Sugar By Any Other Name

Congratulations to the first “graduating” classes of Get Fit NH Bootcamp at the Concord Dance Academy, as well as all of our Epsom members who “survived” bootcamp!

Here’s a few pictures styling with the new shirts – Great Job!





Making It Happen!


I admit it,  I am getting a bit cynical regarding food manufacturers, even the ones who purport to sell “healthy” food.

I have come to the conclusion that the first rule of food shopping I need to remember is this – The vast majority of manufacturers will say anything legal (i.e. – legal but not necessarily ethical) to sell their product.

Case in point – the trend to call sugar anything but “sugar”. My new favorite is “Organic Cane Juice Crystals”. Think about that one!

We have been encouraging you to read labels, so I thought we would share some names for sugar – some recognizable, some not. If you have any more you’d like to add, write it in the comments below.

Sugar By Any Other Name

  1. Barley malt
  2. Cane juice crystals
  3. Demarara
  4. Dextran
  5. Dextrose
  6. Diastatic malt
  7. Diatase
  8. Ethyl Maltol
  9. Fructose
  10. Fruit juice
  11. Galactose
  12. Glucose
  13. Golden syrup
  14. Lactose
  15. Maltodextrin
  16. Maltose
  17. Malt Syrup
  18. Maple Syrup
  19. Molasses
  20. Muscovado
  21. Panocha
  22. Refiners syrup
  23. Rice syrup
  24. Sorbitol
  25. Sorghum
  26. Sucrose
  27. Treacle
  28. Turbinado

and that doesn’t even touch all the forms of Corn Syrup…

Take control and know what you are eating – it makes all the difference.

Make It Happen!

Dean and Nancy


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