Mobility, Stability and How Stretching Keeps You Healthy

Many people train at Get Fit NH Bootcamp so they have the ability to walk, run, hike, bike, ski, and swim as they wish. I say go for it. Spend your free time with family and friends moving.

Others want to be able to move again. Life doesn’t always deal us what we want. Accidents, falls, surgeries, weekend warriors; acting 19 when you are really 52 without proper training leave some people at the doctors.

Now what?

At Get Fit NH Bootcamp your coach is there to help you no matter where you fit in the fitness scale, or even if you don’t think you are on it! Our training is designed so everyone can work to their own abilities while working as hard as they can.

A huge part of our training is often overlooked in program design – Mobility and Flexibility. Mobility is achieved through foam rolling and the dynamic warmup. This is designed to get your tissue and joints ready to work.

Flexibility training (defined here as primarily post-training static stretching) is planned into each training session to keep you injury free. It is crucial. When I was in high school sports I didn’t see the need for mobility and flexibility so when I would exercise in my 20’s I would jump right in. Guess what? I had constant knee and shoulder pain. I figured I was training too hard so I quit. Yes, I quit and I all I was doing was aerobic type workouts with videos in my living room.

If only I knew what I know now!

Our muscles do not need to be just strong. They need to have the proper length and the proper tension to do the job they were designed to do. Our body is an amazing machine, but the machine needs maintenance. Each joint has a proper combination of mobility and stability that keeps the whole chain working correctly. Think of the song “ankle bone connected to the knee bone, the knee bone connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone connected to the” …. You get the idea.

During a training session our muscles contract and tend to want to stay shortened. It is vital to help them relax and lengthen back out. We accomplish this with static stretching. During our stretching periods you will benefit most by listening to your body, not the person next to you. Take the time to feel your muscles resist your coaxing. Continue breathing and focusing. As you listen you’ll find your muscles relaxing within a few seconds so you can reach a bit further. Our stretching is designed with progressions just like the resistance training we do. While stretching can be uncomfortable keep in mind it is a skill to be mastered, just like a Kettlebell swing. Perfect practice makes perfect.

Taking the time to stretch will help prevent injuries, alleviate soreness, and leave your body able to function at its best. Another benefit to stretching is your body will be able to work better at your next training session.

Still need living proof? I train harder, lift heavier, and put the VCR tapes away a long time ago. I am past the “big 4-0” by a few and I have no knee problems or shoulder issues like I did at 26.

The difference?

I stretch.

To your best health,

Coach Nancy