Seasons Changes, Roles Change, Passion Remains

Seasons change, and roles change, but the passion remains…

I was feeling nostalgic as Get Fit NH turned 15 years old on Monday. I walked through the door 11 years ago knowing NOTHING. Nothing about business and no idea how to coach another human. I just knew that there was a fire inside of me and I wanted other people to feel better, move better and live a healthier, more independent lifestyle.

11 years ago, Dean Carlson took a chance on me. He wasn’t hiring and he didn’t need me, but he hired me anyway working only 6-8 hours per week. That 6-8 hours turned into 20 and 20 turned into 40 and 40 turned into ownership which any entrepreneur will tell you is 24/7. But it’s ok because it doesn’t feel like work.

Nostalgia also brought guilt. Let me explain…

11 years ago I was 22 years old. No kids. Life was very different. I was coaching as much as possible and I was even here when I didn’t need to be. I wanted to. Then I had 3 babies in a matter of 4 years which really changed my flexibility and availability, but I was still coaching 3-4 days per week. Then I became a single mom to 3 children 6 and under. I was buried trying to coach, run the business, navigate through Covid, be a mom, and also be a decent human. I couldn’t do it all and so my days on the floor scaled way back. Luckily, we have a team of incredible coaches who make it so I don’t have the think twice about how they’re being treated, but for ME it is hard to be on the bench.

But this is just a season. We all go through seasons of life and changes in roles and needs. Just know that even though my role is mainly from the coaching sidelines, I’m still unbelievably grateful, proud, and passionate. I can’t imagine doing anything else.

This is life for everyone. Your day-to-day may look different in a new role or season, but find something that fulfills you and makes you proud.

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