S3 Habit 7: Eat Mostly Whole Foods

SizzlingSummer13LogoBy the time you read this you should be halfway or better through the torturous Habit Six 🙂 so this one is going to seem pretty easy by comparison.

But don’t let the simplicity fool you, adopting this habit for the rest of your life could be the most powerful thing you do for your health.

Bonus! It make reading labels very, very easy.

S3 Habit 7: Eat Mostly Whole Foods

It’s pretty simple, really.

Turn the package over and look at the ingredient label.

Ummm, wait a minute, there is no package, and there is no label, and that is kind of the point.

You see if we choose the hundreds and hundreds of foods that don’t need a label, we are probably eating a Whole Food.

Think of it this way. Choose as many 1 Ingredient foods as possible.

Take a look at the shopping lists from ThePPWKitchen.com

PPW Kitchen Shopping List 1

PPW Kitchen Shopping List 2

What did you notice?

That’s right. These are lists of almost all 1 ingredient foods.

You may also have noticed that most of these are fresh foods. If they are not refrigerated, frozen or eaten within a few days they will spoil.

Those are the nutritious, nutrient packed, and yes tasty foods you want to fuel your body with.

When you eat Whole Foods – 1 Ingredient foods, you are avoiding a lot of the nasty stuff you just shouldn’t be putting in your gut.

  • Added sugars
  • Added sodium
  • Preservatives
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Food dyes
  • Chemicals

and who knows what else!

When you start with whole foods YOU are in control. You get to decide what spices, and herbs or garnishes you add. You don’t have to worry about what’s “in there” except what you choose to add.

And while there is no rule against combining whole foods into a recipe, think simple.

The simpler you make things the better, this eating healthy thing does not have to be hard, in fact it really isn’t.

Don’t try to make it hard! 🙂

So what’s your favorite Whole Food?

I bet you are about to discover some new ones!

Make It Happen.

Coach Dean



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