Memorial Day Training Plan
Can you believe Memorial Day is just around the corner?
I am sure you are looking forward to a little more normalcy this year with your Memorial Day plans, I know I am!
In previous years we have hosted one BIG workout on that Monday, but it still doesn't feel right to bring that back. Hopefully next year! This year we will send out a virtual training that you can do at your leisure on Memorial Day. We know some of you are die hards and would hate to miss a day. We also know that some of you are overworked and look forward to an opportunity to decompress with friends and family. My team and I are going to decompress on Memorial Day, but we shall equip you with a solid training.
Now let's talk about Friday, May 28th. That is the Friday leading into a holiday weekend. Historically, we are painfully dead on that Friday, mostly due to ridiculous traffic coming through the highway SO with that being said we are going to CLOSE Friday night and OPEN Wednesday night instead. Friday morning is still on. There will be no Wednesday morning training.
Let's recap
- Memorial Day is Monday, May 31st we are closed
- Friday, May 28th we are OPEN for morning classes and CLOSED for all afternoon and evening classes
- Wednesday, May 26th we are holding all afternoon/evening training
- You are welcome to attend whichever day works best for your potential travel schedule. Just know Wednesday night and Friday morning training will be THE SAME training.
Have a great day!
Coach Meagan