Food Logs for Wednesday, April 8th

Tuesday’s dinner:

5PM 8 oz corn beef, cabbage, onion, carrot, and spinach salad

Wednesday’s Food log for Nancy

7:30 Nutty Crunch protein shake from Gourmet Nutrition by John Berardi. I had planned an omelet but I found out with an hour to get ready, say goodbye to my parents, and get the kids set that I had a business meeting in Concord. Even though I had all the veggies chopped I didn’t have time to make it so I substituted with a shake.

11 PM 6 oz chicken, spinach salad, strawberries, craisins. Again I had planned on corn beef and cabbage but it didn’t sit well the night before so I substituted leftover chicken instead.

2 PM 15 roasted almonds. I made almond butter for later in the week with the rest. They smell so good roasting.

5 PM tacos- 3 oz hamburger, homemade refried beans, lettuce, tomatoes, salsa, cheddar cheese, whole wheat tortilla. Dinner was interrupted by company. I finished dinner around 6:15 at which time I had a second taco prepared the same way.

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