Nutrition 101 Seminar

What a great group we had at our nutrition seminar and Q&A this morning! I appreciate you all coming out and investing some time in educating yourselves on nutrition. As we heard this morning, eating should be as enjoyable and stress-free as possible, after all you have to do it! The more you know about how to fuel your body for your goals the more enjoyable it becomes.

If I had to choose the top 3 take home points from today they would be:

  • Do – Plan Ahead
  • Do – Measure
  • Don’t –  Have Perfection As Your Standard

We also let our attendees this morning know that we are rolling out our “Eat To Live” Nutrition Coaching Program (name subject to change 🙂 in the very near future. For more info click here…


Everything Goes Like A Yard Sale!

The last two hours of a yard sale are boring. All the good stuff is gone and you are dreading what to do with all the things left on your lawn. I sort of feel like that right now. I’m over forty, I’ve had six children, and the body is not quite the same as in my twenties. It all goes like a yard sale. The good stuff is gone and what is left is not quite what I was hoping to see.

junkpile2Woe is me. Now is the time to make some drastic resolutions, right? I don’t think so!

Resolutions based on emotions will change like the wind. Here today and gone tomorrow, up one day and the next, down in the dumps.

The New Years will find most people making some sort of resolutions. Most of these people will fail. They are thinking on a whim. So take some action but sit down to do it.

Write out your goals for the year. Take the next step and break apart your goals into what you are going to do monthly, weekly, and daily to help you reach them. Mark your calendar with dates you wish to reach your goals. Finally post your goals. Keep them in a prominent place. Who cares if others see your goals? In fact invite people to read them. This will be a huge factor in reaching your goals.

So don’t feel like everything is going like a yard sale. Take charge of your life. So the yard sale has happened. Now you have a clean slate.

Go to work and make it happen.

Coach Nancy

Why Are You Doing This?

I want you to put your “thinking cap” on and answer an important question.

Clarifying your thoughts can make all the difference in the world when it comes to reaching your goals, fitness or otherwise.

In working with hundreds of clients, we know that those who have this question settled in their mind succeed more rapidly and more often than those who do not.

Why Are You Doing This?

What is the deep down in your gut reason you want to lose weight and get in shape?

Do you know?

It is important to have a great big WHY…

It has to be big because there are going to be times when you don’t FEEL like getting out of bed to train. There are going to be times when you don’t FEEL like doing your meal preparation ahead of time. There are going to be times when you are going to FEEL like eating a dozen donuts and a 1/2 gallon of ice cream. There are going to be times when you haven’t lost any weight in 2 weeks and you are going to FEEL like throwing in the towel.

I know, because I have been there, and truth be told still go there at times.

And then I think of WHY I started the life-long journey of better health and fitness I am on.

My great big WHY happened when my 3rd child, Derek, died of SIDS.

I know many of you have heard the story before, so please bear with me, because the thought is as valid today as it was 7+ years ago.

For me that was an enormous wake up call. Life is short, and I was wasting it as “Fat Dad”. I think back to the days when I was 270+ pounds, pre-diabetic, and miserable. Part of my misery was because I felt like garbage, but another part of it was because I realized I had settled for far less than I needed to. I wasn’t who I wanted to be on many different levels.

That in a nutshell is my “Why”…

So what is yours?

I want you to take action right now on getting that question settled. Take out a piece of paper and write down all the reason WHY you want to lose weight, or look better, or get stronger and faster.

It might look something like this:

“I want to lose 50 pounds because….”

and then list as many reasons as you can think of…don’t skip anything that pops into your head, it is ALL valid.

Now I want you to narrow the list down to the top 3 reasons that will make you get your butt out of bed in the morning, and write them on a 3×5 card.

Put that card somewhere where you will see it EVERY day.

Resist the urge to tuck it away somewhere when you are having an ugly day.

Resist the urge to ignore this advice.

Will you do it?


Make It Happen!



Beef and Veggie Fettucini

From Precision Nutrition Volume 2

Beef and Veggie Fettucini

Servings: 1 large or 2 small

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cooking time:
10 minutes

Prelude: Once again, if you love pasta but don’t eat it often due to its high carb content, you can simulate your favorite fettuccini dishwith vegetable fettuccini.  In this recipe, we use veggies to do so and cover it with a delicious meat sauce.

½ cup carrot
¾ cup zucchini
¾ cup broccoli stalk (imperfections trimmed)

Olive oil cooking spray
6 oz (170g) sliced sirloin or stirfry beef

Olive oil cooking spray
¼ cup onion (finely diced)
¼ cup coconut milk
¼ cup yogurt
1 tablespoon miso paste
1 pinch of nutmeg
1 pinch of pepper
2 tbsp water or vegetable stock

Instructions: Peel the outside layer of the carrots and discard.  Now use the peeler and peel the carrots, zucchini and broccoli into strips and then set aside.  This is the “fettuccini.”  With the zucchini peel down until you reach the seeded soft center and then either mash up and add to the sauce or discard.

Sauté beef until brown. Remove from pan and set aside.

Preheat a small pot on medium heat and lightly coat with spray. Add the onion and sauté. Mix in coconut milk, yogurt, miso, nutmeg and pepper, bring to a simmer and stir until miso is completely dissolved. Remove from heat..

Clean pan if necessary, pre-heat and re-spray.  Add the carrot and broccoli “fettuccini” to the pan and sauté for 3 minutes.  Add 2 tablespoons of stock or water and then add the zucchini and sauté for 2 minutes more.

Add the sauce and toss until warm.

Transfer to the fettuccini to the centre of a plate, top with the sautéed beef.

To be sore or not to be sore, that is the question?

I think I was dropped on my head as a child! What was I thinking?!

After Tuesdays arm workout, I come home and have the ‘brilliant’ idea to go out snowmobiling. Around this area you have to muscle the machine around trees, around turns, and over waterholes… (plus, riding without kids on the back we tend to ride a little harder). Lets just say that it was another arm workout that lasted 3 hours. After we were done I was thinking ‘I’m not gonna be able to move my arms tomorrow, good thing it’s Wednesday to recover’.

snowmobileWell, Wednesday came and my arms felt great! I could not say the same for my lower back, around my kidneys, both sides, what’s up with that? Was it the Tuesday highpulls? I mention this to my husband and he feels my pain… literally, he feels the same pain in his back. Duh! it’s from bouncing and jouncing over all the bumps from snowmobiling.  I spent the day trying to stretch my aches and pains on Wednesday. I woke this morning feeling even worse. I was trying to back out of going to Bootcamp until my husband told me to ‘suck it up’, so off I went.

I’m finally to the point of my story… when is it a good sore versus a bad sore? For me personally, a good sore is one that hurts before I enter Bootcamp and by the end of class, the soreness is gone. When it’s a sore that takes my breathe away and brings tears to my eyes… that would be a bad sore. Today was a bad sore day and surprise ‘Testing… I mean, Achievement Day’.

I started class making sure Nancy knew my dilemna and just took it one exercise at a time. It was an ‘easy’ day for me as I gingerly went through the exercises to make sure I didn’t put more strain on the muscles in my back. I was able to do most of the exercises, pushups, squats, situps weren’t too bad, mountain climbers were one step at a time, squat thrusts pulled but didn’t hurt-much. However, by the time we got to chinups it was uncomfortable so I stopped, and the 100reps were ok until the starjumps so I stopped there too.

So why am I telling you all this… besides letting me whine?… I just want to remind everyone to listen to your body when you are sore. Determine if its a good sore or a bad sore. But to stress that if you have bad soreness make sure you tell Nancy and Dean so they can help you assess how to proceed in your workout, or to take the day off.

I’ll be back for more tomorrow… I don’t want to miss Fun Friday! (now do you see why I think I was dropped on my head as a child?!)

Blog you later

Morning Bootcamp Classes Closed Monday Jan. 18th

Hey guys, looks like it’s going to be a pretty crazy storm overnight and into the morning, so we are canceling both Concord and Epsom morning classes. We WILL be open at 4:00pm and 6:00pm in Epsom. If you are in a morning class and can make it later, I would encourage you to come at 4:00pm if you are able, as 6:00pm is… very full. If you have any questions, shoot us an email or call the office.

New Breakfast Recipes from Deb

Wanted to thank Get Fit NH Bootcamp member Deb Saks for forwarding a pretty cool idea to me.

Breakfast is a tough meal, and this is one way to get a fast, healthy breakfast in – no excuses.

Here’s a sample that we modified just a bit – The Get Fit NH Bootcamp way:

Chicken Fajita Breakfast Mug:


  • 1/4 cup chopped red bell pepper
  • 1/4 cup chopped onion
  • 2 oz. cooked chicken breast
  • 2 egg white / 1 whole egg
  • 1 tbsp. cheddar cheese
  • Season to taste (fajita seasoning, etc.)


Coat a large microwave safe mug with a light coating of peanut oil.  Add the vegetables, chicken, and seasonings – stir well. Microwave for 1-2 minutes until vegetables are soft. Add eggs and microwave for an additional minute. Add the cheese and microwave 30 seconds at a time until set.

Let the mix cool and enjoy. A little yogurt or fat free sour cream on top adds a special treat!

How Easy Is That?

Chopping the vegetables ahead of time make this recipe super fast, and it has all the elements we are looking for to get us through to lunch, especially those veggies and a good dose of protein.

This recipe can be adapted a bunch of ways. Vegetarian, turkey ham, broccoli and tomatoes – the possibilities are endless!

Brah, I am so stoked!

Have you ever noticed kids these days have their own language… ‘Brah, I am so stoked, just hit a knarley jump… yard sale dawg!’

Excuse me??

snowboard‘Brah’…are boys wearing bras now? a new fashion? ‘Stoked’, have you been playing with fire? Last I knew, a ‘yard sale’ is “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure”, and ‘Dawg’, whose dog? did it bite someone?…

Isn’t it true that we all have our own little languages? I’m sure anyone who reads my bootcamp blogs and has never been to Bootcamp, scratch their head and think I’m ready for a straight jacket… well I am ready for a straight jacket… but, you understand what I’m talking about.
Lets see… Bootcamp-isms….

‘It feels awesome’ – when in fact if we have to do any more, we are going to collapse.

‘Let it marinate’ – gotta love Sven this is his way to say rest, when we can’t even twitch our finger.

’10 seconds down’– I want to hurt Sven because I think we’ve been at it way more than 10 seconds and we have 30+ more to go!

How about ‘Julie’s stretch’, truth be known Julie doesn’t even like this one! it’s the taffy pull one, you are the taffy.

‘Stephanie’s Stretch’ equates to the 50’s moviestars posing on the beach (bent knee, stretch, wave) we just need the big sunglasses and the bufont hairdo.

We have ‘butt busters’, ‘amazing abs’, ‘plankity plank planks’ = Pain, pain, and more pain!

We have gone so far as to label the days… Marvelous Mondays! Terrific Tuesdays! Woohoo Wednesdays! Thrilling Thursdays! and yeh! FUN FRIDAYS!…

And Finally, my favorite ‘MAKE IT HAPPEN’– Dean and Nancy’s polite way of kicking us in our behinds… ok, so it means with a little bit of effort on our part, we can achieve anything we want!

… see you tomorrow for an extra Fun Friday.

Blog you later.