Training while you’re sick

It is that time of year when everyone seems to be getting sick.  No one likes being sick and there are preventive measures you can take to keep yourself healthy.  These guidelines may seem obvious, but it is always good to have a reminder.

-Cover your mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing.

-Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose.

-Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.  Pay attention to under the fingernails. You may also use alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

The next question: Is it okay to exercise when you are sick?  

According to Mayo Clinic a general guideline is that exercise is okay if symptoms are all above the neck.  This includes symptoms associated with the common cold: runny nose, nasal congestion and sneezing. Exercise is not advised when the symptoms are below the neck: chest congestion, hacking cough or upset stomach.  If you have a fever you should definitely not exercise because working out with a fever will raise your internal body temperature even more.

If the best decision is to stay home from training that is ok!  A couple of missed days is not going to derail all your progress.  It is important to listen to your body. Be courteous of others- if you are coughing heavily and blowing your nose then please sanitize! Feel free to use the sanitizer wipes to wipe off your foam roller or other equipment 🙂

Thank you!

Fun fact and additional benefit to training that you don’t think about

Somewhat recently in listening to a podcast I learned something that I thought was pretty interesting. I don’t remember what the podcast was about exactly, but one of the things referenced was about people reporting the feeling of it feeling like someone was behind them. Specifically, about how some research had shown that essentially this is the mind playing tricks on us. Going VERY briefly into it, our kinesthetic sense is how our brain uses our senses to tell our body where it is in space. Doing things like being active and training helps increase your kinesthetic or body awareness, which helps your brain more accurately depict where you are in
the space around you. Essentially, what this study found is that if your body awareness sense is off, then you can think someone is standing behind you, but what’s actually happening is your brain is telling you that because it believes your body is in a different place than it actually is.

I know…blah blah blah, why is that important? Well let's apply that in another scenario, you are stepping down off of something (curb, ladder, step, whatever) and because your body’s ability to figure out where it is in space is off, you land awkwardly. You’re looking at the ground, but for some reason your foot either A.) lands earlier than you expect, and you’re not ready for it or B.) lands later than you expect and you land on a locked knee and hurt it or even go down. The more you train and make your body to move differently in space the more you hone these skills. This skill is why you run into someone in an aisle and think “how on earth did they not see me there?” or the frustrating person who’s standing in the middle of the aisle and just seems to be making the perfect moves to continually get in the way. They just don’t know where their body is in space and how to actually create space from objects or other people. It's just another reason why training is so important and why you notice that after just a little bit of training, your reflexes seem sharper, you don’t fall as much, ect. It’s the other half of the puzzle. Keep it up!

Coach Adam

December 2019 recovery week and schedule afterwords!

Holiday reminder alert!!!  For those of you who might have forgotten our recovery week is right around the corner (and by corner I mean in like a week).  During the week of December 23rd through December 27th we will not be having any classes.   Recovery weeks are extremely important to long term training, for more information on why we take recovery weeks please check out the video below.  As well as what you should be looking to do during your recovery week in the second video!  

Additionally!  When we return our schedule will be somewhat different for many of you, we return to training on Monday December 30th, that day will be a full training schedule as normal.  However the next day, Tuesday December 31st (New years Eve) we will only be having MORNING classes.  Afternoon clients please feel free to drop into morning classes on that day.  Just as a reminder morning training times are as follows; 5am, 6:10am, 7:20am, 8:30am (ladies only), and 11am.  Schedule will then return to normal Thursday January 2nd, have a great holiday season everyone!

Coach Adam

Show up, Step up, Stick it up, Share it Cards

Just a reminder that the cards you have been working so hard on are due next Friday, December 20, 2019. We will pull THREE cards on Saturday, December 21, 2019. The first card picked will get $300 cash, the second card picked will get $100 cash and the third card picked will get $50 cash. 

Qualified cards will have the front filled in with 50 coach initials for a 4 day clients, 40 coach initials for 3 day client and 25 coach initials for a 2 day client. The back will be initialed by a coach for all three sections for all 4 months. 

We are looking forward to giving away some cash money just for staying committed through holiday season!

Coach Meagan


New Years Day Mindset Rejuvenation Yoga with Nel Norwesh

January 1, 2020 falls on a Wednesday this year! Normally, we do a big New Years at Noon sweat fest, but since that doesn't quite align with our training system, we thought we would take a different route. This year we asked our fantastic yoga instructor, Nel, to lead a yoga class focused on mindset rejuvenation. 

If you have not taken a class with Nel yet then you are seriously missing out. She has soothing and relaxing tone about her. I joke that she sounds like she should be on a mediation soundtrack. She has a unique and calming voice along with the most perfect amount of pizazz and silly. She offers several variations to accommodate beginners as well as push the regulars. There is no wrong in yoga with Nel. 

We would like to invite you and your guests to join us free of charge on Wednesday, January 1, 2020 at 10am. Come and get focused on the new year and new opportunities that come with it. We want to pack the room with positive energy and vibes.

Mark your calendars!

Coach Meagan

A Lesson in Failure

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, failure is the mother of all success, and it’s true. Within our lives we will fail over and over again. Whether that’s losing a sports game, failing a test in school, or just not being able to do something for the first time. We all experience failure in some aspect or capacity. But the most important thing is how we grow from it. 

The next time you come in to train don’t be afraid to go outside your comfort zone and try something new. Even though you may not be able to complete the workout progression or do a full rep. If you are willing to fail and push yourself, you will be better because of it. The next time we do push-ups, try it with less pads, or even no pads. If we are working out with weights, try picking something heavier that you don’t usually use. If we are working on TRX rows and the progression is jumping chins, try starting with the jumping chins. Even if you only do one rep, or can’t stick with the progression or weight for the whole time. 

It’s also important to note that not being able to do something is not a bad thing. All of us have various levels of fitness experience and each of us have our own goals. This fitness journey is not a short road, but a long one. You must have patience and consistency. Just because you can’t do something today, doesn’t you mean you will never be able to. The important thing is that you keep trying. If you are challenging your body you will eventually get stronger over time and be able to progress.  Remember this next time you come in to workout. Sometimes in order to succeed you must first fail. This is my challenge to you.

Make it Happen,

Coach Dylan

Attention! Having a bad day or ever had a bad day? This one is for you.

Are you having a bad day? Believe it or not, there is actually a lot you can do to get yourself out of it! Can we control everything that happens to us? Of course we can't, all we can do is control how we react to the things that do. Often this will not only help pull us out of a bad day, but it can actually, in many cases, avoid that pile on. Lets say for example you’re having a bad day, it just seems like you cant get out of your own way, you wake up late, you’re out of coffee, you forgot you were low on gas, your toast burns, ect. ect. So what happens next? You’re flying to get to work, you look down for half a second and look up and…there’s the car that was just 3 car lengths ahead…BOOM. Its nothing major (hopefully) but now you pile that on top of it, you finally get to work, you either want to bite someone’s head off because you’re so angry, or you let it consume you and you get nothing done. Either way you end up piling more stress on yourself based on what’s happened. So now lets think back…what would have happened? What would have happened if you woke up, say you were late and took a deep breath and just thought with a calm mind? Maybe you remember there’s coffee at work so you don’t need to stop, maybe you
remember you have leftovers you can bring with you so you don’t have to take the time to eat getting out of the house. Heck, maybe you realize you’re going to be late so you just accept it and take a deep breath driving calmly and carefully to work, where you accomplish more because all that other stress is not weighing on you. We all have bad days, but we also tend to not see the forest through the trees, we see the avalanche of unlucky things happening thinking we have no control over them. Some things you do, some things you don’t, which is why it's so important to not let things pile up. When you get that feeling of “WHAT'S NEXT, what ELSE is going to go wrong today?” That is usually your first sign you need to take a deep breath and allow yourself to think. So take a breath, exhale slow, and pull out of it!

Coach Adam

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