Hester is Training for the Sport of Life

Hester posted this to our FLAG group this morning, and it so good I thought I’d share with everyone.

“Dean’s post this morning prompted me to think about why I do these things called boot camp and FLAG.

What made me commit to myself?

Why do I set a 4:15 alarm, and why do I write down everything I eat and why do I share stuff like this in a group forum?

There are all the obvious reasons but what finally pushed me to make the change?

I think it happened when my first grandchild, now two, was a couple of months old. I had the opportunity to take care of him over a long weekend. After three days of constant carrying, lifting, going up and down stairs, and up and down with floor activities I couldn’t deny I was out of shape and if I wanted to enjoy this little boy and future grandchildren I had to shed some weight and get stronger.

With grandson #2 due at the end of May I’m looking forward to a summer of granny-stuff and not worrying about the physical aspects and keeping up. Who knows, maybe these boys and their cousins will tell stories some day about their crazy grandmother who taught them how to do upper body sprints and dynamic planks. (But made their mother do the burpees.)” – Hester C.

Love it Hester, keep up the great work!


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