S3 2016 2.0 Signup Is Open!

Say what!?!
That's right. If you want to continue the path you are on or if you are ready to take charge of your fat loss journey then you better not miss this one. We are providing another 6 week opportunity for great results!
Yes, there are a couple weeks before the end of S3 and the beginning of 2.0, but that doesn't mean you should stop doing all that good work. In fact this will be a great test to see how those habits are sticking, right? 🙂
What do I get during this 6 week S3 2.0?
- An updated manual with new recipes to add to your ever growing collection
- Accountability utilizing Habit Catalyst. We know there was A LOT of information to soak in from those lessons, so why not have another 6 weeks to read them AND answer your daily habit?
- Accountability and INCREDIBLE support on our S3 Facebook page
- More Focused nutrition COACHING
Dates To Remember:
June 22nd: S3 2.0 Signup Cutoff
June 27th: Start Date
July 15th: Halfway Scans Due by 7:45 PM
August 5th: S3 2.0 Ends
August 9th: Final Scans Due by 7:45 PM
August 12th: S3 2.0 Winner Announced!
All of this for just $39. That is $1 per day to change your life. Not a bad deal.
And you won't believe this, BUT we are also offering a "second chance" prize! Winner takes the cash- $250 for most inches percentage lost.
Life does not give you many second chances- this is yours!
Coach Meagan
Registration Is Closed. Thank-You!