness already, right? You still drink it, right?
It’s the same thing with habits during a focus period. Often what we find is that when we are forced to make things happen, suddenly we start finding ways around problems we previously thought we couldn’t. After 39 days, “my work schedule absolutely will not allow me to get to training” turns into you finding all kinds of different strategies and ideas to rearrange your time so you can make it to training. Those lessons and strategies shouldn’t be forgotten. You just were pushed to find a solution, which will help you further down the road. So get focused and make it happen!
-Coach Adam
Hannah is pictured in the middle on the 1st place podium as she celebrates her accomplishment.
Spotlight time!!! This time I have chosen to spotlight Hannah Kelsey.
A little over a month ago, Hannah reached a huge achievement in snowboarding. Here are her results from the National Championships held at Copper Mountain, CO:
• 1st Place USASA Nationals Slopestyle, Women 18-24
• 2nd Place USASA Nationals Rail Jam, Women 14 & Over
• 2nd Place USASA Nationals BoarderCross, Women 18-24
Hannah has been snowboarding for 7 years overall, 6 of which have been competitively. She was on the snow about 60 days this year riding with the Waterville Valley BBTS snowboard team. She mostly enjoys and focuses on the freestyle/trick side of the spectrum.
Having one of our own family achieve something like this, on this level, is huge. I have had the pleasure of coaching Hannah in class as well as in our Athlete Academy and there are few, if any at all, that work harder than she does. She is always willing to push her training including taking on modifications and suggestions in order to make her training as effective and sport specific as possible. I am extremely proud of Hannah and her huge accomplishment. It is not something that comes easy or without hard work. Keep up the good work, Hannah!
-Coach Adam
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