Wicked FIT Run – Chasing Away Homelessness

We love the fact that our clients are so involved in their communities, and always want to lend a helping hand when they can.

We want to make you aware of one of the many community organizations that are making a difference to those who currently need a helping hand.

FIT (Families in Transition) is holding a 5k run/walk, the proceeds which will go towards Families in Transition’s housing and services for homeless families and individuals. We know many of you love to run, so here’s a way to get that run in while supporting a great cause.

Wicked Fit Run
Where: Rollins Park Concord, NH
When: Saturday October 27th, 2012
Race Start: 9:00 am

As this event is very close to Halloween, you can test out that costume during the race.  In fact prizes will be awarded for best costume, individually and as a team. There is also a ‘Kids Fun Run’ for those under 12.

A ‘wicked’ Fun time encouraging you to Be Fit, while helping FIT (Families in Transition), what could be better?

Register today at Wicked Fit Run


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