Thank-You For 9 Great Years

As I sat down to jot my thoughts down this morning, I couldn't help but get a little bit choked up.
Because while it is very exciting to be celebrating 9 years in business, it was even more impacting to take some time to go through the moments we have captured on our cameras, video recorders, and phones over the years.
It hasn't always been unicorns, roses and sunshine. Life never is. But what an amazing thing to see all the lives that have been impacted by this little experiment called "Get Fit NH". Not the least of all my own.
When we started, the nine of us in my backyard on the cool morning on May 8, 2008, at 5:00am, there was no grandiose plan of 2 locations, multiple coaches, and state, regional and national recognition.
Then, as today, it was about a group of people bonding together for a common purpose - to be the best version of ourselves we could be, through the vehicle of pursuing better health and fitness.

To look through those pictures I was reminded of this one truth; someday my career is going to be over, and the reigns of Get Fit NH will be passed to another caretaker. At that time I hope the focus is not on how good of a business we ran, or how good of coaches we were, or that the gyms were kept in good shape with the latest and greatest cool equipment.
My hope, my prayer, is not that we were looked upon as being great, but that we created something good, that made a lasting impact on our families, our team, our students, and our community.
Right now as I am writing my Facebook feed is blowing up with y'all putting up pictures of all the broccoli you are eating, a challenge from coach Meagan. Who woulda thunk? 🙂

I am so grateful for the team we have here; Nancy, Meagan, Adam, Cari, Lars and Stephanie.
They work SO hard every day, in so many ways, because they want to create good too. As we have grown the thing that is hardest for me is that I don't get to know and build relationships with all of our students like I used to. But knowing I have caring and compassionate coaches that can do it even better than I could is amazing. Thank-you team.
Thank-You. I don't know what else to say. If you are reading this then somehow Get Fit NH is on your radar. We get to coach you in some way; either in person at one of our training gyms, online in our nutrition programs, or even just reading our blog and doing what you can on your own. It is still mind blowing to me that anyone does any of those things.
As I looked at those pictures this morning I thought maybe I'd put together a slide show of Get Fit NH through the years, but I think I'll wait until our 10th anniversary. I am going to need more time to put it all together. 🙂

Instead, throughout this post are scattered some of the iterations of our logo over the years, and even that was kind of fun. It reminds me how far we have come, but also that the work of improving is never over.
Thanks for taking the journey with me.
Coach Dean