Using the Lacrosse Ball to Relieve Joint Pain

If you have ever had a nagging joint ache or pain I am 100% sure myself or one of the coaches suggested using a lacrosse ball to help loosen up the area.

The lacrosse ball is an incredibly effective tool to get deeper into the tissue and help release some of the tightness you're experiencing. Here are some common aches we hear and the common solutions we suggest trying may be surprised!

  • Ankle pain/tightness or shin pain could be due to locked up calves. Especially if you are logging the miles! Try using a lacrosse ball on the calves. It'll probably hurt a bit, but that is some solid feedback from your body asking for more soft tissue work!
  • Knee pain: Throw away the "I'm getting old" excuse and try grabbing a foam roller or lacrosse ball and rolling the area right above your knee. You can also do the full length of the quad for better results. Tight quads, especially the area just above your knee, can lead to achy knees. You're gonna have to do it more than once to reap the benefits!
  • Tight lower back: Lacrosse ball the glutes and the hip to help release the lockdown!  If you have never done this before then make sure you ask a coach so we can show you where to hit.
  • Shoulder pain, trap pain, neck pain: Lacrosse ball to the scapula both on the wall and the floor
  • Tight pecs: Lacrosse ball them right up again the wall
  • AND HERE IS MY FAVORITE! Tennis elbow: Lacrosse ball the tricep and forearm (see video below) The pain in the elbow is often referred pain from tightness in the tricep or forearm - or both!

Our body is designed to MOVE so if you spend a lot of your day sitting or driving then you can expect to have tight muscles which lead to achy joints. We have tested this method over and over and the results rarely fail. If they do fail, we refer to our onsite physical therapist to take a deeper dive!

Check out the video below to learn more!

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