Monday April 27
5AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training
7:30 2 eggs, oatmeal, spinach
10:05 super shake
1 PM Thai Ground Beef-1 serving
3 PM all day long pork loin chili-1/2 serving
6 PM 4 oz steak, salad with Italian dressing
Tuesday, April 28
5AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training
7:45 oatmeal with blueberrie and strawberries, 2 eggs
10:30 carrot cheese
1 PM spaghetti squash, 3 venison meatballs with tomatoe sauce
4 PM ¼ cup mixed nuts
6:30 4 oz hamburger no bun, summer squash, spinach salad with home made Caesar dressing (new recipe)
W- 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder mixed with water for training
B- eggs, spinach, oeatmeal
s- orange
L- Thai ground beef
S- all day long pork loin chili
D- steak, spinach salad
W- 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder mixed with water for training
B- oatmeal, strawberries, blueberries, eggs, spinach
s- carrot, cheese
L- spaghetti Squash with venison meatballs
S- banana bites for kids, mixed nuts for Nancy
D- hamburger, summer squash saute
B- omelet, lemon poppy seed muffin
L- hamburger, salad
S- hummus, gr. pepper
D- grilled chicken, salad, mixed veggies
W- 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder mixed with water for training
S- peanut butter balls
L- crockpot jambalaya
S- cucs and hummus
D- shrimp K-bobs
W- 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder mixed with water for training
B- egg burrito
S- peanut butter crunch bar
L- crockpot jambalaya
S-mixed nuts
D- roast chicken, green beans, salad
B-egg, biscuit, spinach
S- orange
L- leftovers
S- yogurt and apricots
D- steak, salad
B- super shake
S- craver
L- eggs, blueberry coffee cake
S- hummus, veggies
D- turkey, salad, mixed veggies
Change of plans are okay. My wonderful new daughter in law is up visiting us while Tim is doing several job interviews. She is allergic to seafood and this weekends meal plans had seafood two times. So I did a little rearranging to accommodate her. Meal plans are just that, they are plans but life happens and sometimes new plans need to be made. Sometimes you can’t foresee a change of plans. That is okay too. A plan makes you prepare for the meal. I have the food in the house to make that meal, I have arranged my meals so they contain different foods and we try new ones. But a change is not bad as long as you maintain focus for the reason the plan was set in place. Don’t replace a healthy meal, that has to be altered, for a lousy, unhealthy, fat laden, calorie dense one. Make wise decisions.
10:30 AM Apple
1 PM Thai Ground beef
3 PM banana bites
6 PM 4 venison meatballs and spaghetti squash
8PM ½ scoop chocolate protein powder and ½ tablespoon peanut butter
5AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training
8 AM 2 eggs, old fashion oats, spinach
10:30 orange, slice of banana bread
1 PM 3 venison meatballs and spaghetti squash
4 PM almonds, cashews, walnuts ¼ cup total
6 :30 ham, mixed veggies
8::30 protein powder and 1 Tablespoon peanutbutter
8:30 2 eggs, bran muffin, ½ banana, spinach
11:45 1 protabello mushroom pizza
3 PM almonds ¼ cup
6 PM 1 ½ beef fajitas with onions, gr and red peppers, cheese, mango salsa, 6 tortilla chips
Now, don’t think I am a total loser. I actually had this written up yesterday and as I was writing the last few words the power went out and I lost it all. So much for high tech if you don’t use the automatic save option….. Today is another day and I retyped all the food logs and finally got them up. Sorry it took so long.
8:30 3 eggs, sweet potatoe hash browns
11:30 banana bites
1:30 all day long pork loin chili
5 1 ½ portabello mushroom pizzas, 4 oz chicken strips, small spinach salad
7:30 Chocolate Super Shake
11:30 2 eggs, French toast bites with turkey sausage, green peppers, red peppers
1:30 apple crisp
4:30 all day long pork loin chili
7:30 protein pudding
5AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training
7:30 2 eggs, toast, spinach
10:30 apple
1 chicken spinach, craisins, walnuts, oil and vinegar
4 mint chocolate chip shake
6:30 turkey, spinach salad with Italian dressing
5AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training
7:45 2 eggs, oatmeal strawberries, spinach
10:45 hummus, whole wheat tortilla, spinach
1 thai ground beef
4:45 7 oz beef roast, coconut cauliflower, spinach salad
8:30 AM 3 eggs, 1 ½ bran muffin, spinach
12 AM 4 oz roast with coconut cauliflower
Sorry for getting this out so late. My weekend seemed to be filled right up and ran over onto Monday. I didn’t get this posted in time. Now I am playing catch up. Here’s our family’s food plan for this week.
W- 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder mixed with water for training
B- eggs, spinach, toast
s- apples
L- chicken peppers
S- Mint choc chip protein shake, kids- cheese
D- turkey , mandarin oranges for kids, spinach salad
s- crackers for kids, protein pudding
W- 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder mixed with water for training
B- oatmeal, strawberries, eggs, spinach
s- hummus, spinach, whole wheat tortilla
L- Thai ground beef
S- cottage cheese pineapple
D- Roast, mashed coconut cauliflower
S- protein pudding, animal crackers
B- eggs, bran muffin, carrot
S- apple crisp
L- roast, mixed veggies
S- banana bites
D- French onion soup, salad
S- shake for Nancy, crackers for kids
W- 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder mixed with water for training
B-omelet, steel cut oats
S- strawberries, blueberries,
L- Thai ground beef
S- refried beans burrito
D- ham, spaghetti squash
S- protein pudding
W- 1 scoop UMP vanilla protein powder mixed with water for training
B- eggs, steel cut oats, blueberries, spinach
S- banana
L- chicken, spinach salad, craisins, walnuts
S-almonds, gr peppers
D- fish, beets, gr beans
S- protein pudding
B- peaches and cream omelet
S- orange
L- leftovers
S- almonds, carrots sticks
D- Crock pot Jambalaya
B- super shake
S- craver
L- eggs, blueberry pancakes, nuts, no syrup
S- hummus, veggies
D- venison burger, salad, tomatoes and cucumber slices
S- protein pudding
12:30 PM chicken, spinach salad, craisins, italtian dressing, chopped nuts
3:00 peanut butter crunch bar
5 PM Kung Pao Chicken
8 PM 1 scoop UMP chocolate with 1 Tablespoon peanut butter
Thursday April 17
5AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training
8 AM eggs, 1 waffle, spinach
10:30 apple with nut butter
12:30 Kung pao chicken
3:30 PM peanut butter crunch bar
5 PM Steak fajitas ( onion, green and red pepper, cheese, guacamole, salsa, tomatoe slices) on a whole wheat tortilla
6 :15 ½ a UMP shake
7:30 hot fudge brownie sundae
5 AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water at training
8 AM eggs, spinach, steel cut oats, strawberries
10:30 peanut butter crunch bar
12:30 chicken, salad, craisins, chopped nuts, Italian dressing
4 PM carrot sticks
5PM Thai Ground beef
8PM protein pudding– really! Mix ¼ cup of plain yogurt with 1 scoop of UMP Vanilla protein powder. Very yummy.
5AM 1 scoop chocolate UMP with ½ cup coffee and the rest water
8 AM 2 eggs, 2 egg white, peppers, onion, mushroom, cheese, steel cut oats
10:30 8 pita crisp with salsa
12:30 grill chicken, salad, craisins, walnuts, Italian dressing
3PM hard boiled egg, gr. Pepper sticks
5PM 5 oz steak, brussel sprouts, salad, 6 pita chips and salsa
7:30 PM ¾ scoop UMP chocolate mixed with 1 Tablespoon peanut butter
8 AM 1 ½ bran muffin, 3 eggs, 2 cups of hot chocolate
10:30 cottage cheese, red peppers
Sunday, April 13
8 AM On my out the door to church I had a Mint Chocolate Shake
11 AM 2 -” Breakfast Quiche Muffins” and a serving of “Orangealicious Oatmeal”. Dean made these for us to enjoy. He is a fantastic chef. Anyone want to hire him? I heard someone wants to hire a chef. Both of these recipes are from Gourmet Nutrition.
2 PM Pita Crisp served with Fresh Tomatoe Salsa and Spicy Hummus.
3 PM Roast Beef, spinach salad, ½ roll, carrots
4 PM Birthday cake (my niece and nephew are three days apart) also snacked on 7 pita crisps with dip
8 PM 1 scoop vanilla UMP protein powder with 1 Tablespoon almond butter
5AM 1 scoop vanilla UMP with water during training
8AM 2 eggs with onion and green pepper,
11 AM Chocolate Mocha Shake
1 PM hamburger no bun, Salad with olive oil and basil dressing.
3 PM 8 Pita Crisps with hummus and salsa
5 PM 5 oz grilled chicken, veggies
Sorry I have not written down what I drink besides the protein shakes. I drink water and green tea throughout the day. Around 80 ounces between the two. My kids drink water.
W- shake
B- eggs, oatmeal, spinach
S- apple with nut butter
L- leftovers from the weekend
S- pita crisp with hummus and salsa
D- grilled chicken, with mixed veggie, salad
S- trail mix for kids, protein pudding for Nancy
W- shake
B- omelet bran muffin
s- pita crisp with hummus and salsa
L- grilled chicken and veggies
S- hard boiled egg, veggie sticks
d- steak brussel sprouts
S- apricot yogurt for kids, protein pudding for Nancy
B- Breakfast burrito
S- cottage cheese
L- steak brusseel sprouts
s- Peanut crunch bars ( new recipe)
D- Kung Pao chicken This recipe and Friday’s dinner recipe is from the first edition of Gourmet Nutrition. Another fantastic cookbook.
S- UMP shake for nancy, kids/ crackers
W- shake
B- eggs, oatmeal, spinach
S- apple with nut butter
L- Kung Pao chicken
S- peanut butter crunch bar
D- fajitas (steak, green pepper, red peppers, onion, salsa, tomatoe, guacamola, tortilla)
s- Protein pudding, peanut butter balls
B- eggs, pancakes, veggie sticks
s- orange
L- fajitas
S- chick pea cakes
D-Thai ground beef
S- protein pudding, apple for kids
B- eggs, salsa, guacamola, oatmeal
S- banana bites
L- leftovers
S- apple crisp/ nuts granola
D- Portobello Pizzas and Chicken strips ( new recipes)
S- protein pudding
B- shake
S- Craver
L-pancakes, eggs, berries, nuts, no syrup
s- apple crisp
D- porkchop, spaghetti squash
S- protein pudding
3 PM Homemade granola bar
Here is the recipe I made.
1/2 cup chocolate protein powder
1 cup oatmeal
3/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup honey
2 Tablespoons ground flax seed
1/4 cup sunflower seeds
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut
I figured I could hide the flax seed and no one would know. I was going to add raisins too but after I got them in the pan I noticed the raisins still on the counter unopened. Maybe next time. I also thought carob chips would be nice too. That is the great thing about these bars, they are flexible.
6 PM 8 oz “Garlic Sauteed Prawns” from Gourmet Nutrition by John Beradi. And also Coconut Cauliflower Mash from the same book. Fantastic book just in case you were wondering.
8:30 1 scoop vanilla UMP with 1 Tablespoon almond butter