Low Testosterone and What You Can Do About It

testosteroneFace it guys – We aren’t getting any younger. There are some new realities. We don’t bounce quite as high as we used to and we don’t bounce back quite as fast. But that’s ok. I wouldn’t want to go back and be twenty again. I went through too much to make it to 47, I have no interest in reliving all that.

What I do have an interest in is being as productive as I can be for as long as possible. Age is reality – so what? I want to be one of those old guys that is still lifting weights and climbing mountains and living life. Weekend warrior? No thanks. Why waste 5 perfectly good days a week?

There are some things you have to do to have a better shot at aging well. Vigorous exercise and good nutrition being primary. And while we hear about hormone health for the ladies quite a bit, we guys don’t really like to talk about these things.

Me? Low “T”? Inconceivable!

Or not.

On Tuesday November 19th, Dr. Taylor Hill of will be talking about “Low Testosterone and What You Can Do About It”.

Read what Dr. Hill has to say:

“Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone. It generally peaks by age 30 and then slowly declines over the course of a man’s life, but more and more men today are finding that their testosterone levels are dropping prematurely. This can cause a wide variety of symptoms including sexual problems, depression, fatigue, loss of muscle mass, and more.

Seeing a doctor is important to rule out other potential causes for these problems, but did you know there are things you can do in your daily life to help maintain or improve testosterone levels?”

I don’t know about you, but I am interested in finding out more about what can be done without resorting to Hormone Replacement Therapy, such as injections. The challenge with taking that path is once you start you can never stop, as your body shuts down its own production. Dr. Hill will talk about natural approaches to achieving healthy “T” levels, so men, let’s be men and get out here on the 19th.

Low Testosterone and What You Can Do About It

Date: Tuesday November 19th, 2013
Time: 7:00pm to 8:30am
Place: Get Fit NH Concord
Cost: An hour and a half of your time




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