Younger Next Year?

Is it really possible to turn back our biological clock? That is the question that Dr. Henry Lodge, one of the country’s most prominent internists and his 73 year old patient Chris Crowley answer in this compelling, interesting and funny book.

I want to thank Deb Richey for recommending the book to me, and in turn want to pass that recommendation to you. For those of us geeky types it takes a deeper look into the biology of aging and the science behind Dr. Lodge’s assertions. For those of us who like to be entertained while we read (and who doesn’t?) Chris shares his own journey into better aging, as well as those of friends and family, in a laugh out loud funny way. He helps us understand that the best years of our lives are ahead of us after we turn 60, if we want them to be.

Here’s the premise of the book: You are going to get older, but you don’t have to rot. Keeping our body, soul and mind active and engaged gives us the best chance of enjoying life into our 80’s and beyond. I don’t know about you, but I want to be as active as possible for as long as possible. Maybe at 95 or so knock off that last set of 20 burpees, then quietly go to sleep and pass from this life to the next?

Look guys I know there are no guarantees in life. Heck we could walk out the door and get hit by a truck. But if that happens, I want to total the vehicle of the guy that runs into me!

As far as the book goes my exercise recommendations are a little different (although his certainly are good) and I don’t necessarily buy all the “evolved from bacteria” stuff, but there is no doubt that the premise is solid, and offers real encouragement and hope that getting older doesn’t mean life is over.

There are two editions of the book, one geared toward men, and one geared toward women. I actually read the women’s version in my never ending quest to find out what really makes you ladies tick, rather than just knowing how to tick you off. 🙂

A bonus is that reading keeps our brain active, which is crucial too.

Here the handy dandy Amazon links for both editions – Happy Reading!

Younger Next Year For Women

Younger Next Year For Men



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