Are You Making it Happen or Making Excuses?

smile.jpgS3 V.I.P taught us a lot about what you guys are capable of. It is seriously amazing what some of you guys will do to be a team player and to get results over an assigned period of time. I hope you know that you have set a standard for yourself and you will forever be held to it, because you have proved yourselves!

Attendance. We are seriously just impressed with what some of you all pulled off to make it in here.

  • Overslept? You still made it to a later session
  • Had a meeting? You still made it to a later session (or often times at 5 AM!)
  • Had a dentist appointment? Rescheduled it.

So many of you put training as a priority for this challenge and we are so impressed and grateful for that. Now like I said – you set the standard. Training should ALWAYS be a priority. If for 6 weeks you could make it work then you can almost ALWAYS find a way to make it work. Here is my concern- we are in the first week post S3 and attendance has already dropped tremendously. We know you can make it happen, so we won’t let you make excuses! (There- that was mean Coach Meagan! Roar!)

Now allow me to touch on another point. It is impressive what you guys were willing to do when you were put on a team. When the pressure was on and winning or losing for a whole team could depend on you you delivered excellence. Why is that? Is that because you are competitive? Or is it because you wanted to be a team player? Did you do it for you or was in largely for others as well?

So here is a question, during S3 V.I.P your friend offers you a cocktail (or some pie, whichever is more appealing to you!) what do you say? Many of you reported to your teams that you were so proud that you turned it down. Now post S3 V.I.P your friend offers you the same things- what do you do?

Do you take it because the challenge is over or are you “the weirdo” who passes on the offer, because you don’t eat that way anymore or drink that way anymore? S3 V.I.P was all about you. Just because you the challenge is over doesn’t mean you throw the habits out- stay after it. Everyone got results- everyone. What does that tell you and why would you go back? These habits works! Don’t turn back!

Get in here and keep making it happen,

Coach Meagan


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