I’m Getting Recovery For Christmas!

As most of you are aware our next scheduled recovery week is December 24th through December 28th. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 🙂

Our schedule around New Years day is a little different as well, so please take note.

Monday December 31st, 2012: Full Schedule

Tuesday January 1st, 2013: “New Years at Noon” Training Bash at Get Fit NH Concord

Wednesday: Off

Thursday and Friday: Full Schedule

All About Recovery Weeks

Recovery weeks are a critical part of our overall training program. (hint, hint) Rumor has it there are still one or two of y’all who write your own recovery week program, because your physiology is apparently different from all the rest of us mortal humans and you don’t need any rest. Oops, did I write that out loud?

Think of it this way. The vast majority of us have the ability to take advantage of time off from our regular job and routine. This is a much needed mental and emotional break from the daily stress of life. We take a few days to decompress and relax, and when we come back we are refreshed and ready to be more productive. At least that’s what is supposed to happen.

In the same way recovery weeks are designed to help you get better. They are not random, haphazard or unnecessary. This is part of the training plan that we put together every year, and it is a vital part of our training program.

Recovery weeks are the key to lower injury rates and increased progress. Don’t try to outsmart the system. I can give you the names of people who have unsuccessfully tried, and it’s just not worth it.

To our newer clients recovery weeks are an unfamiliar concept, and that’s ok, because we want you to know why we do what we do. Invest a few minutes of your time to understand the “secrets” of recovery weeks and how they make you better.

Recovery Is Where The Magic Happens

I Hate Recovery Weeks

Rest, Recover and Regenerate, It’s Not Optional

Tell Your Friends!