For 2013 It’s Not An Option

hI was reminded by birthday girl Muriel Hall (60 is the new 40 – woohoo!) of something that was in the book “Younger Next Year” that we reviewed a few weeks ago.

Training is your new job. (You need to read the book to get the total context, so get a copy, it’s well worth it.)

Now I know the word “job” doesn’t always bring up the most pleasant images to all of our minds, but in this case it is completely apropos.

Because you need to take your training every bit as seriously as you take your vocation, if not more so.

Most of us hold more than one job in our lifetime. Some of us work for different companies or even change our profession once or more over the course of our careers.

But while you can do many things in and with your life, you only get one life to do them in.

And your quality of life is almost totally dependent on how you choose to live it.

You see most people do not die of old age. They die of disease, and in most cases largely preventable disease.

Heart disease, diabetes, many cancers – in the vast majority of people these are entirely preventable. There are reams of evidence that support this in this book and hundreds of other sources.

And it doesn’t take a 40 or 50 hour work week to gain the tremendous health benefits that exercise offers.

A 4-hour workweek (thanks Tim Ferris) will go a long way to keeping disease at bay and your quality of life high.

But you can’t expect payback if you don’t do the work.

I mean you can’t saunter in the office 2 out of 5 days a week, go through the motions without getting any real work done, and then expect a full paycheck.

Most of us spend much time, effort and money to get good at our jobs. We invest in an education so we can be good at what we do. We invest time to study, we give up sleep so we can make the grade.

And there is nothing wrong with that, it is an honorable thing to work hard and derive satisfaction from your work.

If you want to live a healthy life, you have to work just as hard.

A new year is upon us.

And while I am not a big fan of resolutions, I am a fan of getting honest.

What do you really want for yourself in 2013?

I have thought long and hard about this over the last week or so, and I need to make some changes in my own life.

Because I don’t always live my life in congruity with what I say I want.

My priorities are not always where they should be, and that’s not who I want to be.

So I’ll work on getting better.

I’ll work on making what I say my priorities are and my actions be one and the same.

What about you?

What does 2013 have in store for you?

If 2012 was not all you wanted it to be, do something about it.

If you want change, you have to be the change.

It’s not enough to say it.

You have to live it.

Think about it – Life IS your full-time job.

Be the best at it that you possibly can.

In 2013 Don’t Make Excuses, Make It Happen!











Reach The Beach? Are you Crazy?

fancypantsGet Fit NH has some crazy clients. Crazy like, pulling firetrucks down Main St. Crazy like, sliding down huge slip and slides. Crazy like, loving to ride bikes for miles and miles. Crazy like, enjoying races involving mud, obstacles, and fire. Crazy like SkiErg till you drop. Crazy like doing 5050 pushups over 100 days. But there are a few that are crazy and like to run.

Yes, run – now THAT is crazy! 🙂

Mae Lynn approached me awhile back about the possibility of putting a team together for the annual “Reach the Beach Relay”, which is run to support many worthy causes, including the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.

Here is how the RTB website describes the race:

Reach the Beach Relays combine fun, fitness, adventure and team building like no other running event.  The Reach the Beach (RTB) Running Relay Race is one of the longest distance running relay races in the United States. The RTB Relay will take place in picturesque New Hampshire during the start of the New England foliage season. The relay will consist of (a maximum of) 12 person teams that will rotate through 36 transition areas as they cover the approximate 200 mile distance of the race. This means that each relay team member will run 3 legs of varying lengths and difficulty and will cover an average total distance of ~16.6 miles.

Sound Crazy? Sound like something you would like to do?

If we are going to be crazy in 2013 like we were in 2012, we need to know who would like to do this race. The dates of the race are September 13-14. To stick with the craziness of it all, the race is run overnight from Cannon Mt. to Hampton Beach. There is a cost of $120 per person with a team of 12. While we are not asking for the fee yet, we do need to know if we can get 12 crazy people to do this.

Once we have your name on our team, we’ll get registered and the race will be crazier with Get Fit NH there.

If you are serious about being on the team, please visit the RTB website, thoroughly study what you are getting yourself into, then fill out the form below to indicate your interest.

Eat Your Way Right Recovery Week Edition

bethlehemMerry Christmas Eve! Hope y’all are having a great day and are enjoying the important things in life!

Just a reminder that our final weigh-in will occur the week of Dec 31st, with the last day to weigh in for the challenge being Friday January 4th.

We have some really cool prizes courtesy of our generous partners, so take this opportunity to get your name in the running by being moderate in your enjoyment of food and drink, and know that your short term effort turn into long term results.

We are looking forward to seeing you soon.

Merry Christmas!

Dean, Nancy, Erin, CJ and Meagan

Get Fit NH Goes Mobile

Scan To Download App

Scan To Download App

On your smartphone that is!

You asked for it, you got it (right Garrick?)

You can now get Get Fit NH on your iPhone, iPad or Android device. Get all the latest news, events, weather related updates sent right to your phone, and much more by installing the Get Fit NH app today. More features coming!

You can download from iTunes or the Google Play store, or visit the following links from your phone:

Mobile Browser Link

iPhone, iPad


Happy Mobiling!

Survey Says…

hLast week we sent out our 2013 Training Upgrade survey as we take a look forward into the next year.

Thank you so much for taking the time to complete and return the survey. It is evident that many of you are excited about the new training offering we put before you. All three proposed training offerings generated significant interest at both gyms.

First of all, let me say that we have carefully discussed how to integrate any additional training into our core group personal training (formerly known as bootcamp) model. As you know we are careful to design our training on order for you to continue to make progress, keep your joints healthy, and let you recover properly. This is a heavy consideration when it comes to adding any new training to the schedule. These additional training are not meant to replace our core training, but supplement if desired, and is not going to be appropriate for everybody. We also need coaches for these training times, so that has gone into the thought process as well.

As a follow up to the first survey, we are sending out another brief (6 question) survey that proposes potential days and times for some new offerings. These are not set in stone by any means, but will give us a good idea of your availability when it comes to times and locations.

Please click here for the new survey


Thanks for your help!



2 Down, 2 To Go

Slow DownOK, admittedly that is not quite accurate if you haven’t trained yet today, but the point remains. We have 2 more days of training before next week’s scheduled recovery week.

And that brings up an interesting point…

It is no big secret that some of you have no intention of taking time off next week. I know this because when I talk to some of you who need some extra attention and encourage you to lay low, your body language (if not your actual voice) tell me you have no intention of following the training plan – which, to drive the point home, calls for recovery next week.

For those of you I want you to go back and read this article again (and again and again) I Hate Recovery Weeks

It always kind of boggles my mind. You hire us to be your coaches, and you trust us with your day to day training, yet when it comes to following this part of the training, all of a sudden everybody is an expert.

Your body is telling you one thing. I need rest. PLEASE! It is a stressful time of year, you aren’t training as hard, you just aren’t feeling it right now. I know it, and you know it.

But your brain is making you doubt.

“I can’t stop, I lose all my progress.”

“I’ll gain all my weight back.”

“My teeth will fall out.”

Ok maybe not the last one, but they all are equally ridiculous.

And yes, I do have a vested interest in this. It’s called keeping you healthy, which is our mission. It’s building on the foundation so you will be better, and isn’t that what you want?

There is no doubt that our coaches are among the best at refining movement patterns and modifying training when necessary, but we would rather have all our clients able to train to maximum capacity. That requires your cooperation.

So do yourself a favor, and just rest.

Your body will love you!

Schedule Reminders

As most of you are aware our next scheduled recovery week is December 24th through December 28th. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! :)

Our schedule around New Years day is a little different as well, so please take note.

Monday December 31st, 2012: Full Schedule

Tuesday January 1st, 2013: “New Years at Noon” Training Bash at Get Fit NH Concord

Wednesday: Off

Thursday and Friday: Full Schedule



Peace & Balance Body Therapies

Hey crew!

Christen over at Peace & Balance Body Therapies asked me to let you know she is running an incredible offer on Gift Certificates through the 25th of December.

Pretty straightforward – 25% of ALL gift certificates until Christmas. Peace & Balance offers massage, skin care, make up and waxing (that sounds like loads of  fun) 🙂 You can visit, call, email or purchase right online and print them out instantly.

How cool is that?

All you Concord peeps, this would make a great present for you or someone you love!

Make It Happen!


Thank-You Foothills Physical Therapy

A big thank-you to Carol, Julie, Brigitte, Jeff, LouAnn and Tina at Foothills Physical Therapy for inviting me in to share Get Fit NH with them Tuesday afternoon. I can honestly say it was one of the most enjoyable groups of pros I have ever spoken to.

I am very impressed by Foothills personalized approach to care, and the thoroughness with which each patient is evaluated and treated. I appreciated the opportunity to talk about how Get Fit NH approaches physical preparation, as well as how both our disciplines can be integrated toward successful client outcomes.

The reality of life is that most of us are going to face injury on some level at some point in our lives. I have utmost confidence that Foothills is a great choice at evaluating and treating orthopedic injury and more.

Coach Dean

2013 Training Upgrade Survey

Hard to believe a New Year is around the corner. Is it really almost 2013 already?

As our clients know we are constantly looking for feedback on our service and coaching, and many of you are kind enough to spend the time to fill them out and return them when you get them.

As we enter into 2013 we are exploring adding training option that do not compromise our core Group Personal Training, but will offer some more specialized training in specific areas such maximal strength and energy systems.

Below is a link to a quick 5 question survey which will help guide us into the new year. We would greatly appreciate your feedback.

Please Click Here To Take The Survey