More Delicious Recipes You Can Try Anytime!

UMPWe have had a number of our members purchase Ultimate Muscle Protein from us in the past couple weeks, and we wanted to share some of our favorite ways to use it apart from smoothies and shakes.

While these recipes are great anytime, the first two are great for breakfast. You can make either one of them faster than it takes to toast a bagel, and they will feed your muscles and keep you full a whole lot longer! If your current nutrition plan allows, try the “Wonder Bowl II” with a 1/2 cup of mixed berries – mmm mmm!

Give them a try and let me know what you think!

The Wonder Bowl

1 Cup of Full Fat Cottage Cheese
1 Scoop of Chocolate Ultimate Muscle Protein
2 Tbsp Flax Meal

Mix ingredients and enjoy with a small dollop of Redi-Whip whipped cream on top.

The Wonder Bowl II

1/2 Cup of Plain Yogurt
1 scoop of Vanilla Ultimate Muscle Protein

Mix ingredients and enjoy with a small dollop of Redi-Whip whipped cream on top.

Peanut Butter Hot Fudge Protein Pudding

You have to pay a little more attention with this recipe, but when you get it right it is really good!

1-2 Scoops Chocolate Ultimate Muscle Protein
1 tbsp Natural Peanut Butter

Mix UMP chocolate with enough water to create a “thin pudding” consistency. Heat in a microwave safe bowl for a few seconds at a time until heated, but not cooked. If it cooks too long it get “gummy” so be careful. Set aside.

Heat natural peanut butter in a separate bowl until it softens and you can “drizzle” it onto the protein.

Enjoy with a small dollop of Redi-Whip whipped cream on top.

Have a great weekend!

Dean and Nancy

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