Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday marked the one year anniversary of moving Get Fit NH Bootcamp from Commercial Street into our new digs at 287 South Main St., and what a year it has been!

Coach Erin and I worked on erasing that year old dry erase (THAT was a good workout) and we took a new picture of the signatures all ya all who trained with us yesterday.

We looked long and hard for a place to expand our Concord location, and I can’t imagine we could have done better. Tremendous parking, great landlords and neighbors, and plenty of room to put all the fans (right Maria?)

Most of all we want to thank-you, our tremendous clients for choosing to train with us.

Keep Getting Better – Every Day!

Dean & Nancy


We had a great time last Tuesday night introducing our clients to the great taste of The Meal Movement. We sampled a wide variety of tasty and nutritious food.

If you haven’t read our introductory article to The Meal Movement and what it’s all about, check it out here: First Look: Our Meal Movement Experiment

So why did we introduce The Meal Movement to our clients?

Because you asked us to! One of the most common objections we hear is that it takes “too much time” to prepare healthy meals.

You see there are two major hurdles when it comes to eating in a supportive and sensible manner.

Time and Money.

And like it or not, you are going to have to spend more of one or the other when it comes to your nutrition.

You can either spend time preparing your PPW (The Sunday Ritual) or money having someone else prepare it for you. The chef at the golden arches is probably not the best choice.

In the middle lies The Meal Movement.

In the ideal world we would all spend the time preparing home cooked meals. It is the least expensive way possible to get great nutrition on a regular basis. Contrary to popular opinion you can eat very healthy on a limited budget. Don’t believe me? Talk to Coach Nancy, who stretched a dollar farther than you can imagine due to the budgetary constraints of her stingy husband – and still does!

The Meal Movement is just one more option for clients who can and want to take advantage of an easier way to get PPW. There are 7 different options to choose from to suit your needs. You can order a whole month of food or just protein – it’s up to you.

Check It Out Here  – http://GreatPPWfood.com



Thanksgiving Week Schedule and Events

It hardly seems possible, but Thanksgiving is only a couple of weeks away! Just wanted to give an early heads up for that weeks schedule.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Full Schedule

Thursday: Fort Mountain Turkey Trot 8:00am

On Thanksgiving Day before enjoying the Turkey we’ll join Danno from the 6:15 crew for a hike up Fort Mountain In Epsom. The walk is beautiful suitable for most people so bring your friends and family. We will meet at Epsom Bible Church parking lot and leave there via car pool to the bottom of the mountain. The crew will be leaving the parking lot at 8:00am so don’t be late. Bring your binoculars. Our kids had a blast last time running the trail with Tom’s dogs. Its fun for the whole family. See you there!

Saturday: The famous “Pies off the Thighs” post-Thanksgiving workout.  9:00am Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord


Where Did Dave Go?

Dave B. has been a bedrock member of the 6:30am Concord training time since January of this year. He sent me this side-by-side of a picture taken about 6 months before he started with us and now.

I asked Dave this morning how much weight he had lost before he started training with us, and to my surprise he said he was within 5 pounds of his June 2010 weight when he first walked through our doors.

What you are looking at is 40pounds of body re-composition. We did not have the Intelametrix Bodyfat Tester when Dave started with us, but it is very clear in this picture and in person that Dave has lost well over 40 pounds of fat and added significant muscle, and he is not done yet – Pretty Good Start Indeed!

“Holy Moly!  Thanks coach Dean and CJ. I knew bootcamp was shaping me up but did not realize how much until my wife put these two photos together. I still have 40lbs to go but a pretty good start.”  – David Balshaw

Clients Only: No Nonsense Nutrition Video Files

We just posted a “Client Only” resource over at TheOther165.com

The “No Nonsense Nutrition” video package was the first resource I ever purchased from Dr. Berardi. In fact this series was produced before Precision Nutrition even existed! It was and is the foundational material I used to lose over 80 pounds and keep it off.

Back in the day I spent quite a bit to get my hands on this material, but as a member of the PN network and a PN Certified Coach I have been authorized to share this material with our clients, and you’d be plum silly not to take advantage of the opportunity to watch this series now that it has been put online.

Each video is fairly short, so start at the beginning (always a good place to start), learn the foundational principles first, and then see how to put them into action. Dr. Berardi is a smart guy and entertaining, so grab a cup of your favorite (no calorie) beverage and get watching!

If you are a client who has not registered for your access to TheOther165.com click here to register. It just takes a minute and after your account is approved you will have access to all the nutrition and training resources.

If you have already registered, click here to log in

Linda D. shows us it’s not ALL about the scale

While body composition and weight loss is certainly a significant part of the overall picture of training, there is another huge benefit to regular resistance exercise, and that is the effect on health markers such as blood pressure, cholesterol levels, resting heart rate and more. The incredible Linda D. tells us what she found out at her last physical. Keep up the great work Linda! – Coach Dean

Yesterday I had my annual physical, and I felt very ambivalent going in. My recent birthday had a big Zero in it, and my cholesterol, etc. numbers have been getting as bad as the ones on the scale. Still, I have been at Boot Camp faithfully for 6 months (even though that is basically my first regular exercise in 40 years). I just bought smaller jeans, and I know I am a lot stronger than I was.

My blood pressure is now 126/70. My pulse is down from 80 to 72. My cholesterol numbers are lower than they have been since my kids were born, and my HDL (the good stuff) is so high that I now have “negative risk” for heart disease. And, oh yeah, I have lost 17 pounds, but no height. My doctor announced it was the best he has seen me in 20 years.

I still have a long way to go, but what has really changed is the way I look at it. When I started, I just wanted to lose weight. Then I realized I wanted to get strong. Now, I can taste what it is like to be healthy. I keep working toward better food choices, and this kind of feedback–along with all the friendly support from Dean, Erin, and the great people in my class–makes me believe I will make it happen.

– Linda D


Help Me Help You

Is the second best line from “Jerry McGuire” (You had me at hello), but that’s ok, because it’s what we need you to do, help us serve you better!

It is our Mission to give you the tools you need to eat healthy, train hard, and look and feel great.

Would you do me a personal favor and help me help you by taking less than 5 minutes to take a brief survey so we can meet your needs better?

Click Here and Send Us Your Survey

Thank-you so much, and keep Making It Happen!

Jingle Bell Run/Walk 2011

Can you believe it’s that time of year again?

I know it doesn’t seem possible, but we are gearing up for the annual “Jingle Bell Run” to benefit the Arthritis Foundations.

Last year you raised over $1100 to fight this crippling disease, and our goal this year is to have 50 members on our team and top that $1000 mark again.

This truly is one of the most fun events on our calendar, and we always look forward to seeing Mary and Joyce bring the “Jingle Dogs” out for the festivities.

Join our team, the “Get Fit NH Reindeer Warriors” by clicking here!

The Truth about Weight Loss – The Caloric Myth…Trick or Treat?

Guest Article by Mike Starks, CEO of The Meal Movement

In 1824 Clement created the concept of the ‘Calorie’. He used it to measure steam energy.

Today it’s the buzz word in weight loss. “Eat this many, burn that many.” I overhear women talking about calories like I overhear men talking about football.  As I have said in prior articles, America is the most nutritionally educated country in the world yet considered the most obese. Most women over the age of 20 can decipher the calorie content of any food on the planet faster than a Quad Core Intel  Giga doohickey chip. Seriously, my wife knows the calories of a Brazilian peanut coated in anything. My 9 year old daughter is already talking about calories. It’s engrained in our culture.

Calories are simply a measurement. A number that we often focus on because we have been told if we eat more than we exert…we gain weight. Flipside – exert more than we eat and we lose weight. Experts say that 3500 calories = 1lb of body fat. I used to believe if I went to the gym and ‘worked out’, I would ‘burn XX# of calories’. I pictured in my mind these little white things called calories literally ‘burning’ off of my body and me becoming Fabio Jr. I was wrong. My hair never grew out nor did I get a Swedish accent and even worse I never lost weight.

It’s my opinion from experience in working with a lot of women that calories are one of the reasons America has become obese. But not in the conventional way most people think.
Let’s look at a real example…a very real example that every woman reading this email can relate to…I will use ‘Sara’ as our illustration.

Sunday morning rolls around and Sara decides she is going on a diet. She tells her family that night and they quiver when they hear the ‘D’ word. They know the routine and what is about to occur. (Seriously ladies, notice when you say the ‘D’ word around your husband, he mysteriously has to work long hours that week). Sara wakes up Monday morning and decides she will eat no more than 1200 calories a day. She just saw an ‘expert’ on the Today show who recommends 1200 calories a day… so this sounds like a great number. It also means she can eat 400 calories per meal. Sara is excited and determined that ‘this time will be different’. So she decides to ‘be strong’ and kick some caloric butt. She decides she is going to eat only 600 calories her first day! To get a headstart on this diet. She figures if she eats 600 calories and her allowance (BMR) is 1200 calories and she ‘burns off’ 500 calories at aerobics…she will lose (according to Caloric theory) about 6 ounces of body fat per day or 1lb every 3 days.  (Confusing isn’t it?)

So the diet day begins.  Sara nibbles on a carrot for breakfast. Then she eats a low calorie meatball for lunch, then one almond for a snack. Sara’s hungry but determined. Her family is avoiding her because they know what’s about to happen. By day 3pm Sara is tired, hungry and she’s lost 3lbs. She’s already picked out her size 2 mini skirt and new heels. Just a few more pounds and she’s trying out for the Victoria Secret runway show.

Now she’s up to 1200 calories a day. At night she adds up her calories consumed for the day and eats anything in site as long as it keeps her under 1200 calories. She does this for a while then notices she’s not losing any more weight.

Now Sara is real tired and her family is real scared. Sara wakes up on day 8 decides she’s just meant to be  a size 12 and that she will try again next spring when some new rocket science diet or excercise program is out on the market.

Next year, Sara does it again and the results are the same. Each year becomes harder. Each year she becomes a little heavier and little more frustrated. Then it happens. She gives up for good. She’s defeated and then the weight really begins to pile on. A few years later she is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.  Weight loss is no longer a concern, now it’s life or death.

Folks, this has occurred in America for the past 40 years. Companies focus on marketing ‘calories’. A lot of ‘experts’ focus on calories. Schools teach calories. The end result, we are calorie counting experts. We have done what we were told to do…count calories, eat low calorie, burn calories, avoid bad calories but eat good calories, etc. As my grandpa used to say… “It ain’t workin”.

Something to think about…Growing up in the 60’s, my mother NEVER said ‘Don’t’ eat that! It has too many calories’. We did not know what a calorie was in 1965 yet America was not obese. Japan does not count calories and yet they have no obesity issues. So simply put…calories don’t count. Say it again…”Calories don’t Count”.

There I said it. Label me a quack or a renegade. Calories fool people into believing if they focus on a number then they will lose or gain weight. I wish it were that simple but it’s not.
I do not believe in labeling anything low carb, low fat, low calorie. Why? Because certain foods create body fat while certain foods do not. Some are high calorie, some are low calorie. Some are high fat, some are low fat. Some are low carb, some are high carb. Some are low glycemic, some high glycemic.

Companies market their food as ‘low (fill in the blank)‘ because it leads us to believe it will lower our weight. It simply ain’t that easy. (I know ‘ain’t’ is not proper…nor are calories!)

To prove my point I decided to become a human guinea pig. For 7 days I performed a little experiment to test caloric theory.  I videotaped the experiment in hopes that the Today Show experts (and You) will learn from it. My experiment involves 12-14 Big Macs a day. I consumed 4000-4500 calories and 300+ grams of fat each day. HOWEVER, I did not eat the bread. Only the meat, cheese, dressing, lettuce, pickles, etc. Now according to caloric theory (BMR) I should have gain between 4 & 6lbs. Guess What? I actually lost 2.5lbs. Impossible you say? I think not. The video will be sent to you later this week.

The Meal Movement 28 day program is now the #1 Diet Meal Delivery program recommended by fitness professionals in the United States. What’s amazing is that almost all of our trainers agree…calories are confusing and simply do not work. Eating natural food like meats, vegetables, eggs, select nuts DO. They also agree that avoiding processed foods and simple starches are a must to succeed in your fitness and weight loss goals. Last, they ALL say it must be simple. Their clients must not have to think about their food. They must not have to plan, prepare, shop, cook or clean. It’s simply too much.

The Meal Movement does not require adding, counting or measuring. It is simply eating natural foods without processed starches or sugars. It turns on your body’s fat burning switch and teaches you how to eat for a lifetime.  Calories are not a concern on the Meal Movement program.

Next month I will discuss ‘weight’ and how the concept of weight loss may be another reason you are not losing weight (did you get that?).

Great Taste, Small Waist!™
The Meal Movement
Mike Starks

PS: To get off the calorie trap and to begin burning fat and learning how to eat for a lifetime, start the Meal Movement Today!  Click here to Order!