Red Light, Green Light. What Do You Mean I Can’t Do That?

stoplightDid I just use the word “can’t”?

Actually I did because “currently unable” was too big for the title of this post. 🙂

But it did get your attention didn’t it? Because that is not a word that we use at Get Fit NH.

“Currently Unable” is not just semantics, it is a fact. Just because you are unable or it is inappropriate for you to perform a particular movement or exercise now doesn’t mean you never will be able to do it.

And that concept fits right in with what we talked about last week when we introduced SGT and reinforced the concept that training quality counts.

As we roll out SGT (smarter group training) you have no doubt seen some changes in the gyms. Funny colored acronyms on the board, corrective posters, etc. Corresponding with these is what are called red light exercises.

What exactly is a red light exercise or movement pattern?

Red Light = Currently Unable

The reason we red light an exercise is to minimize risk of injury while maximizing your results. It means the screen has shown us something that needs to be addressed. There has been a weakness, imbalance or dysfunction detected, and the next step is to implement a strategy in your training to address it.

After the corrective strategies are used and the pattern clears, then it is time to train that pattern. No holding back, just getting after it. By getting you moving better, you can now train harder, and you will get better results.

Win Win!

So what’s that look like in the real world?

It may mean that after your screen you may not be doing an exercise you have done in the past, at least for a little while.

This is a good thing!

You see that’s why we screen. Because as good as your coaches are, they may not be able to detect an underlying problem that is going to bite you at some point in the future, short term or long term. We have been researching and studying the best way to mitigate that fact, and we are really excited about putting a formalized system in place that reinforces excellence.

The Red Light is not to hold you back, but to help you get better – faster.

And rest assured that your coaches have been screened and are using the system in our training as well. An old guy like me needs all the help he can get, and if I have to take a step backward to take a giant leap forward, I am all for it.

If you have any questions, that is what your coaches are for. We are New Englanders, we don’t like change, I get it. We don’t necessarily like people to think we have “limitations”.

But “Currently Unable” is not a scarlet letter, it is merely a recognition that we are getting better, little by little, every day.

Make It Happen!

Coach Dean


Facebook Is Going Wacky?

facebook_logoHello to all our faithful Get Fit NH followers!

I was just perusing our FB page ( and for some wacked out reason we have lost a bunch of followers, including most of my friends.

Now I don’t want to get a complex, and I am pretty sure 300+ people didn’t defriend me in the last day, so I would really appreciate it if you would visit our page and click on the “like” button.  Otherwise you are going to miss out on all the goings on around here as they happen, and that would just be sad.

Please visit us here to get back in on the action:


Coach Dean


NH Women In Business Podcast

nhwibJust wanted to thank Joanne Randall and NH Women in Business again for having us on the show, and also for sending over the link for the podcast.

We had a great time talking about New Years resolutions, healthy eating, exercise, weight loss and a whole lot more.

If you didn’t get a chance to hear it, Coach Nancy rocked it, and they even let me say a thing or two! 🙂

Check it out by clicking here: NH Women In Business

PPW Nutrition Seminar Series – Sugar Ain’t So Sweet

PPW3_Logo-TMWe are two weeks into the New Year.

Are your resolutions on track?

If you made one of the most popular resolutions out there, to “lose weight”, you may be trying all sorts of things to make that happen.

Detoxes, and diets, and treadmills and pills, potions and lotions.

Stop the Madness! (with apologies to Susan Powter)

When it comes to weight management and body composition, there are two things that are true the vast majority of time.

1. You will get stronger before you start losing weight

2. When you get your blood sugar under control, you will start losing body fat.

For this seminar we are going to focus on the second part of the equation, because if you are coming to Get Fit NH we know you are getting stronger (and if you aren’t training with us, visit us and find how why you should be)  🙂

In this seminar we will explore:

  • Why the Typical American Diet is making us fatter.
  • Where to find the hidden sugar in what you are eating.
  • How even those of us with big “sweet tooths” can cut back our sugar intake.

and answer the questions:

  • Does eating fat make you fatter?
  • Is eating sugar more harmful than smoking?
  • Is it realistic to eat PPW all the time, like forever?

Dean Carlson, Certified Level 1 Precision Nutrition Coach, will be walking us through the pitfalls of modern nutrition and how getting back to “real food” can make us look and feel great.

Don’t miss it, and bring a friend!

PPW Nutrition Series – Sugar Ain’t So Sweet
Wednesday January 30th
6:00pm – 7:30pm
Get Fit NH Epsom

Training Quality Counts!

fms_certified_expertAt Get Fit NH we as your coaches are always looking to do one thing – get better.


Because when we get better at what we do, it helps us help you reach your goals, and that is what we are all about.

You see it’s not all about you getting trashed every time you walk into the gym (believe it or not). I mean we all love to feel like we have worked hard, but crawling out to our car every day would be counterproductive. Those training sessions when we have left it all on the floor and feel great are an expression of all the hard work (sometimes backing off being the hard part) that we have done to get to that point. Our training is cyclical for a reason – because it works, and it works better.

To that end I am excited to tell you about one more way Get Fit NH is helping you get better. We are in the process of integrating the Functional Movement Screen into all our program design and coaching.

Over the past couple of months Coach Erin has been  laying the groundwork and doing a practical test of the system by taking a selected few of you through the Functional Movement Screen, and you will see this expand into Epsom as well as both Nancy and I have completed our course work and passed the FMS examination.

Our beliefs and methodologies have been based around these training systems for quite some time, but we had no baseline screening system for classifying if someone is able to safely enter our program to get the results they are looking for.

Our team at Get Fit NH really believes that this form of screening and standardizing movement is essential for safe, timely, effective results.

In order to better understand the premise of where these beliefs stem from, let’s take a look at some of the rules that Functional Movement Systems are based around.

  • Pain should not be present while performing basic bodyweight movement patterns.  If there is pain associated with these basic movement patterns, movement patterns will be compromised and substantially increase the likelihood for developing further injury to the site of pain.  Also, this could lead to a secondary injury from the body compensating to avoid the pain or restricted movement.
  • Having multiple limitations within several basic movement patterns, even if they’re pain free, can create compensations and general weaknesses that may lead to a greater likelihood of injury.
  • Basic unilateral movement patterns should be symmetrical on both right and left sides of the body.
  • Fundamental and basic movement patterning should precede performance related activities.
  • Basic before Complex, Stable before Unstable

Foundational movement patterns need to be assessed before we can create a program designed to fit each individuals needs.  Our goal at Get Fit NH is to provide the best personal training services available – bar none.

Using the Functional Movement Screening Systems, we were able to establish a solid baseline screening system to better help manage and prevent injury to the musculoskeletal system.  Also by establishing a baseline scoring criteria, we will be able to monitor and track progress to ensure that the right program is being implemented.

All of this screening, assessing, and implementing the right mix of corrective exercises into the programs are going to help keep our clientele safer and healthier for long periods of time.  We realize that injuries can happen.  However, it’s our job to reduce the likelihood of injury.

Exercise should be enjoyable…Exercise should be well thought out and serve a purpose…Exercise should help you meet and exceed your goals…Exercise should help improve movement patterns and make daily activities more enjoyable.

This training philosophy is the foundation of our group personal training program design at Get Fit NH.  It’s our job to get results and keep you injury free.  It’s all about the quality of the movement, not the quantity.

So don’t be surprised when you get a tap on the shoulder to set up an appointment for the screen. No matter how good we move, we can always get better!

Keep Making It Happen!

Coach Dean

A Show You Do Not Want To Miss

joelsalatinA new movie is about to have a run at the Red River Theatres in Concord. American Meat is about a pro-farmer look at chicken, cattle, and hog production. The movie is a documentary including the history of the industrial system, the feed lots and the confinement operations being used today, viewed through the eye of the farmers who live and work there.

The story then shifts to the Salatin family of Polyface Farm who have developed and alternative agricultural model. But could this model feed all of us?

This movie is brought to the Red River by Miles Smith Farm.

I know a few of you who have already bought your tickets, so if you would like to join them I listed the showtimes below.

Friday, January 11th at 7pm
Saturday, January 12th at 7pm
Sunday, January 13th at 7pm
Monday, January 14th at 7pm

Enjoy the show!
Coach Nancy

“Eating Your Way ‘RIGHT’ Through the Holidays” – Success!

PPW3_Logo-TMEating your way RIGHT through the holidays was about not about easy or being average.

It wasn’t about settling for the typical but rather going against the grain (no pun intended).

It was about you taking control of your life and your choices, not let others control you.

And you did amazing!

Eating your way RIGHT through the holidays lasted 12 weeks and saw over 46 Get Fit NH clients participating. 31 magnificent clients lost weight from Halloween to New Years and 6 more kept their weight even.  They should all be congratulated. If you know one, please let them know how great they are.

A special shout out goes to the top 5. Between them they lost 76 pounds! Five people during the most difficult time of the year, lost weight, and lots of it.

Without making you wait any longer here is your top 5, with percentage of weight lost:

1. Debbie Berwick – 13.41%

2. Lynne Marston – 8.13%

3. Beth Garcia – 7.78%

4. Kim LeBrun – 7.15%

5. Judy Odom – 5.89%

How great is that!

Our Partners for Success have opened up their hands and helped us congratulate these ladies (yes, all ladies this time round) by providing these wonderful prizes for our winners. Thank-you all so much! Please visit the websites below and check out these great services.

Debbie will receive a gift certificate to D’Tangles Salon & Spa in Epsom as well as our friends at Chichester Massage.

Our other winners will enjoy gift certificates from D’Tangles, Sally’s Hair’em in Concord, or Peace & Balance Body Therapies in Concord. A wonderful way to reward their hard work.

The holidays are over, but it doesn’t mean we have to stop Eating RIGHT, so keep up the great work!

Coach Nancy






New Client Portal Now Accessible

signup2Hey guys, trust you are all having a great day! In our ongoing efforts to provide you excellent customer service, we are excited to announce the launch of our new online system. This will allow you to book appointments with your coach for the Functional Movement Screen and bodyfat testing, and soon you will be able to make purchases from our online store as well as book for other services.

We have already created your client profile. All you need to do is retrieve your password here by entering your name and email.  Volo will  then immediately send you an email with a link to the site as well as your user name and password. Click on the link and log in to get started.

If you have any questions about our programs or your account, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Have a great day and we hope that you will enjoy our new system as much as we do!

Coach Dean

Oh, By The Way

hThe fabulous Jenn Mapes and I were chatting today and at the end of the conversation she through in one of those “Oh and by the way” bombs in there.

Here it is:

“I also wanted to say that I don’t step on the scale ever, but I went to the Drs. And I’m down 31 pounds since I started training and changing my food intake.”

Oh, is that all Jenn? 🙂

It’s amazing what happens with some consistency and persistence. Pretty soon all those “little things” really start adding up.

Congratulations and keep up the great work Jenn!

Get Fit NH Team Additions and Updates

bestofGetting Better. Every Day.

You have heard it before and I am sure you will hear it again.

It can apply to every facet of our lives. If you are standing still you are going backwards. Kaizen – constant and never ending improvement.

At Get Fit NH this concept is ingrained deep in our culture. We want to improve so we can help you improve.

Over the past couple of years we have grown a lot, and we are grateful for the opportunity to work with so many fantastic clients who truly want to live and be healthy.

It is Nancy and my burden as we have grown to never lose the closeness of relationships and family atmosphere that means so much to us. Admittedly it is more of a challenge as we have grown, but it is made much easier because of the great team that we have in place, and the huge part that Coach Erin and CJ have played as growth has occurred.

So don’t be surprised when you get a phone call from one of your coaches. Erin in particular has taken a lead role in keeping the lines of communication open with you, and we covet the feedback that we receive from you. As your coaches we want you to know that our doors are always open, and that we want to hear from you. The work that Erin does in that regard allows Nancy and me to be more available to you one on one, so take advantage of it.

With that in mind I am excited to announce some enhancements to our business that I am confident are going to have a big impact on us continuing to serve you with excellence.

New Additions to the Get Fit NH Team

Meagan Sbat

Many of you in Concord have already had the opportunity to work with Coach Meagan, as she has been a fantastic addition to our afternoon training times. Starting January 21st Meagan will be taking an expanded role with us in a couple different areas.

First of all Meagan will take an expanded coaching role. On Monday and Fridays she will be coaching with CJ and me in Concord at 5:00am and 6:20am, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays she will be coaching with Nancy in Epsom at 5:00am and 6:15am.

Secondly Meagan will be serving as our Event Coordinator. In that role she will be helping us put together and promote our in house events such as our nutrition and skill seminars, as well as coordinating special speakers. She will also be helping us put together events outside of the gym. On more than one occasion y’all have expressed the desire to get together and be active on weekends, and up to this point we have had a challenge putting these things together from a sheer man (or woman) power standpoint. Meagan will be coordinating these efforts as well, and we are excited about it!

Esther Phillips joined the team the later part of 2012 as our office administrator. Esther has already done amazing work helping Nancy and I organize and coordinate the tons of paper that seems to fly around here. One of the many things Esther will be doing is handling the contract and billing side of the business. As we transition to her management, your questions regarding those issues will be directed to Esther. I assure that you will be treated with respect and courtesy, as always.

Additional Training Options Coming

Part of the reason we have Meagan working in both Epsom and Concord is so she can do the most important thing that we do – get to know you! This is going to be crucial as we start rolling out some more training offerings, and she has the opportunity to take leadership in those training times.

As many of you know I tend to be very deliberate when it comes to expanding our training offerings, and now is no exception. My primary concern is that our training standards be maintained at the highest level of excellence and that you truly get what you need.

In the near future we are going to be adding two new training options to our schedule, Enhanced Energy Systems Training, and the Strength Club. These are a couple differences in these offerings as opposed to our Group Personal Training (formerly known as bootcamp).

1) These are designed to integrate with GPT, not be standalone.

2) You must be injury free and pass the FMS to be eligible.

3) There will be more responsibility in personal record keeping and accountability.

4) The groups will necessarily be smaller than some of our GPT times.

And I am sure there are a few more things to scare you away.  🙂

Seriously though our concern is that your training be right for you, and that doesn’t always mean adding more days and beating yourself up. The concept of “minimum effective dose” is important, although for many of you that concept is really foreign. 5 or 6 days of training is unnecessary and counterproductive in many cases.

So why do it at all?

Because I am a control freak, what else? 🙂

The reality is that some of you already go ‘somewhere else’ for your specific cardio fix in particular. What could be better than to coordinate that with your existing group personal training? Without a plan in place for all areas of your fitness endeavors, over training and/or injury can occur. Plus this is going to give me the opportunity to play with some really cool new toys we are bringing in that will help you (what else?) get better.

Looking forward to getting you more details soon, but for now you can always fire me an email and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Have a great day!

Coach Dean