How Much Better Will You Be In 16 Weeks?

bestofIt’s hard to believe that September is here already.

The kids are headed back to school, the weather is about to turn cooler, and the apples are about ready to pick. I love this time of year!

September also has me excited because it causes me to think about what I want to accomplish between now and the end of the year. There are 16 training weeks left this year. That is a lot of time to make a lot of progress!

Pretend it is the last week in December and you are reflecting back on the last 16 weeks of your life.

What would cause you to think “I am really happy with the progress I have made in my life the last few months”?

At the time when most people are thinking about resolutions, won’t it be great when you are thinking about the next step, not just taking the first one?

I mean I get the whole resolution thing. Start of a new year, new beginnings, all that.

But why wait?

What do you have to gain by waiting for a specific time of year to get focused and moving on your goals?

Here’s a challenge for you:

On an index card, write down 3 specific things you want to accomplish by December 31st 2013, and put it in a place you are going to see it – every day. Refrigerator perhaps?

Here are my three:

1) 20 Uninterrupted pullups
2) 2x Bodyweight deadlift
3) 10% or less body fat

Those three will be a challenge for me, but they are also realistic and achievable, if I put the work in.

So what about you?

Are you willing to throw down the gauntlet on yourself and take the challenge?

On December 31st at the dawn of the new year, will you look back with satisfaction?

I will guarantee you two things.

1) Nobody is going to do it for you.
2) We will be here to guide and support you every step of the way.

So get out that index card and pen, write your goals out and post them.

In fact I’ll challenge you even further. We started a Facebook group here: End of Year “Big 3” Challenge or if you don’t have FB you can post your 3 below.

Put it out there for all the world to see, then let’s Make It Happen together!

Coach Dean

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