Eat Your Way Right Challenge Update

Great job to the faithful who continue to turn in their checklists and are staying true to their goals!

It’s hard to believe we are in the home stretch for our challenge, with just 3 weeks left to go. Keep those checklists coming, you are almost there!

Here’s what we are going to do over the next few weeks.

Next week you will come in and do your pre-recovery week weigh-in. You can do this any day up until Friday the 21st.

The final weigh-in will be done the week of December 31st, and must be done by Friday January 4th to count. Your last checklist will be due at this time as well.

After we put all the numbers in our one-of-a-kind ppw3s3checklistcalulamajigger we will announce the team and individual winners and divvy up the prizes – we have some sweet ones, so keep up the great work!


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