Kettlebell Mastery Workshop with Jen Brickey

Kettlebells are hot, there is no doubt about it.

Frankly at Get Fit NH we couldn’t care less about what is hot, but if it’s a great training tool we are all over it, and there is no doubt that in the proper hands Kettlebells are incredible.

But just like any other tool, you have to use them right for safe and effective training. To that end we are pumped to have Kettlebell Expert and Instructor Jen Brickey from Fusion Workouts take the lead at our Kettlebell Mastery Workshop.

We will get a registration form online soon, but for now mark October 6th from 10am to 12pm on your calendars. Registration will be limited to 25.

Don’t miss it!

About Jen Brickey

Jen Brickey has quickly become Newton’s leading fitness expert in kettlebell and boot camps. She is the founder of Fusion Workouts, a 2000 square foot kettlebell functional training studio in Newtonville, MA. Jen is RKC (Russian Kettlebell Challenge) and AOS (Art of Strength) Kettlebell Instructor. Ms. Brickey is also a certified strength and conditioning coach with the prestigious National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA-CSCS), a certified personal trainer with the National Academy of Sports of Medicine (NASM-CPT).

Jen has been training for 9 years and in that time has helped hundreds of people look good, feel better and move better! In January of 2009, Jens vision of a kettlebell functional training studio was born with Fusion Workouts and since that time her business has grown rapidly.

Jen earned her bachelors degree in exercise science from Hofstra University in Long Island, NY. While at Hofstra University, Jen played basketball on a full scholarship. Being a division 1 athlete, Jen learned how fitness, strength and conditioning and nutrition go hand and hand in being a competitive athlete and being able to compete at the highest level.

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