Author Archives: Dean

S3 – There is nothing you can’t do!

Hey gang just wanted to remind you that the sign up sheets for S3 are ready and waiting for you – don’t delay!

We are understandably getting a lot of “What exactly is it?, When does it start?” etc.

I get that.

But I want you to understand that I would never ask you to do something that was not achievable. You trust us every day with your training, I am asking you to trust us now.

That being said I will offer you a brief timeline and outline as best I can.

The contest will be 8 weeks long, and is currently slated to start Monday April 23rd and end Friday June 15th.

Update – we will be starting and ending one week later because of April vacation

On April 17th registration will open on, the website we are partnering with for the contest. You will be provided with instructions and an access code. This will be the hub of the contest where tasks will be recorded, live scoring will be updated, etc.  This site will make it way easier in the past to stay in the loop and keep up to date.

As we do with all our coaching S3 will focus on behavior, not just outcomes. Our work with Dr. Berardi at Precision Nutrition has been instrumental in this coaching philosophy, and it is very powerful and empowering.

What’s the difference between a behavior and outcome?

Here are a couple past articles you can read that help explain:

Your Goals Aren’t

Is There A Gap In Your Training?

To put it simply behavior is something you can control, while an outcome is something that is not always in your control.

A behavior goal says “I will attend bootcamp 4 days a week”. To a large extent you have control over if this happens or not.

An outcome goal says “I will lose 10 pounds this month”. You may or may not, and whether you do or not isn’t always in your control.

But the more positive behaviors you adopt, the more likely it is you will reach your desired outcome.

So we focus on behavior.

That’s not to say the outcome doesn’t factor in, because it does and should. But your focus should be on what you can do, what may or may not happen.

Get It?

So yes, there will be a fat loss component as part of the scoring. You will need to step on the scale and track results.

But the vast majority of your points will be earned by doing.

Here’s the actual task for the first two weeks of the contest.

S3 Habit 1: Eat a meal within one hour of waking or within 1 hour after training This is a PPW meal, not a protein shake or recovery drink. Choose on or the other.

That’s it. That’s how you earn task points for the first two weeks.

Can you do that?

Then you know where the sign up sheet is!

Make It Happen!

Willoughby Farm CSA

As you probably know we are a huge fans of CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and have written on the topic quite a few times, so when Get Fit NH Superstar Ruth Finch told me about the  Willoughby Farm CSA I was excited to pass it on.

There is nothing fresher, tastier, and yes even more friendly to the environment than having local produce grown by local farmers. For those of us who don’t have the time or talent to grow our own veggies, getting involved in a CSA is like gold!

Ruth told me this morning they have shares left, but don’t delay, I am sure they will not last long.

Steve and Ruth are sponsoring the pickup at their home in Concord, which is really close to Get Fit NH Concord, and since the pickup time is between 3:30pm and 6:00pm I would say that’s perfect for those who train later in the day!

You can get more information and get contact info for Willoughby Farm here: Willoughby Farm CSA Brochure 2012

To learn more about community supported agriculture and find more CSA near you visit

Thanks Ruth!

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown – Team Transformation

I know the anticipation has been building, as we have had people asking for weeks when this years “S3” contest was going to start!

Well gang, hold on to your hats because we are just about ready to get going. This year it is going to be easier than ever to keep track of your points and see who is on top, because we are going high tech with our own customized website!

We are excited to be partnering with to run the website, and Tim has assured me that you don’t need to be a “techie”, it’s just point and click. The really cool things is that results will be constantly updated and you will be able to see how your team is doing in the competition as well as how you are contributing to the effort. Good stuff!

We are putting the finishing touches on the site, so as soon as it’s ready (2 weeks or less) we will get cooking!

Here is where I am going to serious for a minute.

We are investing a lot of time and money into this years transformation. We are upping the game and we only want you to participate if you are fully committed to the process and are willing to do what it takes. Now don’t get me wrong, we want 100% client participation, because we have seen how life changing these events can be, but we aren’t going to force you to do it.

Last Years Team Winners - 6:15am Epsom!

This years theme is “Team Transformation”.  There is nothing like having a team behind you to encourage, motivate, and yes, kick you in the butt when you need it!

Each training time will have their own team, as we have done in years past. On Monday morning there will be a sign up sheet  – put the name down on the appropriate sheet and you are in!

Now at this point you are probably saying to yourself “What am I getting myself into?”. Let me assure you there is no part of this contest that you will be unable to do.

Once we firm up the details with the web developer we will reveal contest specifics, but for now lets just talk about the really good stuff…

The Prizes!

Let me put it this way, you are going to want to do everything you can to help your team win, because besides the team prize the top 3 finishers are going to walk away with some amazing swag!

Individual Winners

Yeah, that's right - the real "Mac Daddy" could be yours

3rd Place

  • Custom “Get Fit NH” Jacket ($50 value)
  • 3 Months entry into F.L.A.G./Gold Access on ($81 value)

2nd Place

  • Custom “Get Fit NH” Jacket ($50 value)
  • 6 Months entry into F.L.A.G./Gold Access on ($162 value)
  • Gift Certificate for 30 Minute Massage ($50 value)

1st Place

  • Custom “Get Fit NH” Jacket ($50 value)
  • 12 Months entry into F.L.A.G./Gold Access on ($324 value)
  • Gift Certificate for 60 Minute Massage ($70 value)
  • A brand spanking new iPad 3 ($629 value)

How cool is that? 🙂

Team Transformation Winners

The top scoring team will get:

  • Their own custom designed Get Fit NH “T” for everyone else to be insanely jealous of
  • A gourmet dinner prepared and hosted by Coach Dean and Nancy for each team member and their family
  • Year long bragging rights!

There will also be other “surprise” prizes along the way – so stay sharp!

We are looking for this years contest to be our most closely contested, hard fought and fun ever. Look for those sign up sheets on Monday and get in on all the action.

Make It Happen!


Hester is Training for the Sport of Life

Hester posted this to our FLAG group this morning, and it so good I thought I’d share with everyone.

“Dean’s post this morning prompted me to think about why I do these things called boot camp and FLAG.

What made me commit to myself?

Why do I set a 4:15 alarm, and why do I write down everything I eat and why do I share stuff like this in a group forum?

There are all the obvious reasons but what finally pushed me to make the change?

I think it happened when my first grandchild, now two, was a couple of months old. I had the opportunity to take care of him over a long weekend. After three days of constant carrying, lifting, going up and down stairs, and up and down with floor activities I couldn’t deny I was out of shape and if I wanted to enjoy this little boy and future grandchildren I had to shed some weight and get stronger.

With grandson #2 due at the end of May I’m looking forward to a summer of granny-stuff and not worrying about the physical aspects and keeping up. Who knows, maybe these boys and their cousins will tell stories some day about their crazy grandmother who taught them how to do upper body sprints and dynamic planks. (But made their mother do the burpees.)” – Hester C.

Love it Hester, keep up the great work!


It’s Not About The Workout

I have never been a huge fan of the term “workout”.

When someone tells me they are going to workout it brings back memories of when I used to belong to a local gym and the kind of activities that go on there.

I don’t mean to sound harsh, but for the most part it was a lot of  people who didn’t know what 99% of the equipment was for, and if they did they probably weren’t properly instructed how to use it.

Which is why when you walk into most commercial gyms all the cardio equipment is being used.

At least on the treadmill I can work up a sweat, the thinking goes.

But I can sit in a sauna and sweat, so unless there is a purpose to the activity what’s the point?

Which is why I much prefer the term “training”.

Do we have workouts at Get Fit NH?

We do.

We do a “Burn the Pies off the Thighs” workout after Thanksgiving, and there is our annual “Wicked Winter Workout”, just to name a couple.

These are exceptions however, not the rule.

The difference is that these “workouts” are not part of the overall training plan that we have in place at Get Fit NH.

If you are like me when you walk (or used to walk) into the gym you did what you liked to do, what you were good at, and maybe just the things you knew how to do.

I mean training legs is hard, I think I’d rather just work on my abs today.

And pretty soon your back is hurting.

And I want sculpted shoulders, so I’ll do lots of overhead pressing, but doing pullups isn’t on my radar, and the next thing you know you can’t lift your arm to your side without pain.

Stretch, foam roll, mobility work? Never heard of it (or at least I’ll pretend I haven’t)

Which brings me back to my point.

Training for life is more than throwing a mish-mash of stuff together that makes you sweat and calling it good.

It’s more than just finding a place that will beat the snot out of you every day – anybody can do that, and unfortunately too many do.

Too many training programs are short sighted.

They are focused on the here and now, not on the long term outcomes.

I mean your body can handle just about anything, no matter how stupid, for a little while.

But eventually stupid hurts.

And just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should.

I saw an article the other day about a particular workout that shall remain unnamed.

The author was talking about now that he was older he couldn’t do what he used to do anymore in his workouts. That now he had to think about recovery and training loads.

This man was the ripe old age of 35.

He is partly right, he does need to think about recovery and training loads, but then again he always did need to think about those things.

I would submit to you that if he had taken better care of himself when he was 25 and “bulletproof” he wouldn’t be in such poor shape now dealing with injuries.

Now you may think I am just ranting, and maybe I am, a little.

But I am pretty fed up with watching unsuspecting people glom onto the latest and greatest fad and not thinking about the long term effects.

35? Seriously?

I got 10 years on him already and I plan to keep training until they put me in a box.

I enjoy a challenge as well as the next guy (5050 burpees anyone?)

Adventure races, I’m there.

The occasional 5k? Reluctantly yes. 🙂

But when it comes down to it, I am training for the Sport of Life.

My son Drew doesn’t care if I can snatch 200lbs 10x in 2 minutes.

But he cares if I can run around and play ball with him.

My daughters KJ and Amy don’t care if daddy can box jump 36″

But they care that I can get down on the floor and play with them.

And for me, that’s what it’s all about.

And it’s why I am so anal about doing the research and work necessary to write effective and safe training programs for our clients.

When we find a better way, we implement it.

But we aren’t aiming to be trendy, we are aiming for results in a fun, safe and efficient environment.

And that, as they say, is that.

Train Hard.

Train Smart.

Train for Life.


“Running 101, From Beginner To Advanced” with Dr. Brett Coapland

As you know if you have been around me for very long I have a real love/hate relationship with running (actually it’s more hate/hate, but oh well).

I actually used to be a pretty decent runner, but running in combat boots back in the day helped screw up my hip to the point I have been advised by more than one medical professional to not run at all anymore.

And the fact of the matter is that invariably if a new client, especially women, complains of achy knees they either are currently doing some running or have been running, and one of the reasons they come to see us is to try to help them get them to stop hurting so much.

Now frankly I am not going to sit here and advocate running for everybody, because for some people it’s just not appropriate. Running puts a tremendous load on joints, particularly those with higher bodyweights and/or poor running mechanics.

But I also understand that spring is here and with that comes 5k’s, adventure races, triathlons, and some of you are even training for marathons!

And that is why I am pleased to announce that Dr. Brett Coapland will holding a running clinic at Get Fit NH next month.

If you are going to do it, let’s do it right!

Dr. Coapland’s Bio:

  • Owner of Performance Health Spine & Sports Therapy in Concord, NH
  • Chiropractor specializing in sports injury
  • Certified CSCS, ART
  • Special interest in running mechanics and running injuries
  • Ultramarathoner and 2x Ironman Finisher

Seminar Outline:

Part 1: Lecture

  • Running Mechanics
  • Running Shoes/Orthotics
  • Training Principles/Adaptation
  • Nutrition, Hydration, and Recovery
  • Common Injuries and How to Avoid Them

Part 2: Hands (Feet?) On

  • Running Mechanics
  • Corrective Exercise for Injury Prevention
  • Optional Easy Group Run

If you want to be a better runner (and you know you do), you do not want to miss this opportunity to learn from one of the best around. You would be hard pressed to find this level of instruction anywhere, and the clinic tuition is almost insanely low, so register now.

Running 101 – From Beginner to Advanced
Place: Get Fit NH Bootcamp Concord
Date: Saturday April 21, 2012
Time: 8:00am to 12:00pm
Cost: $40.00

Thank-You for your interest – Registration Is Full!


Are You Making The Most Of The Opportunity?

The opportunity to get better?

There is no doubt in my mind that some of you reading this right now are missing that opportunity.


You are not following your training program, and you are doing way too much activity this week.

Because this week not training is your training.

Talk to Anne Laforce – she is enjoying her 13th recovery week  since she started training with us.

For those of you who have tried to keep up with Anne in training, you understand she is living proof of doing what it takes to get better – even the rest and recovery part.

The training programs at Get Fit NH are designed carefully, not haphazardly thrown together.

Rest and recovery are an integral part of that design, just as important as the physical part of the training itself.

So do your body a big favor this week and get some rest and recovery.

You’re gonna need it!

SkiErg Sprints 2012 Results

What a great time this morning!

A really impressive display of power, endurance, teamwork and of course the art of having a really great time!

Seriously guys everyone who stepped up to the plate and competed rightly deserves to be proud of your accomplishments. It takes real guts to get on stage and lay it all out there for everyone to see. Nancy and I are really proud of you.

A special shout out to the athletes who competed in all three events:

Cristy, Liz, Frank, Mitch and Adam – you are absolute warriors!

Also wanted to note that I checked out the Concept2 World Rankings in the 1000m individual, and Adam, Brian and Liz’s times has them in the current top 10 for 2012 – In the World!

Now that rocks!

A special thanks also to Kate Fox of FoxFancyPants for providing the amazing headbands as part of the prize package – sweet!

Put together a video of the festivities, and you can check out some pics on our Facebook Page.

Keep Making It Happen!



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