It is that time of year when everyone seems to be getting sick. No one likes being sick and there are preventive measures you can take to keep yourself healthy. These guidelines may seem obvious, but it is always good to have a reminder.
-Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.
-Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.
-Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds. Pay attention to under the fingernails. You may also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
The next question: Is it okay to exercise when you are sick?
According to Mayo Clinic a general guideline is that exercise is okay if symptoms are all above the neck. This includes symptoms associated with the common cold: runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing. Exercise is not advised when the symptoms are below the neck: chest congestion, hacking cough or upset stomach. If you have a fever you should definitely not exercise because working out with a fever will raise your internal body temperature even more.
If the best decision is to stay home from training that is ok! A couple of missed days is not going to derail all your progress. It is important to listen to your body. Be courteous of others- if you are coughing heavily and blowing your nose then please sanitize! Feel free to use the sanitizer wipes to wipe off your foam roller or other equipment 🙂
Thank you!