Can you believe 2014 is coming to an end?

newlifeIt is hard to believe another year has come and gone.

Have you sat and reflected on your year?

  • What goals did you meet?
  • What were some of your accomplishments?
  • What goals didn’t you meet? And is it still a priority?

I am not a big fan of “New Year’s Resolutions,” but I am a big fan of creating goal to stay accountable. Each year I come up with 3-5 goals that I want to accomplish that year. Here were some of mine for 2014:

  • Find a school to begin my small business management degree
  • Get my shoulder surgery and recover
  • Broaden my horizons in the kitchen

I spent some time reflecting this weekend and realized I kind of let my goals slip. I let life get in the way of some of the things that are important to being the best me I can be. Yes I got my shoulder surgery, yes I am on the mend, and thanks to this detox I have experimented much more in the kitchen than ever before. This week, after reflecting and realizing I let one of the most important goals slip, I applied to SNHU and start in January. So yes, I would say I met most of my goals, but I did procrastinate and here is why…

I had no plan. I knew that those were the three things I wanted to get done in 2014, but that was it. And now here I am half way through November and I am just “getting to my goals.” Which means for 11 months I put what I wanted for myself on that back burner…

So why am I sharing this with you? To remind you that you are in control. No one was going to apply to school for me, I needed to make that happen. Your coaches can email, call, text you until the cows come home, but if you don’t get in your car and drive here then we can’t help you take control of your goals. Stop putting your goals on the back burner. If you’re human, you have done that for long enough and it’s time to buckle down. No more excuses. Set goals, make a plan, and make moves

Make It Happen!

Coach Meagan

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