Nutrition Workshop: Understanding Caloric Deficit & Controlling Self Sabotage

Huge thank you to everyone who came out for our first nutrition workshop in the new Get Fit NH classroom last night! We had an excellent turnout and truly some magnificent questions. 

We did have a bit of a recording crisis, BUT we were able to salvage a solid 35 minutes of education to share with those who were unable to attend. There are about 8 minutes missing from between these two videos when the camera shut off, but still some excellent content.

Video 1 covers my personal story, mindset and a deep dive into understanding a calorie deficit.

Video 2 covers how to hit high protein while also staying within calories. I share real life examples and food. There are also some excellent questions in here from clients.

The feedback from this workshop was incredibly positive. Clients left feeling at ease and ready to take on food with a new mentality. I absolutely LOVE coaching this stuff. I am so pumped to coach this in our upcoming challenge. 

If you need accountability or help with this stuff then make sure you don't miss out on 5 weeks of coaching!

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