“We need to more core work”
“We never do crunches”
“I want to work my abs”
Excellent. We do work and strengthen the core every time you come through the doors of Get Fit NH.
News flash: Crunches will never be a thing in my gym. I can’t think of a better way to crank on your c-spine and flex in a way that is not conducive to an aging body (which is all of us, you’re welcome )
But I’m not getting on that soap box. We are just talking about core right now.
Every single time you lift - deadlift, squat, push, press, pull you are working your core. Think about that the next time you set up for a goblet squat! Are you bracing?
What is bracing? Here’s my favorite explanation…if I were to come over and punch you in the stomach, I should break my hand because you are so locked in.
Is that not working the core??? Of course it is.
As we head into warmer temps we hear clients asking for more ab work. If you’re looking to create more definition, you ain’t gonna find it at the end of 100 crunches or even 1000. You’ll find it in the refrigerator, the cabinets, your water bottle AND lifting heavy. Let me know if I can help you!
Tune in next time for, “I want to lose weight. I need more cardio”
Thank you 1997 for fueling the world with misinformation.