Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown "Clean and Lean" 2017 IS Here!
Sign Up Now. Registration Closes April 26th!
The Earlier You Sign Up, The Better. Instant Access to all your materials, get your initial Fit3D scan done early, and get a great head start on your prep work.
What is the Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown "Lean and Clean 2017" Challenge?
S3 is our annual "Summer Is Coming" transformation contest. This is a great opportunity to focus in, stay accountable and get some work done. We have done different kinds of S3 challenges over the years and what we have learned is that we work better on a team. Last year we had record breaking results and a fantastic celebration at the end. We plan to break last year's records and have an ever bigger celebration!
Here's What You Get
Before I go any further I want to whet your appetite, so here's a rundown of what you get when you signup:
10 Brand New 1-Page Challenge Guides for you to download, print and keep forever. Details below!
Exclusive Downloadable Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown Handbook (.pdf), which includes:
- Super Simple Daily Meal Plan
- Chart Your Own Course Meal Plan
- Coach Nancy's Sample Weekly Meal Plan
- Meal Plan Templates
- Grocery List
- Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Recipes
- Super Shake Guide
7 weeks of nutrition accountability, education and coaching using Habit Catalyst
"New": Pinterest page with bonus healthy and tasty recipes
7+ weeks of Private Facebook support
How Much For All This Awesomeness You Ask?
Only $39 for Get Fit NH Clients!
Not a current Get Fit NH Client?
We got you covered!
For the first time ever we are offering two options for non-clients to play - sweet!
Option #2: Friends and Family $77
You get all the same great support, accountability and tools that our clients are using, plus you get to experience all that Get Fit NH Awsomeness for a crazy low price!
Option #3: 6-Weeks Training for $367
We are opening up three of our training times, one in Epsom and two in Concord*, so you can experience Get Fit NH's award winning Smart Group Training during the contest! You will receive all the care and attention our training clients receive, as well as all the great S3 tools.
S3 + Training = Awesome Results!
*7:25am/6:45pm Concord
9:00am Ladies Only in Epsom
Here's How It Works (Please read and follow carefully)
Once again this year we are doing the S3 Partner Challenge. You will need to find a partner, but if you don't have one, don't worry!
THIS IS IMPORTANT EITHER WAY: After you register you will receive an email with a link to the "Team" form. Just type in "need a partner (or N/A)" when you fill out that form and we will find you someone to buddy up with. If you do have a partner then you will fill in their name and your team name. (My favorite one from last year was "Thelma and Louise")
This contest is all about teamwork, lifting each other up and helping each other out. You can only win the contest if both partners give it all they got!
This Years Contest Tools
Manual and Guides

This year we are adding 10 Brand New one page guides for you to download, print and keep forever! These handy guides cover everything from weekly menu planning to creating the ultimate breakfast. The Challenge Checklist is a handy reference to help you eat clean and track your progress. You will also get a copy of our famous Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown guide and cookbook, full of tasty and easy to make recipes.
Habit Catalyst

Habit Catalyst is our nutrition education and accountability tool. Every day you will receive an email asking you this one question "Yesterday, did you eat ONLY real foods?" along with a lesson to help you do just that. Around 50% of the scoring for the contest will depend on you checking in daily and get the habits done. You can go back and read the lessons at any time, but you cannot go back to check off your habit.
This year we are also including a bonus "Prep Week" to help set you up for maximum success, so you are actually getting a full seven weeks of professional nutrition coaching - BONUS!

Fit3D is an innovative 3D body scanner that captures a 3D, 360° image of the human body and extracts the most commonly used measurements tracked for fitness progress, all with just a 40 second scan. You will be using Fit3D three times during the contest to measure your waist and hips; once before the contest, once at the mid-point, and at the end. The more you lose off your waist and hips, the more points you score!
How Does My Team Win?
Scoring Habit Points
You earn points for your team based on your percentage of daily habit tracking compliance using Habit Catalyst. Each team members score will be calculated, and then the team will be awarded the average. Here's the scale:
- 90% or greater compliance = 100 points
- 80 - 89% = 80 points
- 70 - 79% = 70 points
- 60 - 69% = 60 points
- 50 - 59% = 50 points
- <50% = 0 points
Here's an example:
Thelma achieves a compliance score of 92% = 100 pointsLouise achieves a compliance score of 78% = 70 pointsThe team would score the average = 85 pointsScoring Results Points
This one is really simple. You earn 10 points for each % average that you lose off your waist and hips. Each team members score will be calculated and added to the team total.
Here's an example:
Bruce loses 4% off his waist and Wayne loses 6%. The average is 5%, so the team earns 50 points.
Bruce loses 3.5% off his hips and Wayne loses 1%, so the average would be 2.25%, or 22.5 points.
The team total "Results Points" would be 77.5 - easy peasy!
Bonus Points
Your team will earn and additional 10 points each by completing the mid-contest Fit3D scan by May 27th. Those 20 points could be huge, so don't miss them!
Double Bonus!
Every week we will be sending you a brief (3 or 4 question) Check-In survey. You will earn another 10 points when you fill out 5 out of 6 of those. That could be another critical 20 points total.
So what would team "In It All The Way" Final Score be? 85 habit points + 77.5 results points + 40 bonus points (they were really on top of things) = 202.5 total points. Can you beat that? 🙂
And yes, there will be CASH prizes!

This year we are going to split the pie up a bit, and offer cash prizes to the Top Three Teams!
Like last year, we are going to split the entry fees, with the winners getting 50% of the entry fees, and the remaining going toward expenses for running the contest and the HUGE party we will have at the end!
Here's the breakdown:
- 1st Place Team splits 25% of the Pool (last year that would have been a couple grand - true story!)
- 2nd Place Team splits 15% of the pool
- 3rd Place team splits 10% of the Pool
Are coaches eligible to win? I think I am going to enter a team myself. CHA-CHING!
Key Dates To Remember:
- Monday April 3rd: Sign ups open
- Wednesday April 26th: Sign up cutoff
- Saturday April 29th @ 10:00 AM: Kickoff meeting, First scan due, and Meals Made Easy workshop at Get Fit NH Concord
- Monday May 1st: S3 begins with "Prep Week"
- Saturday May 27th: Halfway scans due. We will be open 8-10 AM. You can also do them during regular hours anytime that week. Count for 10 points per teammate.
- Saturday June 17th: S3 ends and we are open 8-10 AM to get final scans done
- Tuesday June 20th: Last scan due by 7:45 PM
- Saturday June 24th: Reveal Party @ 10:00 AM in Concord
Registration Opens April 10th!
Get Fit NH Clients
Same price as last year
- 10 New Challenge Guides
- Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown Manual
- 6 Weeks of Habit Catalyst Nutrition Coaching
- Bonus: Prep Week Lessons
- Fit3D scanning
- Private Facebook Group and Coaching
- Cash Prizes for more teams!
Your Guides Are Sent Immediately!
Friends & Family
Teamwork makes the dream work
- 10 New Challenge Guides
- Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown Manual
- 6 Weeks of Habit Catalyst Nutrition Coaching
- Bonus: Prep Week Lessons
- Fit3D scanning
- Private Facebook Group and Coaching
- Cash Prizes for more teams!
- This is a great option to see what we are about and is the best way to support those you care about. Do it together!
Your Guides Are Sent Right Away!
6-Weeks Training
New Clients Only
- 10 New Challenge Guides
- Sizzlin' Summer Slimdown Manual
- 6 Weeks of Habit Catalyst Nutrition Coaching
- Bonus: Prep Week Lessons
- Fit3D scanning
- Private Facebook Group and Coaching
- Cash Prizes for more teams!
- 6-Weeks of our Award Winning Smart Group Training
You Guessed It. We'll Send Your Stuff Too! 🙂