Jessica Keeps on Going Right into the Spotlight

Jessica is one of those people who started with Get Fit NH in December, the time when most people feel it is the craziest time of the year. I sent Jessica a few questions, I was curious about what drives her. Jessica faithfully figures out a training schedule each week and lets me know what it is. She is Making It Happen. I knew that if I asked Jessica what made the difference for her, she would in turn inspire more and more people. Check out what makes Jessica go.

What was your absolute biggest challenge before joining Get Fit NH?

Excuses. I am full of them. The truth - I do have two younger children, I work full time at a job that includes travel around the state, I have a husband who often has both morning and/or evening meetings, and I teach two online courses at the Community College System. My excuses included everything you could think of- I couldn’t possibly make it to any of the classes, I would never to get work on time, my kids needed me at home, I can do it on my own and don’t need anyone helping me (and on and on and on….). I actually had talked with Nancy at least two times about possibly joining but I just wasn’t ready to get rid of the excuses. However, the last time I spoke with her, it was different. I knew my eating and lack of activity habits were not optimal and my body and mind were showing that. I was finally ready to make a change and carve out some time for me. I needed a new routine not just for myself, but for my family. I also needed to be held accountable to this new routine.

What changed after becoming a member of the Get Fit family?

Jessica is on the right getting her "I Survived" t-shirt!

I no longer make the excuses to not go to class. On Sundays, I plan out which classes I am going to attend each day and I stick to it. My kiddos don’t always like it but they are adjusting and are actually taking on more responsibilities at home. I have had a couple of people tell me to look at going to class like an appointment that I cannot cancel. So I stick to my schedule and make sure to email Nancy the times I will be there - she is the accountability I need. The flexibility to attend other training times has been my saving grace as I never know what the next week will bring.

I continue to work on the nutrition piece of the program. This has been harder for me but I have made changes (eating lot of leafy greens) and I am starting to recognize what foods make me feel “yucky”. I try hard to avoid these foods but it is a work in progress. I will keep plugging along and am looking forward to the S3 to help with the accountability in this area too.

What specific results can you share?

Jessica with her 6:15 crew

I am proud of myself that I have stuck with my new routine and this keeps me motivated. The physical training combined with my new eating habits have helped me to lose pounds and inches, as well as helped my mood and energy level. I have seen differences and others are starting to notice too, which is something that keeps me even more motivated to move along on this journey.

What would you say to someone on the fence about joining?

Once you are ready to give up the excuses, take a chance and join me at training. I was so nervous during the first class I attended. However, the last 5 months have gone by so quickly. I thank everyone in Epsom (especially the 6:15 crew). They welcomed me right away and gave me a source of support that I didn’t know I would have.

Jessica is one of those people who is like “The Little Train that Could”, she just keeps on keeping on. She is always at training, she is always smiling, she is always asking how to make training work for her. She has that, ‘I can do it, I can do it, I can do it’ attitude.

Keep it up!
Coach Nancy

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