4 Ways to guarantee NO results

I have to share this video from one of my favorite coaches in the industry. It feels very timely as we head into the end of the year. He puts a spin on his content and share 4 ways to guarantee no results.  Definitely take a quick listen to his words, but I will add my two cents as well here.

1.) Inconsistency. This is the number one way to guarantee no results. We live in a world where we seek instant gratification. When we don't see immediate results or we don't ride the wave of life challenges and hiccups, we quit. Consistency is the key to results.

2.) Ignoring nutrition. I can't tell you how many times clients have told me, "I eat healthy" but never see results. Take a deep, honest dive into your nutrition and i guarantee you will find somewhere that could be reigned in and lead you closer to results. Spoiler alert: I often find clients are not eating nearly enough to fuel their hard work in the gym. 1200 calories diets are not the answer.

3.) Staying in your comfort zone. If you do the exact same exercise for the same amount of reps at the same weight day after day, week after week, does your body need to adapt to the training stressor? No. 

4.) Ignoring recovery. Lifting and training like an animal is cool and stuff, but if you are not able to recover and you are often hurt and unable to train at your capacity, because you put little thought into sleep, stress management and nutrition then you will struggle to get great results. . 

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