And the Winner is……

Katie from Team Mental Toughness- Extra Effort

I am so proud of those that participated in Sizzlin Summer Slimdown 2018. This year our challenge was a Coach driven as each person chose a coach to work with for six weeks. It was a group effort and we all need peeps. 

Get Fit NH also awarded the individual with the biggest percentage of inches lost from their hips and waist. 

Katie chose Team Mental Toughness- Extra Effort. With her team behind her she won the Grand Prize of over $2400. I'll let Katie tell you more of her story. 

"In April of 2017 I began my weight loss journey. The boot camp I go to runs a weight loss challenge every spring. I hadn’t been going regularly, but decided to finally get serious about losing weight. I started off at almost 180 lbs - always tired, in pain, and depressed. I struggled to keep up with my young son. During the 8 week challenge, I lost 25 lbs. I continued to lose over the summer and by October I had lost almost 45 lbs. Then my mom got cancer, and things got stressful and the pounds started packing back on. I stopped going to boot camp and gained 15-20 lbs back over the winter. I was sad and frustrated because I had been so close to my goal.

Fast forward to this April. I was really looking forward to the weight loss challenge because I was set on reaching my goal, and hopefully winning the grand prize. It wasn’t always easy, but I stayed focused with the help of my family and coach. I ate clean, got back into hiking, ran up and down my driveway too many times, and push mowed my lawn with my old jalopy mower (the one that caught on fire last summer, lol).

During the challenge, I lost 19 lbs and several inches off my waist and hips (the inches were what counted in the contest). I’m down almost 50 lbs from last year and only 6 lbs away from my goal weight. This past Saturday was the reveal party to announce the winner... I knew I did well, but I had no idea how well others had done (there were over 200 people participating). To make this long story short, I did it - I won!

I’d really like to thank my amazing and patient husband Jon who was there to listen to me stress, help me out, and who was happy to stay home with Jonathan while I was off hiking or exercising (even on Father’s Day). He even ate veggie wraps that tasted like lawn.

Also a huge shout out and thank you to my coach, Nancy Carlson of Get Fit NH. You make training personal and fun, and you’re always there to push me harder or email me when I don’t show up. You changed my way of thinking and taught me how to eat right and not diet, which is huge. And, you are a huge inspiration to me. During training I always think, what weight would Nancy pick up?You’re old enough to be my mother and you’re still stronger than me ? (and you have a great sense of humor, lol).

So in closing, here are some before and after photos, my coach and I, and a photo of my first purchase with my prize money - a new push mower!"

Katie did an amazing job. She rocked it and so did many of you. Katie didn't stop after S3 last year. She kept on pursuing her goal. The take away is life can get in the way if you allow it or you can make a decision and keep on going until the job is done.  Katie has more to go and with that new lawn mower and all of Get Fit NH behind her, she will be there soon. 

Keep Making It Happen,

Coach Nancy

S3 Spotlight Shines Brightly

Just finished S3- Sizzlin Summer Slimdown? 

Pat yourself on your back- you've made this coach proud.

I just finished entering some of our numbers into the magical spreadsheet that tallies up scores. I see so much in those numbers. Some of you have worked to decrease your weight and succeeded by grand numbers. Others have lost weight but more importantly they've proved to themselves they could. While others have lost weight while dealing with unbelievable stress and obstacles. Others have seen how a meal plan can benefit their overall wellbeing. There is so much success from my team and all the other teams too. 

Marcy said; "I LOVE the grocery list...I am saving so much on not throwing things out!!!"

Tracy discovered; "Having fish once a week is awesome! I love the halibut!"

Mary Beth succeeded through a challenging time of year; "I've given up all caffeine and diet soda at the tail end of a stressful school year."

Sonia found a win when; "I unexpectedly had to come into the office today and my lunch was ready to go!!! I didn't have to figure out what I was going to bring with me!!

Patty sees a win; "I took a close look at my goals today, as well as my steps to get to them. I realized that although I struggle with one of them, I have put into place all the other actions."

These are just sprinklings of all the wins Team MTXE accomplished. Meagan's Minions, Team Adam- Start to Finish, S3 TBT Team Fox, and S3 Team Mean Dean are seeing these successes too. 

Take time right to pat yourself on the back. Shout out your wins below.

To Your Best Health,

Coach Nancy

Home For The Summer or Just Ready To Have Your Best Summer Ever?

Your Best Summer Ever Is Here!


Training space IS limited, so please act fast. This is no baloney. We limit enrollment to ensure you get the personalized attention you need.

Availability Get Fit NH Concord

  • 7:20am - 3 training slots
  • 8:30am - 2 training slots
  • 5:30pm - 2 training slots
  • 6:45pm - 2 training slots

Availability Get Fit NH Epsom:

  • 4:00pm  - 4 training slots

We aren't kidding. 

When they are gone they are gone! 🙂

Introducing Your 8-Week Super Summer Slimdown!

When we first opened the 6-Week "TBT Coach's Challenge" back in April, I had people who wanted to train with us asking me, 'It's really hard for me to start now. Can you do something for the Summer?"

After finishing our 6-Week "TBT Coach's Challenge", and seeing the incredible results, I thought that was a great idea!

So based on the requests I've received over the past couple weeks, I've decided to open a Summer Slim Down group to begin in July and run through August.

For those of you who have been on the fence about getting started training, or just couldn't start until now, this is for YOU.

Starts July 9, 2018 and runs through August 31, 2018, So Don't Delay!

Here is just a little taste of the Get Fit NH Experience!

Here's What You Get

Your 8-Week Super Summer Slimdown Includes:

  • 8-weeks of our award winning Smart Group Training
  • Our "Clean and Lean Challenge" manual with recipes
  • Getting started checklist
  • Goal Worksheet
  • 8-weeks of Private Facebook Support
  • 8-weeks of nutrition accountability, education, and coaching
  • 8-weeks of our "Cr8 Your Plate" menu planning service.

Your 8-Week Super Summer Slimdown Tools

Smart Group Training

It all start with our award winning Smart Group Training! 

The Smart Group Training System is what makes Get Fit NH different from any other gym. SGT is a Training System that provides the components you need to lose fat, get lean, and look and feel great. Qualified coaches work with you every step of the way to make sure you are safe, the training is effective, and you are having fun!


Your meal plan already loaded in and ready for you to scale up or down, then create your shopping list. We have also included over 125 recipes from both the Clean and Lean 2018 AND TBT Challenge manuals preloaded for you to use when you like!

Coach Catalyst

CoachCatalyst is our nutrition education and accountability tool. Every day you will receive an email asking you this one question "Did you eat Clean and Lean Yesterday?" along with a lesson to help you do just that.  You can go back and read the lessons at any time, to help you stay on track. You can also chat with your coach, right in the app!


Fit3D is an innovative 3D body scanner that captures a 3D, 360° image of the human body and extracts the most commonly used measurements tracked for fitness progress, all with just a 40 second scan. You will be using Fit3D three times during the contest to measure your waist and hips; once before the contest, once at the mid-point, and at the end. The more you lose off your waist and hips, the more points you score!

Private Team Groups

You also will get an invite you into the Clean and Lean 2018 Facebook group. If you are not a Facebook groupie no worries - it's optional - but there is gonna be a lot of cool stuff going on in there, so you might wanna make an exception!

8-Week Super Summer Slimdown Dates to Remember

  • check
    Wednesday July 4: Registration Deadline
  • check
    Friday July 6: Coach Catalyst begins with 3 days of prep guidance
  • check
    Monday July 9: 8-Week Super Summer Slimdown Begins

Registration Now Open

It's super easy to get started.

Just click the "SIGNUP NOW" button below, where you will be taken to our secure payment page. 

Once we receive your payment information, you'll be sent a registration and health history form, where we get to learn a little more about you, your goals, and any relevant health and/or injury information. HINT: It's all relevant, because we want to take the best care of you possible!

Once you send that back, we will give you a call and setup your first coaching appointment.

It really is that easy.

Don't delay - registration ends soon!

8-week "Super Summer Slimdown"

8-Weeks of our award winning Smart Group Training

Our "Clean and Lean Challenge" manual with recipes

Getting Started Checklist

Personal Goal Worksheet

8-Weeks of Nutrition Accountability, Education, and Coaching

8-Weeks of our "Cr8 Your Plate" Menu Planning Service

8-Weeks of Private Facebook Support

Only $397

Want to spread the investment out over two months? No Problem!

Click here for 2 payment of $199

Snag Tips and Trade Secrets for Meal Prep During S3

I confess I am a spy. As a coach I can peak into each team's Facebook group and also see some answers for Coach Catalyst. After week one, I have to say I am very impressed. You are making all the Get Fit NH coaches very proud.

I also know that week one is often followed by harder weeks 2 and 3. It is these weeks that can solidify or crush our spirits. Every Saturday during S3 I will be at Live Juice in Concord from 9-10 to help you out best with S3.  I want to focus on making next week simpler by making meal prep easier. I'm coming gear with ideas you can implement to make grocery shopping easier, cooking faster, and meals simpler to stick to the plan. I'll even bring my manual so you can see the notes I've made.

They open right at 9am so I'll be waiting at the door for them to unlock it. I have to leave at 10 to pick up my son. But an hour each Saturday is yours if you can make it. I am opening this to all S3 teams.

This hour will also give you a chance to be encouraged, inspired, accountable to others. Its a win/ win.
Remember every Saturday 9-10am at Live Juice in Concord on Main St. during S3. 

Keep Making It Happen!

Coach Nancy

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown 2018 “TBT Challenge” Is Here!

S3 2018 "TBT Coach's Challenge" Is Here!



Fast Action Bonus! You get to choose your own coach by being one of the FIRST 20 to sign up for her/his team!

What is the S3 (Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown) 2018 "TBT Coach's Challenge"?

TBT stands for "Total Body Transformation", and we are going to take 6-weeks, right before summer starts, to get some work done toward that goal! And this year we are adding a twist: Our 5 coaches are going to be "Team Leaders" and use their own special voodoo, magic, and ninja tactics to help you get better than ever. 

When we were thinking about how to split up the teams, we figured we would let each participant choose their own coach, but then Dean pointed out he probably wouldn't have anybody on his team, so we felt bad and decided to try to even it out a little.

After registration, you will be sent a survey asking you for your Top 3 choices for coach.

You can choose from:

  • Team Adam
  • Team Brian
  • Team Dean
  • Team Meagan
  • Team Nancy
  • Team Blake - wait never mind, wrong show...

As a fast action bonus, the first 20 to ask for a particular coach are guaranteed to get their top choice - so if you really, really, really want to have a specific coach, skip to the bottom and sign up right now.

Here's What You Get

Before I go any further I want to whet your appetite, so here's a rundown of what you get when you signup:

A New "TBT Challenge" Success Manual, as well as an All-New Recipe Guide!

Exclusive Downloadable Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown Worksheets (.pdf), which include:

  • Getting Started Checklist
  • Goal Worksheet
  • Weekly Meal Plans (A new one each week)
  • Grocery Lists for your Weekly Meal Plans
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Recipes
  • Eating Out Guide

6 weeks of nutrition accountability, education and coaching using Coach Catalyst

6+ weeks of Private Facebook support

How Much For All This Awesomeness You Ask?​

Only $39 for Get Fit NH Clients!​

Not a current Get Fit NH Client?

We got you covered!

Choose from our two options for non-clients to play - sweet!

Option #2: Friends and Family $77

You get all the same great support, accountability and tools that our clients are using, plus you get to experience all that Get Fit NH Awsomeness for a crazy low price!

Option #3: 6-Weeks Training  for $367

We are opening up training times, subject to availability, so you can experience Get Fit NH's award winning Smart Group Training during the contest! You will receive all the care and attention our training clients receive, as well as all the great S3 tools.

S3 + Training = Awesome Results!

Here's How It Works (Please read and follow carefully)

We are stoked about this years "TBT Coach's Challenge", and we want you to get the full picture, so please read.

After you register you will receive an email with a link to the "Choose Your Coach" form. Just type in your top 3 choices for your coach, and we will do everything in our power to make sure you don't get stuck with Dean. (Don't tell him I said that). 🙂

This contest is all about teamwork, lifting each other up and helping each other out. Your team doesn't need you to be perfect, just give it your best. We got your back!

This Years Contest Tools

Manual and Guides

You will receive the TBT Success Manual, all new Recipe Guide, Goal Worksheets, and a Dining Out guide. But that's not all! Every week you will also get a brand new Menu Plan AND the Grocery List to go with that weeks plan. It will tell you just what you need to make each and every delicious recipe.

Coach Catalyst

CoachCatalyst is our nutrition education and accountability tool. Every day you will receive an email asking you this one question "Would your coach have made the same food choices you did yesterday?" along with a lesson to help you do just that. Around 50% of the scoring for the contest will depend on you checking in daily and get the habits done. You can go back and read the lessons at any time, to help you stay on track.

The other cool thing we can do is setup teams right in Coach Catalyst. That way each coach can communicate with your team without sharing their secrets with all the other teams. Secrets are allowed! 🙂


Fit3D is an innovative 3D body scanner that captures a 3D, 360° image of the human body and extracts the most commonly used measurements tracked for fitness progress, all with just a 40 second scan. You will be using Fit3D three times during the contest to measure your waist and hips; once before the contest, once at the mid-point, and at the end. The more you lose off your waist and hips, the more points you score!

Private Team Groups

Each coach will also invite you into their personal and private Facebook group - for your team only! If you are not a Facebook groupie no worries - it's optional - but there is gonna be a lot of cool stuff going on in there, so you might wanna make an exception!

How Does My Team Win?

Scoring Habit Points

You earn points for your team based on your percentage of daily habit tracking compliance using Coach Catalyst. Each team members score will be calculated, and those will be totaled for the team. Here's the scale:

  • 90% or greater compliance = 100 points
  • 80 - 89% = 80 points
  • ​70 - 79% = 70 points
  • ​60 - 69% = 60 points
  • 50 - 59% = 50 points
  • <50% = 0 points

Here's an example:

Thelma achieves a compliance score of 92%  = 100 points
Louise achieves a compliance score of 78% = 70 points
The team would score the average = 85 points​

Scoring Results Points

This one is really simple. You earn 10 points for each % average that you lose off your waist and hips. Each team members score will be calculated and added to the team total.

Here's an example:

Bruce loses 4% off his waist and Wayne loses 6%. The average is 5%, so the team earns 50 points.

Bruce loses 3.5% off his hips and Wayne loses 1%, so the average would be 2.25%, or 22.5 points.

The team total "Results Points" would be 77.5 - easy peasy!​

Bonus Points

Your team can earn up to an additional 20 points if everyone completes the mid-contest Fit3D scan by May 26th. We will give 20 to everyone on the team who does the scan and take the average. Those 20 points could be huge, so don't miss them!

So what would team "In It All The Way" Final Score be? 85 habit points + 77.5 results points + 20 bonus points (they were really on top of things) = 182.5 total points. Can you beat that? 🙂

And yes, there will be CASH prizes!

This year we are going to have a GRAND PRIZE winner, and a TEAM WINNER

Like last year, we are going to split the entry fees, with the winners getting 50% of the entry fees, and the remaining going toward expenses for running the contest and the HUGE party we will have at the end!

Here's the breakdown:

  • The Grand Prize Winner Will Receive 25% of the Pool (Last year that would have been over $2000!!!)
  • The Team Winners Receive Prizes Worth 25% of the Pool
  • The Coach of the Winning Team Receives A $500 Bonus!

How's THAT for some sweet swag?  CHA-CHING!

Key Dates To Remember:

  • Monday April 9th:    Sign up opens
  • Wednesday May 2nd:   Sign up cutoff
  • Saturday May 5th @ 10:00 AM:  Kickoff meeting, First scan due, and Meals Made Easy workshop at Get Fit NH Concord
  • Monday May 7th:   S3 "TBT Coach's Challenge" Stars
  • Saturday May 26th:   Halfway scans due. We will be open 8-10 AM. You can also do them during regular hours anytime that week. Count for 10 points per teammate.
  • Saturday June 16th:   Concord open 7am-12 PM to get final scans done
  • Monday June 18th: Last MyCoach question
  • Tuesday June 19th:   Last scan due by 7:45 PM
  • Saturday June 23rd:   Reveal Party @ 10:00 AM in Concord

Registration Now Open

Get Fit NH Clients

TBT Success Manual

All New Recipe Manual

6 Weekly Meal Plans

6 Shopping Lists

6 Weeks of Coach Catalyst

Fit3D Scanning

Private Facebook Group

Choose Your Coach!

Awesome Prizes!


Your Guides Are Sent Immediately!

friends & family

TBT Success Manual

All New Recipe Manual

6 Weekly Meal Plans

6 Shopping Lists

6 Weeks of Coach Catalyst

Fit3D Scanning

Private Facebook Group

Choose Your Coach!

Awesome Prizes!

Two Is Better Than One!


Your Guides Are Sent Right Away!

6-weeks jumpstart

TBT Success Manual

All New Recipe Manual

6 Weekly Meal Plans

6 Shopping Lists

6 Weeks of Coach Catalyst

Fit3D Scanning

Private Facebook Group

Choose Your Coach!

Awesome Prizes!

6-Weeks of Award Winning Training!


You Guessed It. We'll Send Your Stuff Too! 🙂

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Signup Switcharoo (Did I Get That Right?)

We have heard your feedback regarding the S3 Signups, and what will give everybody the "fairerest" shot at getting their first choice for coach.

We are going to open the signups this Sunday, April 8, 2018 at 2:00pm EST. The page is already written and scheduled to be posted at that time, so as long as the interweb doesn't break, they will be available at that time. 

I am going to post a copy of this message on our Facebook pages, as well as send out an email. We do our best to please, and I think this is the best all around solution. I am really psyched you guys are so excited and ready to go - I am looking forward to this being the best S3 yet!

Let's Make It Happen!

- DC

Sizzling Summer Slimdown Signup Open

Sunday May 8, 2018 @ 2:00pm 

Be There! 🙂

Ladies and Gentlemen, 2017’s Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown WINNERS!

Lori Smith and Evelyn Gaynor were absolutely SHOCKED when they learned they won this year's Sizzling Summer Slimdown transformation contest. We can't quite figure out why they were so shocked because they  walked away with over 13 inches gone from their waist and hips and almost 30 pounds GONE and over $1300 (each) richer!! That is some pretty significant progress in only 6 short weeks! To say I am proud of these ladies would be a total understatement. These two bring positivity, smiles and laughs wherever they go. Here is what they had to say about the big win! 

What was the greatest take away from S3?

I realized that I enjoy eating certain veggies and that they are very filling along with my protein, which was often chicken! I learned that I can survive without eating a piece of chocolate daily. I realized how much added sugar I was consuming after the first week when my body went into major detox mode! ~ Lori

I was truly Blown Away in the difference in My overall measurements from beginning to end. It's really not about how much weight you lose.​ ~ Evelyn

When you first started the challenge, what were you expecting?

I was hoping to lose a few pounds and inches by the time the 6 weeks ended. At my midway scan, I was down 10 pounds and several inches and I thought, this actually works! At the reveal party, I was hoping to at least place within the top 10. Never thought we'd win! I'm still in shock. It was very humbling. ~ Lori

I was expecting to have to eat like a bird or a rabbit. Even though I knew the challenge was about inches lost off waist and hips in my mind I still felt like it was a weight loss challenge because that's what people are always trying to think of losing weight not losing inches.~Evelyn

When issues hit, where did you turn?

I turned to Coach Meagan when I was struggling with what I could eat on the fast plan. She re-explained it to me so it made sense. I turned to my partner for constant moral support and encouragement. ~ Lori

My partner was always there!! But there were times that we both turned coach Meagan! Whenever she or I had something that was confusing or we didn't understand we would bring it to class and talk it out with Meagan. It was definitely super helpful to have somebody to actually talk in person too. the myCoach app was good to ask questions or emails to ask questions or even the Facebook page but sometimes you need a face to face person just to talk something out with. ~Evelyn

What one tool helped you the most?

The My Coach app helped with the daily lesson and accountability. Also, food prepping is key!! I tried to prep everything on a Sunday night. Helped so much every morning!

I printed out the handout book and I referred to it for the recipes. I used those recipes to go and base my shopping list off of which made weekly food planning easier. I also kept track what everybody was saying on the Facebook page that helped a lot just hearing how everybody was doing and getting new ideas. ~Evelyn

Moving forward what will be easy to keep in your nutrition?

Ironically, I am continuing to eat frittata or hard boiled eggs with veggies for breakfast and black coffee with a scoop of Ump. For lunch, I'm still eating lettuce wraps with turkey and cheese or a salad. Dinner varies but it's basically what I've been eating during S3. I have cheat meals but I am very aware of my portion sizes. ~ Lori

Overall I think just eating better foods will be easy to continue. We no longer use milk in our house this is not just helped me but it's also helped my husband and his diabetes. Adding more vegetables is something I've continued to do after S3. It's easy to add more broccoli! 🙂 ~ Evelyn

What would you say to those who are considering doing S3 next year?

I would recommend that people go into S3 with an open mind. Try to make small changes to your nutrition 1-2 weeks prior to the official start of S3. That helped me realize what I needed to do and eat everyday. Once S3 started, it wasn't such a shock to my body when I completely cut out the added sugar and carbs that I was used to eating.Be willing to try new foods, especially veggies. Drink a lot of water. Reach out to your coaches, they are here to help us succeed. Work with your partner, they might be struggling just like you. Take it one day at a time. Realize that we are human and if you fall off track, pick yourself up at the next meal and keep going. Finish strong!! ~ Lori

First if you're in it for the competition like I initially was because I love a good competition don't think you can't win because you're a smaller person my sister-in-law actually goes to the gym as well and she was in the same competition and she truly didn't think that a smaller person could win because in her head,she was thinking "weight loss challenge " like I was. it really touched me when she told me how happy she was to find out that a "smaller" size person could win because it's not all about the weight loss! I really didn't think. I would come in first but I'm not going to lie I was hoping for top 10 at least!!

The nutrition part to me sounded scary at first but when you really stop to think about it and look at all the different recipes that are out there that you can make and try new things it really didn't get boring and I wasn't just eating salads. I challenged myself to try new vegetables that I would not have normally just gone out and tried on my own and surprisingly I actually like some!All in all, it was worth every penny, as I'm worth it!.... so I'd tell them You're worth it! 🙂 ~Evelyn

Let’s Celebrate Carol

Did you hear about our Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown 2.0 winner? She deserves to be shouted out from the rooftop so that is EXACTLY what I am going to do. I am also very excited to share with you the interview we had about her training experience thus far. Carol Hann was this year’s S3 2.0 winner and let me tell you this was WELL DESERVED! I remember her sharing a story with me during the challenge about how her husband wanted some ice cream so they went to this ice cream stand and he got a banana split and how amazing it looked, but it was near the end of the challenge and she had set herself a goal to lose 6 pounds and she wasn’t going to let any ice cream cone stand in her way. Instead she sat there and watched her husband eat the banana split and guess what? She lost the 6 pounds that she was striving for (not to mention the 14 pounds from the first go around on S3)

Carol winning is really special for a lot of reasons. She worked hard. She stayed on track and she got results, but you want to know the best part about Carol being the winner? She is 73 years old. That’s right- please pick your jaw up off the floor now not only because she looks as amazing as she does at 73, but also because she proved that age ain’t nothin’ but a number. Carol lost 20 pounds in a matter of 12 weeks, because she changed her eating habits and she stayed on track. Proud is a complete understatement of how I feel about Carol winning. I am proud. I am ecstatic. Amazing work, Carol. Thank you for setting a fantastic example. Enjoy your $250 shopping spree- you earned it!carol

Here is what Carol has to say…

How long have you been training with Get Fit?
I started my training at Get Fit the first of January of this year. Previously, I had been working off and on with a personal trainer over the period of several years and my training sessions were becoming somewhat boring even though the trainer would change my routines on a regular basis. Aside from the strength training, I was encouraged to extend my session by using one of the cardio machines. That was even more boring and, when I wasn’t at the training studio, I felt guilty that I had no desire to voluntarily go in and work out or go through a home routine that had been given to me. I clearly needed to do something different.

What made you decide to come check us out?
A friend had been telling me about Get Fit for several years suggesting, when I was ready, try the two week free trial. My trial was done during the two weeks prior to the year end recovery week and those were two really challenging weeks. I had no idea of what I was doing so all I could do was watch what the people around me were doing and try to follow them. Thank you Linda and Nadine; I couldn’t have done it without you. I’ll never forget “the 12 days of Christmas” but hope to be ready for it this year.

Why did you choose to stay after your trial?
I decided to stay with Get Fit’s program because I could see that everyone seemed to be having a good time. I noted the training sessions to be well planned and challenging. All I needed to do was show up and follow directions. It doesn’t get much easier than that. I was having a good time, getting a rewarding workout, meeting new people and making new friends.

Why did you choose to participate in this year’s S3 contest ?
I decided to participate in the S3 1.0 challenge in order to focus on changing my eating habits and losing a few pounds. Working with a partner made the effort more interesting than going it alone. At the end of the six weeks, I had lost 14 pounds. I was ecstatic and decided to continue on with the S3 2.0 challenge to help me work on the habits that were more difficult during S3 1.0. The second challenge resulted in another 6 pound loss. In both instances, the winners were determined by waist to hip ratio loss and not total pounds lost which made for a more level playing field. You could have knocked me over with a feather when I found out I had won S3 2.0. The winnings are going toward a new wardrobe.

What results did you earn after S3?
I feel like a new person and my eating habits have changed for the better. I’ve lost fat, increased lean muscle, and have more energy. There are so many things in life over which we have no control we owe it to ourselves to do everything possible to be physically and mentally healthy.
What is your plan to continue moving forward?
Moving forward, I need to keep the momentum going and plan to purchase a heart rate monitor and participate in My Zone to optimize training sessions.

The Sawyers Earned a Spotlight

saywersI love hearing ‘ah ha’ moments. You know, those special points in time that transformed a life for the better? There are so many different and amazing moments that change a person for a lifetime. I think I like to hear them so much because I don’t have one. I grew into healthier eating. I slowly gravitated towards being more fit. It was a process for me. Now I am being encouraged by others with similar stories to my own. Hearing that our 2016 Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown winners had a similar story thrilled me. Kellen and Carolyn Sawyer motivated each other through the six weeks of S3, but they are tackling S3 2.0 with that same determination. I’ll let Kellen tell you how it all got started.

“We first came to Get Fit NH (GFNH) a few years ago, with Carolyn starting almost 5 years ago and Kellen starting 3 years ago.  Carolyn first started when she was invited by another member, and she finally got Kellen there a little over a year later, after lots of asking.

Our initial experiences were similar, we were both a little intimidated by all the new things to learn and by the pace of the trainings.  Carolyn did quite a bit better, as she has been athletic her whole life and active, and was able to adapt to the changes rapidly.  That’s not to say she didn’t have her sore days, and the days when her legs were so tired it was an effort to walk up the stairs, but she stuck with it.  Kellen saw all of this and wondered why on Earth she was going through all of this as he watched from the comfort of the couch.  That made it a harder sell to get him to go the first few times.  HCarolyn S 4e had it rough as well, as he had not been regularly active for too long.  The first few weeks were really difficult and tough, but he stayed with the encouragement of Carolyn, and especially Coach Nancy.  The biggest things we learned after the initial 2 weeks was it was important to try, no matter your limitations; we actually felt really good after training; and to beware of Fun Fridays.

Now, all these years into it, we are both feeling better than we have in some time.  We’ve both lost weight and kept it off and increased our strength and flexibility.  We have a better understanding of what to expect, and are more willing to push ourselves a little harder every time we go.  The challenges in training are always evolving, so we don’t tend to get bored with repetitious exercises.  We both push each other and encourage each other on the harder days, and keep each other accountable to go.  At this stage, we really look forward to going and occasionally have to compromise on how many times a week we each get to go.

Overall, our combined experience has been wonderful.  Everyone at all of the training times have been really awesome, especially the 6:00 PM Epsom session.  We were welcomed into the Get Fit family by all of the people whkellen Sawyero train there and by all of the coaches.  Getting to be a part of GFNH has changed our lives for the better, and we look forward to being part of the family well into the future.”

Taking steps, moving forward, one change at a time, has proven to reap abundant results over the long haul. To the Sawyers and to everyone that is progressing slowly or having those ‘ah ha’ moments- Keep Making It Happen.

Coach Nancy





Who Has the Spotlight Today?

The spotlights are pouring in! Today I am proud to put the spotlight on Kara Hinck. Can I just say what a pleasure it has been to meet this woman? Her story is so cool. This was the first year that we accepted “outsiders” into the Get Fit NH family for our annual Sizzling Summer Slimdown Contest and let me tell you I am SO thankful we did, because that is why we got to meet Kara. She works so hard every day, never misses training and was incredibly successful on S3. It made my month when she shared that she would continue training with us after S3. This is what Kara had to say about her experience so far:

Kara has the yellow shirt and headband!

Kara has the yellow shirt and headband!

“My name is Kara Hinck and I am one of the people who signed up for the S3 program and training as a non-member. I had been thinking about going to Get Fit NH for quite a while now as many of my colleagues at Bow Memorial School are members and speak very highly of you all. I had even been following/stalking (I guess? ha ha) you on Facebook, trying to get up the nerve to join or at least do the two week trial. In fact, that’s how I heard about S3 and your willingness to open it up to non-members and was considering it even before I spoke to Muriel Hall about it. I had just had a health screening through work and my numbers were pretty lousy; the nurse made me feel like I wouldn’t even survive until June and suggested I call my doctor. Suddenly, there you were with S3! I figured I had to do something and the idea of medication/more  medication was not appealing. Therefore, you won.

So, here we are almost six weeks later. I’m down at least 14 lbs since I started and I feel so much better! I was probably a week into the program when I started to think/worry/obsess about what it would be like when it all ended. I love Meagan and Adam and have found them to be very helpful, knowledgeable, encouraging and kind people. I have not missed a class since I began and even attended the Memorial Day class which I also enjoyed. This is the first thing that I’ve done on a consistent basis, for myself, that is good for me since I had my kids. My oldest is turning 9 on Saturday! I guess it’s about time, huh?”

I am glad your time was now, Kara! I am SO proud of Kara. She has only been training 6 weeks and she has made THAT much progress. Just goes to show how much focus, hardwork, and consistency create fabulous results. Keep up the great work, Kara. I am PSYCHED to have you on board moving forward and I know the rest of your Get Fit Family and your fellow Bow Memorial School teachers are proud of you too!

Be like Kara and make it happen today!
Coach Meagan


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