Cara’s Christmas Gift

birthdaypresent-300x199.jpgThere is no greater gift we can receive from a student than a letter such as this one. Give yourself a gift and read it – the entire thing – and then ask yourself “What obstacles am I willing to overcome? This week, next week? Next year?”

Easy to do? That’s just not life, but you know that. I believe in you. I believe you can achieve anything that you want to, regardless of the obstacles in life, if you want it bad enough.


a little something for you and Dean:

” We think of gifts and giving this time of year. You and Dean have given me the best gift of all . The gift of health, fitness, confidence, nutrition, and tools…. and finding a new me. ( I used to think of it as finding the old me again…but now that person has changed!)  You have helped me learn to manage stress, helped me work on goals that tie into my entire life…that go way beyond the walls of the gym.

I have discovered that I enjoy helping to inspire others in their fitness quest as well and I hope I can continue to do that.

Now down just shy of 100 pounds in a year and half….down 5 clothing sizes..I feel lighter, move faster, I am one thousand percent stronger and have no pain.  This is a life changing transformation..and I am so thankful for the help and that you both do what you do daily.  How did this all happen?

There is one key….determination and consistency. I stick to it and it works. If I fall off I get back on. I visualize the next goal and see that happening. I partner with like minded people who are in charge of their fitness.

And here is the real deal….I’m just like everyone else. Nancy knows…I have an extremely high stress job that has gotten nearly intolerable in this part quarter and I work up to 80 hours a week.  I had a recent surgery and we worked with that. I have 2 girls that dance in 10 dance classes a week and a child applying for college…as well as one that moved across the country this year.  I am a legal guardian for my Dad.  This is real life and fitness still can be accomplished.

You still manage to kick my butt daily in the gym…by pushing me further and challenging me. My mind no longer has the barriers that were once there about what I am capable of. I have learned the core principles of how to shop, plan, and prepare meals that help my body rather than work against it. I understand how food can heal.

My family has a new Mom, new wife, daughter, etc. At each monthly sales  meeting my coworkers call me the incredible shrinking lady.

Some of my toughest critics have turned into my loudest cheerleaders.

This spring I ran my first 5K. I climbed a few   4000 foot mountains…things I could not have done even 1 year ago. I have more  goals for 2015.

And for anyone who is struggling…or just beginning. Take it one exercise even 10 seconds at a time. One meal. Pick a better snack. Check out the nutrition classes… All of the little things add up.  Push just that little bit more. You are worth it.

Happy Holidays to you all and to your staff….To Health , Happiness and for all you do to Make it Happen.” – Cara


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