The Spotlight is Shining Bright on…

David Liberatore!

David has been with us at Get Fit for a little while now. He has worked really hard and even has asked multiple times for more corrective exercises and more ways to get better. I am extremely happy to write this for him and get his story out there! He always comes with a positive attitude looking to get better. Here is David's experience in his own words...

Why did you choose Get Fit NH?

I chose GetFitNH because a friend of mine joined and raved about it. He knew that I joined 2 other gyms and dropped out after a couple weeks. He said the first two weeks were free so try it. I met with Adam and knew I was in the right place.

What changes did you notice in the first few weeks?

After two weeks, I noticed that my knee was feeling better and that I had so much more elasticity in my lower back.

What outside of Get Fit NH has become easier since starting?

I set a personal goal to lose 100 lbs. to stay in the program for one full year.

What have you accomplished so far?

After two months I have lost 23 lbs., my knees feel much better, my back doesn’t constantly hurt and I can walk long distances without gasping for air. My eating habits have improved as I am eating much healthier. I eat more veggies, less meat and less carbs. All that know me never would ever have imagined me drinking more water and NO soda.

What is your favorite part of Get Fit NH?

The things that stick out to me about what makes GetFitNH so different from any other gym I have belonged to is the caring attitude of everyone at the center. From the owner, to the trainers to the members, it is astounding. We train with people who have been there 3 weeks to people that have been there for 3 years and they are all encouraging. I like the fact that training is geared to your ability. A trainer is constantly showing me a more appropriate exercise if I am struggling because of my ability. GetFitNH has it all and I know I have changed my life by changing my life style. I actually look forward to coming to exercise rather than trying to find an excuse to not go. I highly recommend GetFitNH at whatever level you think you are at.

Keep up the hard work, David!
-Coach Adam

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