Jim, Kim, Alicia and Bobbie are Making It Happen!

Four more quick stories to share about how YOU are cranking it and reaping the rewards of all your hard work!

Jim – 13 pounds down since January and in the “2-teens” for the first time in 20+ years

Kim – Shared that while she didn’t come specifically to lose weight, but gain performance, the 15 pounds she has lost doesn’t bother her! 🙂

Alicia – Down 10 pounds

Bobbie – Down 13 pounds

Shout it from the rooftops! Each one of these incredible bootcampers are making just the progress we want to to see. Between 1 and 2 pounds of regular, sustainable loss per week.

Think about it – What will the result be in 3 months, 6 months, or a year down the road?

Do the math – It’s Exciting!

Post Workout Nutrition Made Easy = Better Recovery = Better Results

Wanted to give a big “Thank-You” to both Brett Sprinkle and Frank Rhoades for setting us up with new coolers in both the Epsom and Concord locations. Sprinkle delivered and set up the coolers, and Frank generously provided numerous samples for us to test, taste and evaluate.

In the end we chose one “Ready to Drink” training/post-training beverage – Myoplex Strength Formula.

Here’s the breakdown:

  • 210 Calories
  • 25 grams of Protein
  • 23 grams of Carbohydrate (5 sugar)
  • 2.5 grams of Fat

So what’s so special about Myoplex Strength, and why did we choose it over many other options?

In the end we feel it is an excellent choice to quickly refuel your body after a tough training session. As we have discussed previously, your body is ready, willing and able to process carbohydrates and refill your glycogen stores after training. Going more than an hour without fueling up after training will greatly inhibit your ability to recover optimally and continue to make progress.

We like this particular formula for some compelling reasons. First it has a Carb/Protein ratio of about 1:1. For those clients who are looking to lose bodyfat, we have observed a 1:1 ratio helps optimize recovery while not inhibiting the loss of fat. Many of the other protein/recovery beverages on the market have a ratio of 2:1 or more, and in some populations (skinny dudes in particular) may be more appropriate. The source of the carbohydrate was also a big factor in choosing Myoplex Strength. All the other products we looked at used sugar, while the Myoplex uses maltodextrin.

The cool thing about maltodextrin is that it a complex carbohydrate that does not slow digestion. In other words it still allows for rapid uptake of nutrients into your cells, which is exactly what we want.

Here is an explanation of maltodextrin from our friends at Precision Nutrition:

“Maltodextrin is a glucose polymer, a string of glucose units put together, similar to the protein peptide. It is therefore, by definition, a complex carbohydrate. However its more complex nature does not slow digestion, and thus, both the glycemic index (GI) and insulin index (II) remain high.  Maltodextrin is the absolute best carbohydrate to consume during exercise for rapidly delivering blood glucose and for muscle glycogen recovery. It is also best for fluid uptake.”

In short we think Myoplex Strength is another great tool in your training arsenal, especially if you find yourself so limited for time you haven’t been cranking up those Super Shakes using your UMP.

The other beverage populating our coolers is Fiji Water, in two sizes. Nancy and I both like the taste of Fiji, and if you ever want to get your geek on about bottled water and the differences in different waters, talk to Sprinkle.

Download A Fiji Water Quality Report Here

As always, we aim to keep the prices of our supplements low in order to make sure you can get what you need at a great price! Please see your coaches for more details and to purchase. Thanks!

The Missing “MEMO”… Red Shirt Friday

For those of us who keep missing the ‘colored shirt’ Memo… 1/2 class in pink, 1/2 in gray, and I’m wearing black… that’s the story of my life. Hey, I was Country when Country wasn’t Cool!!



Have you noticed our ‘Fun Fridays’ have been a little less fun and more: Fanatical, Frenzied,  Fierce, Fueled UP, Full ON Fridays? Well, it’s time to put a little “F-U-N” back into them. The workout will still be Fantastic, Fabulous, and Fortuitous. So, lets be Frisky, Fiery,  and Fresh by seeing how many RED SHIRTS we can turn out at Bootcamp on Friday! Fire it up by wearing RED.

Humor me, will ya? Join my goofiness, wear RED on FRIDAY!! It’ll be Racy, Radical, Ridiculous, Red FUN FRIDAY!

Blog you Later!


Editors Note: For those of you who are unaware, there is an organization called “Red Shirt Fridays” who encourage wearing red shirts every Friday to show support for our troops. It is not a political organization and takes no position on any wars current or past. It exists to show support for our service men and women who answer the call and serve around the world. As a veteran, I applaud such efforts as so many have sacrificed so much more than I.

Sue discovers the little things add up!

After many months of working out and getting frustrated that I hadn’t lost any weight, I consulted with Coach Nancy. She is right…drinking a lot of water and keeping track of everything you eat, does pay off.

Four pounds in less than two weeks makes me feel great, and I’m headed in the right direction. Thank you Nancy !!!

Sue Merrill

I Want You To H.I.I.T Me – Here’s Why!

A couple weeks ago we discussed “cardio” and it’s relative effectiveness for losing bodyfat.  (More Cardio Please!)

I promised a follow up that would explore more evidence that steady state cardio isn’t always what it is cracked up to be.

When you walk into Get Fit NH Bootcamp you are not going to see traditional “cardio” machines such as treadmills, ellipticals and stationary bikes – and that’s not by accident.

Our philosophy of training dictates that we do the least amount of training time-wise to elicit a training effect. In other words we train using movements and protocols that give you the most “bang for your buck” to build lean muscle and lose bodyfat. Our choice of equipment reflects our philosophy, simple as that.

Intense metabolic resistance training and high intensity interval training (H.I.I.T.) are what both science and the real world results we see in the gym show to be the best way to get the job done. And while there is a place for low intensity cardio, it’s not first place. On top of that studies show that the number calories you burn during exercise isn’t nearly as important as what happens afterward.

It’s an “EPOC” phenomenon.

EPOC is an acronym for Excess Post Oxygen Consumption, and is defined as the “recovery of metabolic rate back to pre-exercise levels” which “can require several minutes for light exercise and several hours for hard intervals.”

Here’s a couple studies which indicate high intensity training is superior to steady state cardio for fat loss.

Study One

Endurance training. 20 weeks. 28,661 calories expended during training.


Interval training. 15 weeks. 13,614 calories (less than half) expended during training.


When corrected for energy cost the interval training group showed a nine times greater loss in subcutaneous fat than the endurance group. That is the power of EPOC. Even though the interval group trained less and burned fewer calories during training, the metabolic rate over an extended period of time caused much greater fat loss. Bottom line, they worked less time and got better results – pretty cool!

Tremblay A, Simoneau JA, Bouchard C.
Impact of exercise intensity on body fatness and skeletal musclemetabolism. Metabolism. 1994 Jul;43(7):814-8.

Study Two

15 weeks of 20 minutes per session interval training, 3 times per week


15 weeks of 40 minutes steady state exercise, 3 times per week.

Both groups burned the same total calories over the 15 weeks and ate the same diet.


  • The steady state group gained an average of 1 pound of bodyfat
  • The interval group lost 5.5 pounds of fat and increased lean mass
  • The interval group increased aerobic capacity more than the steady state group.

Trapp EG, Chisholm DJ, Freund J, Boutcher SH. The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women. Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 Jan 15

Interval training “works” because it is extremely metabolically demanding. The body works harder for longer, even after exercise is over. Studies indicate that resistance training works in much the same way.

When you have a choice (and you usually do) metabolic resistance training and interval training are the way to go. But you can’t just go through the motions. You have to give max effort during the work periods to get maximum effect, and take the proper recovery between.

Next time we will discuss what kind of nutrition is most effective for fat loss.

Until then keep…

Making It Happen!

Coach Dean

Jeff is Down 40 Pounds in 8 Weeks, Step by Step!

Jeff (5:00am Concord) first contacted us because he saw how his friend and co-worker Karl (who lost 102 pounds last year) was finally losing the weight and getting healthy, and he thought – why not me?

Why Not Indeed!

Over the past 8 weeks Jeff is literally transforming before our eyes. It was incredible when he shared with his teammates and training partners that in the 8 weeks since he has started he has lost 40 pounds – wow!

Now Jeff is a big guy, and he has a lot to lose. He joked with us Monday that he was no longer “morbidly obese, just regular obese”, and you know what, it’s that kind of sense of humor and attitude that keeps you from looking too far ahead and instead focusing on all the great things that are happening in the “now”.

Jeff told me he is not starving himself, not doing anything crazy. I will tell you that since he started he has not missed a training session, in fact he is almost always the first one through the door.

Attitude Is Everything, and Jeff has a great one.

There’s a good chance Jeff is going to break Karl’s record, and if I know Karl, he’ll be the first one in line to shake his hand.

So what about you?

It’s March, 2 months into the new year.

Are YOU on track to reach your goals?

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean

Happy Birthday Dr.Seuss, Bootcamp Style

I do not like veggies, 3 eggs and LEAN ham!

I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

You do not like them. SO you say.
Try them! Try them!
And you may.Try them and you may I say.

Sam! If you will let me be, I will try them.
You will see.

Say! I like veggies, 3 eggs and LEAN ham!
I do!! I like them, Sam-I-am!
And I would eat them with a sprout!
And I would eat them without a doubt…
And I will eat them with some cheese.
And pass the veggies if you please.
And I will eat them in a car. And at my desk, or in a tree.
They are so good so good you see!

So I will eat them in a house.
And I will eat them so you don’t grouse.
And I will eat what is from the ground.
And I will eat them so I won’t be round.
And I will eat them here and there.
Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE!
So you see, bring on S3, then you’ll see.

A plan, a plan, made just for me.
And for you, and you. Do you need a clue?

I do so like veggies, 3 eggs and LEAN ham!
Thank you! Thank you,

Happy Birthday Dr.Seuss!!

The Royal Treatment?!

Blah, Blah, Blah… I see your lips moving but I cannot hear you… Oh wait, that’s the lack of oxygen to the brain and the ringing in my ears. I am ROYALTY, I am a QUEEN in the Royal Bootcamp Castle.

Our Royal Antics began with a Band, and no I do not mean a musical band. After 4 times for the day, Nancy took it easy on me with the green band. Bahaha! She’s like a kid fighting over a toy “Mine!” “No, Mine!” … only stronger. Notice it was all her fault. I am Royalty, I can blame her.

Then came the Royal Dance. I had dibs on the King Kettlebell. We were swinging something fierce. Left me Royally Flushed! Speaking of which, we then practiced the ‘proper technique to sitting on the Throne’… ooh that’s just not right. Sorry,  I cannot think of any politically correct way to mention Squats… so we will be moving on.

Next we got to partake in the Royal Atomic Pushups. Sounds like a new line of brassieres for Victoria’s Secret doesn’t it? If only that were the case… Of course if you do enough of them, you will end up on the runway and V.S.’s payroll… oh my aching body!

To round out the Royal Festivities, the Royal Finisher. ‘Pass the Royal Mutton on the Silver platter, only to taketh backeth’ (aka: slamball press outs); ‘climbeth the mountain with the dainty leg sweep’ (aka: x-body mountain climbers); and ‘for the love of the King, I’m locked out of the Castle, let me in’ (aka: Overhead Lockout). I have an inkling I was locked out on purpose, I don’t know why?! (You can dress me up, but you can’t take me anywhere)

Oh yes we were treated like Royalty today… really?! It was more like a Royal Pain in the Abs, Arms, and Gluteus Maximus Treatment Tuesday. Gotta love Royalty!! The Royal Treatment Tuesday in the Bootcamp Castle, pampering is down the street.

Now is the time for me to give the Royal Wave… I would but alas, I cannot raise my arm.

Blog you later.

Queen Gretchen

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown 2.0

Are You Getting Itchy To Get Going? Hang in there, March 15th is right around the corner, and we are excited to get this thing started!

Once again we are going to have 3 Big Contests In One, but this year there will be new twists and turns on your way to the top!

We will cover contest specifics in a few days, but I just wanted to whet your appetite with just a few of the prizes in the huge prize package we are putting together.

Contest 1: Add It Up

  • 3 Months of Unlimited Bootcamp Free ($477 Value)
  • 12 months of body composition and health assessment with our brand new Intelametrix ultrasound bodyfat tester ($300 Value)
  • Precision Nutrition 3.0 ($147 Value)
  • 1 Hour Massage at Chichester Massage ($65.00 Value)
  • and we are working on more!

(That’s pushing a Grand already!)

Contest 2: Class vs. Class

  • Bragging rights (Priceless)
  • Custom Designed Get Fit NH Bootcamp “T”

Contest 3: Biggest Winner

  • Undetermined Cash Prize – The WINNER determines how much it will be. For each % of bodyweight lost he or she will be awarded $20!

Make It Happen starting March 14, 2011!

Terry Is Making It Happen!

Hi Dean & Nancy,

Last June when I signed up for my 2 week trial of Get Fit NH Boot Camp I really did not know what to expect.  There was a girl I worked with that encouraged me to try it out.  I would hear her come up the stairs ever so slowly, then pause outside my office door (she looked like she was in a lot of pain from something).  I asked her if she was okay? 

A few days later the same thing happened and she told me that she was going to boot camp.  She said she had lost 20 pounds and I should try it out.  So I took her advice and tried it.  The first week was painful but I did not let it discourage me.  I went the 2nd week – still painful but not as much.  I was determined I was going to keep going. 

I find myself getting stronger and stronger.  Accomplishing things I never thought I could.  I felt very good about the whole thing when I got on the scale for my 2nd fitness evaluation and I had lost 15 pounds.  I had been trying everything and it just wasn’t working for me. 

I really do enjoy going and I even look forward to it.  I find myself with a lot more energy and just happy again.  I have a wedding to attend next September in Oregon for my niece and I have already bought a dress – 1 size down from what I would normally wear.  I really hope that about a month before the wedding that I will either be bringing that dress to be altered or getting a new one in a smaller size. 

Keep pushing me – I have goals to attain!!!

Terry Reed

Keep Up The Great Work Terry!!!