Fat Loss True or False

starvemodeTrue or False?

  1. Every day I am either in an energy deficit, maintenance or surplus.
  2. Most fat cells are created before adulthood.
  3. Protein is nearly impossible to convert to fat.

How did you do?

Did you say true to these three?

If so you are absolutely correct. All of the above are true, and really important to know and act on.

Leigh Peele is one my “go-to” resources when it comes to fat loss. She cares about the science and she cares about getting results. I have two of her excellent books in my library; You can buy your own copies by clicking the (affiliate) links here:

The Fat Loss Troubleshoot, and Starve Mode.

Leigh has also written an excellent article that drops the knowledge bombs in the quiz above and a whole lot more. Leigh demystifies all the nonsense and gets down to brass tacks.

This is important stuff guys. You don’t have to be a biochemist, but it’s important to know that fat loss isn’t magic. When you understand how the body works and what it actually doing when you eat it is empowering. The fat loss fairy doesn’t exist, but when you know what you are doing and why you are doing it, you may think she does!

Do yourself a huge favor and read Leigh’s excellent article – your body will be glad you did.

 The Deficit – How We Lose Fat

Leigh Peele

One positive thing that has come out of topics like “metabolic damage” and “starvation mode” is people are learning (even though often misguided) that eating for your energy needs is necessary for optimal metabolic rate.

On the flip side, people are now under the impression that going into a deficit is a bad idea. Boy how fast does that pendulum swing, eh? I am frequently asked questions like…

“I should keep my deficit really small so I don’t crash my metabolism, right?”

“I was told by (enter guru) that I should never be in a deficit to lose fat.”

“I heard deficits make you store fat, not lose it!”

The deficit is becoming the big bad (Whedon reference) especially in those who have had any experience with disordered eating. People in those situations are often times told that “diets are bad” and “deficits are triggers or gateways.” While there can be severe cases where diet monitoring should be under the aid of a professional, it doesn’t exclude the fact that a deficit is our only means to fat loss.

If you learn how to control the deficit and what it means, maybe then you take back the power and shed its mystery.

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