Client Goal Assessment Breakdown – It’s All Here

Wanted to share with you a fantastic goal assessment worksheet from one our our Get Fit NH Bootcamp “Supahstahs” (Your second goal sheet for S3 is due Friday the 22nd – make it happen!)

It includes an evaluation of her last 4 weeks and sets new goals for the next 4 week period. It is honest, thorough and specific, which are all keys to both setting and reaching your goals.

I have edited for length and content, to protect the not so innocent 🙂  There is a lot of great stuff in here – read and then take action!


Did I reach my specific goal for this period? What are the reasons I did or did not reach my goal? What did I learn this month?

I did not lose 8 pounds this month, but I did lose weight and bodyfat.  I may not have reached my goal because I continued to give myself a “cheat day”/meal the first two weeks and ate a piece of pizza and some macaroni and cheese during recovery week.  Also, my body may be unable to lose 2 pounds every week now that I am closer to my goal weight.  I learned that I can live quite happily without any processed foods or alcohol AND that I can survive social situations without drinking at all.  Additionally, I learned the importance of rest and recovery despite how much I hate it.  I learned that I have gotten much smaller than I thought and that I may have to focus on goals outside of the scale pretty soon.

What will I do differently next month? (complete sheet for next 4 weeks)

I will allow a small cheat snack rather than a cheat day or meal every two weeks rather than every week like before.  I find that if I do not give in to cheat meals my cravings for the food disappear entirely.

What do I want to accomplish in my fitness program (nutrition, exercise, and mindset)? The following are my outcome goals for the next four weeks:

Outcome related goal: I would like to lose 3% bodyfat in the next 4 weeks

How I will achieve this:

I will eat more greens each day
I will get my healthy fats in, and I will work to get them in a variety of forms
I will not eat after 7pm
I will workout hard during bootcamp
I will workout one day during my weekend  (Coach Dean says – still struggling with that recovery, huh 🙂

Why do I want to accomplish these goals? How important are these goals to you?

I want to accomplish these goals because I want to see how much I can improve my body.  Now that I am starting to appreciate my figure I want to see how far I can take it in a healthy mindful way.

How do I know I want those results?

Because I visualize being successful every night before I fall asleep. I went to this store (several but this one in particular) and it had this fabulous green dress only available in a (size). I could never have worn it before.  Now, not only did it fit, it looked awesome and I am wearing it to Easter.  I can’t give that up.  I also feel powerful because I know that not only do I look fit, I actually am fit.  I didn’t think of myself as an exercise person in high school or college, now I not only see myself as an exercise person… I get grumpy without my daily workout.

I’ll do just about anything to reach my goals but this: (Be as specific as possible)

I will not resort to extreme measures [liquid detoxes, stimulants, or exercising with sweats on to cut water weight] nor will I completely cut fruit. (I have already cut alcohol and refined carbs so I have gotten past those hang ups)

When I reach these goals, what will I do for myself and how will I feel?

I will continue to feel fabulous, revamp my wardrobe, and be fearless.

My past record of attaining my fitness goals is:

Good. As far as attaining fitness goals I normally do, however I tend to be lax on my eating habits.  I am not falling off the wagon.

What will make this time different?

It totally is different because I am a force and I have decided that it is time to be fit and thin.  When I decide to do something in my life, nothing can stop me.


Absolutely love that attitude – the only one that can stop you is you!

Be Unstoppable!

Coach Dean

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