Introducing Hilary Warner

Last week I met with a new person who might be able to help you with the food and eating end of your fitness revolution.  Her name is Hilary Warner, and she is a Registered/Licensed Dietitian who specializes in helping people who have a hard time with nutrition and weight.

One of things we discussed is that research is starting to show that dieting actually causes weight gain – while you might be able to lose weight while on a diet, most people end up gaining more weight back with each diet.

If you have (like I was at one time) been on many diets and continue to struggle with food and your weight, Hilary can help you get off the dieting merry-go-round and get you started on a new path that will help you normalize your eating and move toward your natural weight.

Hilary uses an approach called “intuitive eating” which involves learning how to listen to your body for cues that tell you when to eat and when it’s time to stop, giving yourself permission to eat all foods so that you don’t overeat from deprivation, and figuring out alternatives to eating when your mind wants to eat but your body doesn’t need food.

At Get Fit NH we want you to succeed, we realize that while principles remain the same, different methods work for different people, and we are excited to have Hilary in the mix.

Go now and learn more about Hilary at or you can call her at 603-223-8119

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