EYWR Habit 4: Earn Your “Others”


Yes. This guy did eat too much sugar and simple carbs.

You are obsessed.

No really, you are.

And it may not entirely be your fault. I mean you get hit over the head with it all the time.

Carb this, Carb that, Carb the other thing.

What is it about Carbohydrates that elicits such an emotional response from the vast majority of us?

I suspect it is because there is so much confusion out there about the subject. Good carbs, bad carbs, sugar vs. agave, whole grains, etc. etc. etc.

I mean you all think I hate carbs, right?

The answer to that is no, because I am not a hater.

But I do approach carbohydrate intake with some caution.


Because I have been fighting the effects of poor dietary choices for almost 30 years now.

Yes, I wrecked myself with carb excess. Because when it comes down to it that is what Type 2 diabetes is all about. Too much sugar in the system too much of the time. Pancreas poops out. Voila – diabetes.

And yes, I am trying to scare you. There is an epidemic of overweight and obese adults, and even more gut wrenching, overweight and obese children.

Now this is a fairly long post, but you ignore it at your own peril.

You owe it to yourself and your children if you have them to understand carbohydrate metabolism and how you can make it work for you, not against you.

That is what Habit 4 is all about.

Eat Your Way Right Habit 4: Did I eat my “other” carbs only after resistance exercise today?

Let’s briefly talk about the second part, “Resistance Exercise”, first.

By resistance exercise we are talking about barbell weight training, high intensity metabolic resistance training, circuit training with weights or other forms of resistance (bands, kettlebells, suspension trainers, etc.), not traditional cardiovascular exercise modalities such as treadmill, elliptical, running, etc.


Keep reading.

Carbohydrate Metabolism and Insulin

Carbohydrate is not a dirty word. Your body functions best when you eat carbohydrates, that’s not really the question.

Let’s put it this way. If I ask most people what they think about when they hear the words “Carb” or “Carbohydrate” this is the answers I get:

  • Bread
  • Muffins
  • Cookies
  • Doughnuts
  • Pasta
  • Cake
  • Potatoes
  • French Fries
  • Rolls

and they are right, those all contain a lot of carbohydrate.

But here’s another list:

  • Apples
  • Oranges
  • Kiwi
  • Asparagus
  • Beets
  • Spinach
  • Green Beans
  • Peppers
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Squash
  • Cucumber
  • Whole Grains (not pretend whole grains, I mean “whole” whole grains) :)

These are all carbohydrates too!

The big difference is the way your body handles these carbohydrates.

The first list is made up of simple carbs. Simple carbs are made up of one or two sugar molecules and break down very quickly and easily.

The second list are what we call complex carbs. These are compromised of more than two sugar groups, and these take much longer to break down in your system.

Both of these, simple and complex carbs, are digested into simple sugars before the body uses them.

But there is a big difference in the speed of digestion between a cinnamon roll and a string bean, or even a bowl of oatmeal for that matter.

This speed of digestion is also a factor in how much insulin is released into our bloodstream.

High speed carb, more insulin. Low speed carb, less insulin.

(I am getting to the point, I promise.)

Insulin is a storage hormone, and it has very powerful effects on the body. It is responsible for shuttling nutrients (glucose, amino acids, fats) into our bodies cells. It is necessary for life, which is why type 1 Diabetics need to have insulin shots. Their pancreas isn’t working anymore, so they need outside intervention.

Now I am really going to simplify here, but think about it.

When is the best time to have insulin released? When does our body have the most nutritional requirements, for instance repair and growth? (That was kind of a big hint)

Right after you train!

When you have hit the weights hard and left it all on the floor, this is when your body is ready, willing and able to use those simple sugars and amino acids (broken down protein) and get the repair process started. Insulin is now doing great things, it is shuttling nutrients into willing cells and making you better – sweet!

In fact it is a terrible idea to neglect post-training nutrition. You must provide the body the mortar to build the bricks, and the most convenient way to get that done is a post-training shake (partially pre-digested and fast acting) immediately after training. This is Prime Time. But you also need to follow that up with a meal within a couple hours, and this is where you want to have the majority of your non-fruit and vegetable carbohydrates (other carbs) for the day, even if you train in the afternoon or evening. If you want a few great ideas for post-training carbohydrates,ThePPWKitchen will hook you up.

A look at the other side

Insulin has a “dark side” as well. This important hormone, you remember, is really good at storing things.

Like all those ho-ho’s you ate, right on your hips.

You see when you overload your body with too much food, especially easy to digest food like the simple carbs we talked about, your body needs to do something with it. If it doesn’t need to burn it, it does the next logical thing.

It stores it. (You know, the ho-ho thing)

That is why in general it is best to avoid simple carbohydrates during periods of low activity (like the pint of Ben and Jerry’s right before bed).

The Take Home

Carbs are not your enemy. However we can be smarter about when we eat our simple carbs. It’s not a matter of never eating starch and sugar, just save them for the meal you eat directly after you train.

And that is how you earn your checkbox. On the days you don’t train, keep the carbohydrate sources to veggies and fruits. On the days you do, eat the carbs you like at your next meal (within a couple hours).

And don’t forget the 90% rule. We are not looking for perfection. If you have a special event or party, plan out your strategy. Is this going to be a planned splurge? Then enjoy with some moderation and get back at it your very next meal.

That not restrictive, it’s realistic. If you want to be something different you have to do something different.

Here are two more terrific articles (with picture, charts, animations and everything) to catch you up on all things carbohydrate.

All About Carbohydrates

All About Insulin

Keep this in mind as well. We all handle carbohydrates a little differently. You may get away with a little more “other carbs” than your neighbor. Don’t get cranked up about never eating your favorite foods again. Just embrace the opportunity to discover different foods and different flavors. Nobody said change was easy, but I am proud of anyone who makes an effort.


Favorites Fall Foods w/ Coach Nancy


KJ showing us some world class pouting!

“I’m pouting…… I can’t eat what I want too.”

“Everything is bound to taste like cardboard.”

“I’m going to get bored.”

“Its Fall, and I can’t have my favorite foods”.

Stop your whining already…… Eat Your Way RIGHT through the Holidays doesn’t mean you can’t Eat Your Way RIGHT Through the Holidays without delicious looking and  great tasting foods!

Explore with Coach Nancy how wonderful Fall foods can be and still be RIGHT for you! Recipes will be given to everyone who makes it out. In fact please bring your support staff. Support staff includes anyone who eats with you or near you, or even watches you eat.

Eat Your Way RIGHT (with fantastic FALL foods) through the holidays.

Favorite Fall Foods w/ Coach Nancy

Date: Tuesday November 12, 2013
Time: 6:45pm to 8:00pm
Place: Get Fit NH Concord




Eating Your Way Right Through The Holidays: What’s The Point?

bigpapiYou might have asked yourself that question already, as in “Why even bother? I always gain weight this time of year.”

If that’s the case, I understand. I think you need an attitude check 🙂 , but I really do understand. If it was easy, we wouldn’t be having this “conversation”.

However when I asked the question “What’s The Point?” I am talking about the end game. Where are we going with this whole thing?

I mean if you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to know when you get there? (That is like Yogi Berra deep!)

Here is my goal every time we do a nutrition related challenge:

To teach you nutrition habits, that when applied consistently and correctly, will create the optimum metabolic environment to help you lose body fat and gain/maintain lean tissue (aka muscle).

In other words I want you to eat in a way that makes you look and feel great. 🙂

So what’s the main obstacle to progress?

I think it’s that we have too much information.

If you were to head over to Amazon.com and search for “diet books” you would get 78,496 results. Holy cow!

Is it any wonder that there is confusion over the “right” way to eat?

Truth be told no one strategy will fit all of us, and you may even have made progress by reading and following the plan in one of those books.

But I think one of the things the authors of these diets don’t take into consideration is that we have very short attention spans, and we don’t really like someone else telling us what to do.

I talk to people all the time that are “doing” all sorts of diet plans – Atkins, South Beach, Mediterranean, Paleo, you name it. Funny thing is that when you ask the what they are actually doing, they have added in enough tweaks, twists and turns into the plan so that it looks nothing like the original. Could that be why it “doesn’t work”, at least for very long?

We get bored with the “thing”, so we move onto another “thing”.

Time for a reality check. The four plans I mentioned above (and they are totally random off the top of my head) are far more like each other than they are different. In fact most people could probably do pretty well – if they actually followed them long term, say as in for the rest of their lives.

So right off the top let me make it clear. “Eat Your Way Right” is a diet only in the sense that no matter what you currently eat you are on a diet.

It’s just that too many of us are on the “bagel, donut, coffee, soda, pasta, bread, candy, pastry and wine” diet.

So get ready to challenge yourself. What you think you know about nutrition, and about what healthy eating is really all about.

Get ready to get a little uncomfortable. Out of your comfort zone is probably gonna happen. You can’t keep doing the same things and expect a different result.

I have to tell you I am really excited about this challenge. We have had tremendous success with previous challenges, but I am convinced this is the best one yet. Our team is excited to get this thing rolled out and watch you guys take the changeup and knock it over the wall for a grand slam like Big Papi did last night.

Are you ready?

2 Weeks To Go!








Yes, There Were a Few Skeptics!

photo 4Skeptics? Yes.  But everyone walked away a fan of at least one Quinoa recipe.

Quinoa? Never heard of it!

Quinoa is a versatile grain (well technically it is a seed) that can be eaten hot or cold, served as a side dish or part of the main course. The crew at 6PM wasn’t sure what they had asked for when they wanted to know if quinoa was good. We had a taste testing after training to let them decide.

Quinoa Chili

  • 2 cup uncooked Quinoa, rinsed
  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 Tablespoon of peanut oil
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 3 Tablespoon of chili powder
  • 2 Tablespoon of cumin
  • 3 (28 ounce) can of crushed tomatoes
  • 3 (15.5 ounce) can of black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 3 jalapeno peppers, diced
  • 3 zucchini, chopped
  • 2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 1 cup frozen corn
  • 4 links of precooked chicken sausage- your favorite flavor

Rinsing the quinoa is key to this dish. If you do not take the time to rinse this grain until the water runs clear, it will taste extremely bitter. Once rinsed, bring the quinoa and water to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to  medium, simmer until tender about 20 minutes. Set aside.

While the quinoa is cooking, heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Saute the onion until it is translucent. Add the garlic, chili powder, and cumin. Stir in the tomatoes, black beans, peppers, zucchini, oregano, and chicken sausage. Bring to a simmer, reduce heat to low and simmer 20 minutes.

After 20 minutes, stir in the quinoa and corn. Cook to reheat. Garnish with cilantro.

“Thank you Coach Sarah for pointing me to this delicious recipe. Everyone loved it!”

Blueberry Lemon Breakfast Quinoa

  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 2 cups nonfat milk
  • 3 Tablespoons of honey
  • ½ lemon, zested
  • 1 cup blueberries

Rinse the quinoa in a sieve until the water runs clear. Make sure you do not skip this step. You will not be able to eat this if you do not rinse this grain.

Heat milk in a saucepan over medium heat until warm. Stir quinoa into the milk. Simmer over low heat for 20 minutes until much of the liquid has been absorbed. Stir in the honey and lemon zest. Gently fold in the blueberries. Top with flax seed for added nutrients.

“This is a great dish for right after training.”

Quinoa, Apple, Walnut Salad

  • ½ cup quinoa, rinsed
  • 1 cup waterphoto 3
  • 1 pound of turkey kielbasa
  • 2 apples, sliced
  • ½ cup walnuts
  • 6 cups of fresh spinach

Don’t forget to rinse the quinoa. You’ll be an unhappy camper if you spend time fixing a meal that you can’t eat. Quinoa has a coating that is easily rinsed off right before cooking that taste bitter. Rinse until the water runs clear before going to the stovetop.

Bring water and quinoa to a boil. Reduce heat and cook for 12 minutes. Set aside. Cook kielbasa on a grill over medium heat. Set aside to cool. Then slice into ½ moon shapes. Combine all the ingredients in a large salad bowl. Drizzle with your favorite dressing.

“If you have leftover quinoa from another meal, use that in this salad and save yourself the cooking time.”

Everyone at 6pm Epsom now knows what quinoa is, and that they like it! You will never know until you try it.



The Two Tastes of Fall In A Glass is Just A Taste of What’s To Come

pumpkinkidsIf you come to Coach Nancy’s smoothie workshop that is!

Spots are filling up fast, so don’t delay signing up or you will  miss out, and these things don’t come around every day you know. 🙂

Register for the smoothie workshop here

Just to get those taste buds warmed up at the possibilities. we thought we would give you just a little idea of what’s in store with these two terrific fall-flavored smoothie recipes. These are SOOOOO good!

Pumpkin Pecan Shake

1/4 cup pumpkin puree
1 scoop vanilla Ultimate Muscle Protein
1/8 cup pecans
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1 cup of ice
1 cup water
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 Tablespoons ground flax seed

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

1/3 cup pure pumpkin, canned
1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon Stevia
1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
2/3 cup water

Put the ingredients in a blender and blend for one minute. If you like a thinner consistency, feel free to add water a tablespoon at a time. Sprinkle with a dash of pumpkin pie spice for an added garnish. This shake is great anytime during the day for a super quick meal on the go or a great mid day snack.


A Smooth Way To Eat 2.0 – Register Today

strawberrybananaThere’s no doubt there are many mixed messages on the food labels, fad diets, and in the media about how to eat healthy. Combine that with today’s hectic lifestyle that makes “grab and go” a lot more likely than “sit and relax” and you’ve got a mess.

“A Smooth Way to Eat – Smoothies 101” is being hosted by Coach Nancy at Get Fit NH Concord on Tuesday October 15th from 6:45 to 8:00pm.

This “hands on” ‘Smoothie workshop’ will introduce you to the basic points of nutrition and what key elements our bodies need. We’ll be sampling a wide variety of your favorite recipes, from “Melissa’s Mean Green”  to “Chocolate Peanut Butter in a Cup” to “Almond Joy”.

You’ll walk away with enough smoothie information and recipes to fuel your body properly, plus all participants will get a choice of a 2 pound container of UMP or SFH Vanilla or Chocolate, so you can start creating your own quality smoothies right away. (Make sure you check out the bonus recipes below)

A Smooth Way To Eat 2.0

Location: Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord
Date: Tuesday, October 15th
Time: 6:45pm to 8:00pm
Cost: Just $47 (includes your choice of Ultimate Muscle Protein or  Stronger Faster Healthier Pure Whey in either chocolate or vanilla flavors.)

Workshop Is Full And Registration Closed – Don’t Worry, We Will Do It Again!

Bonus Recipes

Post Workout: Chocolate Cherry Bliss 
Serves 1

  • 8 ounces unsweetened chocolate almond milk
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein
  • 1 cup frozen dark sweet cherries
  • 1 Tablespoon milled flax seeds
  • 1 Tablespoon cacao nibs
  • 2 Tablespoon walnuts

Mix all ingredients in blender until smooth and creamy. Pour immediately into a large cup. Eat with a spoon or a large straw.

420 calories, 26.5 g protein, 19 g fat, 36.5 g carbs

Anytime: Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Serves 1

  • 1/3 cup pure pumpkin, canned
  • 1 Tablespoon extra virgin olive oil1/2 teaspoon Stevia
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice
  • 2/3 cup water
  • Ice

Mix all ingredients in blender until smooth and creamy. Pour immediately into a large cup. Eat with a spoon or a large straw.

271 calories; 22 grams protein; 12 grams carbs; 15 grams fat (3 grams saturated)


Fat Loss True or False

starvemodeTrue or False?

  1. Every day I am either in an energy deficit, maintenance or surplus.
  2. Most fat cells are created before adulthood.
  3. Protein is nearly impossible to convert to fat.

How did you do?

Did you say true to these three?

If so you are absolutely correct. All of the above are true, and really important to know and act on.

Leigh Peele is one my “go-to” resources when it comes to fat loss. She cares about the science and she cares about getting results. I have two of her excellent books in my library; You can buy your own copies by clicking the (affiliate) links here:

The Fat Loss Troubleshoot, and Starve Mode.

Leigh has also written an excellent article that drops the knowledge bombs in the quiz above and a whole lot more. Leigh demystifies all the nonsense and gets down to brass tacks.

This is important stuff guys. You don’t have to be a biochemist, but it’s important to know that fat loss isn’t magic. When you understand how the body works and what it actually doing when you eat it is empowering. The fat loss fairy doesn’t exist, but when you know what you are doing and why you are doing it, you may think she does!

Do yourself a huge favor and read Leigh’s excellent article – your body will be glad you did.

 The Deficit – How We Lose Fat

Leigh Peele

One positive thing that has come out of topics like “metabolic damage” and “starvation mode” is people are learning (even though often misguided) that eating for your energy needs is necessary for optimal metabolic rate.

On the flip side, people are now under the impression that going into a deficit is a bad idea. Boy how fast does that pendulum swing, eh? I am frequently asked questions like…

“I should keep my deficit really small so I don’t crash my metabolism, right?”

“I was told by (enter guru) that I should never be in a deficit to lose fat.”

“I heard deficits make you store fat, not lose it!”

The deficit is becoming the big bad (Whedon reference) especially in those who have had any experience with disordered eating. People in those situations are often times told that “diets are bad” and “deficits are triggers or gateways.” While there can be severe cases where diet monitoring should be under the aid of a professional, it doesn’t exclude the fact that a deficit is our only means to fat loss.

If you learn how to control the deficit and what it means, maybe then you take back the power and shed its mystery.

Click here to continue…



Spinach Avocado Salad

avocado spinach saladThe last days of grilling for the year are on our horizon. Take advantage of the few days of warm weather to enjoy this salad. Your favorite grilled chicken right on top is incredible!

Not able to get to the grill today? Open a can or a bag of tuna and add it crumbled on top.

I can’t wait to cook up some extra shrimp and add those chilled to this salad.

  • 1 Orange
  • 1 Tablespoon Rice Vinegar
  • 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 5 cups Spinach
  • 1 Avocado, sliced
  • 2 Tablespoons of pinenuts, sunflowers seeds, or pepitas (optional)

Peel and open up the segments of orange. Squeeze 1 Tablespoon of juice from part of the orange. This orange juice is added to the olive oil, salt and pepper to form a dressing. Put the spinach in a large bowl, add the avocado on top, along with the rest of the orange segments. sprinkle with seeds and toss with dressing. Your grilled foods can be served alongside this salad or right on top. (On top is my favorite way!)

Enjoy this salad and let me know what you think,

Coach Nancy




Shopping in the Garden

Veggie -rific!

Veggie -rific!

Our gardens are overflowing with veggies. Often I go out to see what is going to top off my dinner’s salad by shopping through my garden each afternoon. These Veggie packed recipes are delicious and easy. Thank you Jenn and Helen for sharing them with Get Fit NH.

Zucchini Bake is what Jenn has been hooked on for lunch. 30 minutes at 350. Delicious! Her creation is normally filled with turkey but she has substituted cottage cheese as the protein.  Jenn says, “I usually have a container of it (made up ahead) in the fridge ready to go at all times.”

Zucchini Bake

  • 2 Cups Zucchini, about 2 large
  • 1 cup mushrooms sliced
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
  • 3/4 cup cottage cheese
  • 1/8 cup parmesan cheese
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Slice the zucchini with a mandolin or into very thin slices. Place these along the bottom of a 8×8 pan. Top with sliced mushrooms, the cherry tomatoes, cottage cheese and parmesan cheese. (In that order) Sprinkle with basil, salt and pepper. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes.

Don’t forget to make this a whole new recipe by adding cooked, browned hamburger or ground turkey in place of the cottage cheese.

Jenn trains at 5am in Concord. She is doing something most of us would consider crazy – Reach the Beach, a 205 mile relay run with 11 others Get Fit NH team members.

Helen can be seen showing off her newly earned 4 Year Forged Get Fit NH shirt on Facebook. She is not a quitter when it comes to training or her nutrition. It is almost soup weather but this cold treat will work great when Indian Summer hits us.

Gazpacho Soup

  • 4 cups tomato juice (or a few fresh tomatoes, if you don’t mind it thicker).
  • 1 large cucumber, peeled and seeded
  • 1 large green pepper
  • 1 large red pepper
  • 1 rib celery
  • 1 large carrot
  • ¼ cup chopped red onion
  • ¼ cup chopped cilantro
  • 3 scallions
  • 1 or 2 jalapenos (I, Helen, usually use 1 unless I’m feeling sneaky and then I add the second)
  • 1 Tbsp. fresh garlic
  • 2 Tbsp. red wine vinegar
  • 2 Tbsp. lime juice
  • 1 Tbsp. olive oil
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • Fresh ground pepper to taste

Coarsely chop veggies and add to blender:Depending upon the size of your blender, you may need to do this in two batches. Refrigerate.  Enjoy!

Thank you ladies for sharing these delightful recipes. You are taking action in the gym and in your kitchen!

To your best health,

Coach Nancy


How Much Do You Know About YOUR Nutrition Numbers?

hWe had a little “pop quiz” after our Hurricane training this morning.

Here were the questions:

  1. How many of you here are concerned about your body weight, body fat, body composition?
  2. How many calories a week/day do you need to eat under your current calorie maintenance number to lose 1 pound of fat per week?
  3. What is your current calorie maintenance number, based on what?
  4. How many calories per day do you need to eat to lose 1 pound of fat a week?
  5. How many calories a day are you eating, based on what?

Here are the answers:

  1. 99% responded in the affirmative, and everyone else is a mime. 🙂
  2. 3500
  3. A lot of “ummm’s” and “I don’t know’s” on this one
  4. ditto
  5. double ditto

And that isn’t all bad, because we need to crawl before we walk, and the foundation is PPW, or what we eat before we worry about how much we eat.

Because there is a big difference between eating 1500 calories of lean protein and veggies and 1500 calories of toaster pastries and mashed potatoes!

And there is some also great news if you didn’t know your numbers.

It’s fixable!

That’s right, you can calculate what these numbers are, and then actually plan your nutrition around those numbers to achieve your goals.

You don’t have to spin your wheels wondering, feeling frustrated and not getting anywhere, and that truly is most excellent news.

Now I understand that some people may have a metabolic rate that is “broken”. But that can be fixed too. The problem often is that we are not putting the work in to see if it actually is broken, or we are just eating too much. The only way we can really find that out is to do the work, keep good records, see what happens, and adjust as needed.

I love what nutrition coach Leigh Peele has to say “You want it to be your fault.” Because if it’s your fault, which it usually is, then as we said before it can be fixed.

That being said the harsh truth is some of us don’t want to fix it bad enough. We say we want to change our body composition, but we are not willing to do the work it takes. We want to blame it on genetics, or thyroid or aliens from the 3rd dimension. I know, because I was there for way too long. If anyone was “broken” I was. 100 pounds overweight, high blood pressure, crazy blood sugars, the whole deal.

Nancy and I were talking it about it this weekend. It’s entirely predictable what will happen if we don’t pay at least some attention to the amount we are eating on a regular basis. It’s also predictable what will happen if I measure and weigh my food and eat according to my current energy needs.

So what about it?

Do you know your numbers?

If you are a client, you have the tools available, you just have to take advantage of them!

For instance when is the last time you had your body composition tested?

When is the last time you kept a food log for an entire week?

When was the last time you looked at a food label?

When is the last time you planned what you were going to eat and then ate the plan?

These are all proactive steps to reaching your goals.

Without doing you are just dreaming.

Make It Happen  – today!

Coach Dean







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