Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown ’13 – Prepare To Win!

s3headerThe anticipation has been building and the time is almost here.

Are you ready for S3 2013? Well it’s time to get ready, because it’s coming, and it’s gonna be good!

We have had a TON of questions surrounding the details of this years transformation contest, and we have been working hard to get the pieces in place. As we do every year, we are changing things up a bit to keep you on your toes, have a ton of fun, and get some great results.

So here’s what you need to know now as we get closer.

S3 will be 7 weeks long, introducing and focusing (or re-focusing for many of you) on 1 habit per week.

We will be competing in teams of 3-5, with the goal being every team having 4 members. We have already had some great feedback on this, and we are looking forward to seeing y’all come together as a team, support each other and keep each other accountable. You can put together your own team, and we will also be helping get you on a team if you need our assistance getting one together. Be thinking about that team name!

Each team will have a team captain who is responsible for collecting success checklists, tracking weekly success checklists and submitting points on a weekly basis. Should only take 5-10 minutes a week.

Each team member will have their beginning and ending body composition percentage taken and recorded. It’s a simple 1-point ultrasound on your bicep that takes about 2 minutes – cheesy easy! There are two primary reasons that we are doing body comps in this years contest. First, we want you to see what focusing on good nutrition habits on a consistent basis will do for you. Secondly, and perhaps more important is that if you are consistently keeping good nutrition habits and we are not seeing any body composition changes in the right direction, we need to find out why. That may require medical intervention and testing, and I am sure you want to know that too, right?

Each subsequent week another habit will be introduced, and you will then be responsible for that habit and all previous habits. If that sounds like last year, that is because the principles of good nutrition have not changed in the last year, and because we know that building good habits is the key to successfully losing body fat and keeping it off, S3 2013 once is again is based on building good habits.

Once again we will be providing you the tools, resources and education you need to be successful. It is up to you to put it into action, and that’s where we know your team will pick you up and keep you moving in the right direction.

Resource Toolbox is where you will find tasty recipes that will keep your taste buds happy and keep you on the right track.

The S3 2013 Private Facebook group is where you can ask your questions, talk a little trash, and post your favorite PPW meal pics. You can also download our shopping list and copies of the success checklist and Captain’s scoresheet. Click here for an invite.

We will also be holding two kickoff meetings where you can get your questions answered and your initial body comp taken care of.

So What’s Next?

On April 1st there will be signup sheets in the gyms. You can start putting together your team now and start filling out the roster on that date. No worries if you don’t have a team, we’ll make that happen!

We are really looking forward to seeing you guys crank the awesome results! As always if you have any questions please ask them in the comment box below. No doubt someone else has the same question, so help ’em out!

Dates to remember:

S3 2013 Signup Starts
Monday April 1, 2013

S3 2013 Kickoff Meeting Concord
Tuesday April 9th, 7:00pm
Q&A, Body Composition Clinic

S3 2013 Kickoff Meeting Epsom
Wednesday April 10, 6:00pm
Q&A, Body Composition Clinic

S3 2013 Signup Deadline
Friday April 12, 2013
All initial body comps due

S3 2013 Begins
Monday April 15, 2013

S3 2013 Finale
Friday May 31, 2013
All final body comps and points due


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