Voting season is HERE

It's the most wonderful time of the year! We can't be the best without YOU! Help us spread the good word, kicking off this voting season with Hippo Best Of Awards. We have won the best of the best title for best gym in NH AND best fitness instructor for 14  years! Can you help us make it 15????

The Hippo Best of awards require you to vote for 15 categories to count your vote. We are asking for two of those 15! You can nominate so many other amazing local businesses through your clicks. Know that your vote helps us extend our reach and gain exposure to the outside world. This helps our business grow which ultimately helps our team grow and improve their skills. Most importantly, it is sharing the good word of health and happiness. The world needs more of that.

Here are the two categories we would love your help with:

15. Best workout space: Get Fit NH Concord, NH

105. Butt-kicking-est fitness instructor: Ashley Daigle Get Fit NH Concord, NH

We appreciate your support. Now let's make sure we hold onto the title!

Tell Your Friends!