20 Reasons to Strength Train that have NOTHING to do with Changing Your Body Shape

When people exercise it is often assumed that they are trying to lose weight or change their body in some fashion. This is not the case for a lot of people. In a moment, I am going to rattle off 20 reasons to exercise that have absolutely nothing to do with changing the shape of your body and I am going to niche some of  it down to specific to strength training. Please note these reasons are specifically targeted toward any human who is getting older each year 😉

  1. Improve/maintain bone density
  2. Improve/maintain muscle tissue
  3. Decrease risk of injury 
  4. Decrease risk of falling
  5. Maintain/Improve balance
  6. Maintain/Improve full body strength
  7. Maintain/improve ability to get up and down off floor
  8. Improve/maintain independence longer
  9. Improve mental health
  10. Improve flexibility
  11. Build confidence and self esteem
  12. Improve cardiovascular health
  13. Build muscle
  14. Enjoy a more spontaneous retirement
  15. Enjoy a more spontaneous lifestyle
  16. Confidence to try new things with age
  17. Ability to keep up with kids/grandchildren
  18. Develop better and safer body mechanics
  19. Boosts energy/mood
  20. Improve sleep

If you have a goal to change the shape of your body then you can certainly add that to the already very lengthy list of reasons to add strength training to your life.