5 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Fat

Today we are sharing a great post from our friends Drs. Chris and Kara Mohr. These two are the real deal when it comes to losing bodyfat and integrating healthy habits into a busy lifestyle.

Besides being PhD’s, the Mohr’s run bootcamp classes in Louisville Kentucky, and they understand that exercise plus optimal nutrition equals fat loss success.

Here’s a summary of the “5 Reasons You Aren’t Losing Fat” – Click the link below to read the whole article.

Top 5 Fat Loss Mistakes

  1. Portions are out of control.
  2. Thinking all calories are created equal.
  3. Outeating your exercise.
  4. Skipping breakfast as a way to “save” calories.
  5. Thinking exercise is your answer to losing fat.

Find out the total scoop by clicking here: 5 Fat Loss Mistakes

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