What is “Organic”? – Explaining The Organic Label

Thank-you to Megan of 6:00pm fame for sending this article on what the “requirements” are for a product to be labeled organic.  Megan is a health teacher in Strafford, and a local farmer in Barrington forwarded this article to her for perspective. While the debate to eat “all organic” will rage on, our strategy is to eat local, in season produce as much as possible, and supplement as necessary with fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables from the grocer. The important thing is that you are getting enough vegetables in your diet. Debating the merits of organic is not really relevant if you aren’t getting adequate nutrition to begin with!

The Organic Label

Organic produce has become increasingly popular in recent years, as consumers have grown more health conscious and environmentally aware.   Many stores and supermarkets now have large sections devoted to organic fruits and vegetables.


Contrary to what most people believe, “organic” does not automatically mean “pesticide-free” or “chemical-free”. In fact, under the laws of most states and new federal standards, organic farmers are allowed to use a wide variety of chemical sprays and powders on their crops.

So what does organic mean? It means that these pesticides, if used, must be derived from natural sources, not synthetically manufactured. Also, these pesticides must be applied using equipment that has not been used to apply any synthetic materials for the past three years, and the land being planted cannot have been treated with synthetic materials for that period either.

Most organic farmers (and many conventional farmers, too) employ mechanical and cultural tools to help control pests. These include insect traps, careful crop selection (e.g., by planting disease-resistant varieties), and biological controls (such as predator insects and beneficial microorganisms).


When you test synthetic chemicals for their ability to cause cancer, you find that about half of them are carcinogenic.

Until recently, few scientists bothered to look at natural chemicals (such as organic pesticides), because it was assumed that they posed little risk.  But when the studies were done, the results were somewhat shocking: you find that about half of the natural chemicals studied are carcinogenic as well.

This is a case where everyone (consumers, farmers, researchers) made the same, dangerous mistake. We assumed that “natural” chemicals were automatically better and safer than synthetic materials, and we were wrong. It’s important that we be more prudent in our acceptance of “natural” as being innocuous and harmless.


Clearly, the less we impact our environment, the better off we all are.  As mentioned earlier organic farming practices have greatly advanced the use of non-chemical means to control pests.

Unfortunately, these non-chemical methods do not always provide enough protection, and it’s necessary to use chemical pesticides. How do organic pesticides compare with conventional pesticides?

A recent study compared the effectiveness of a rotenone-pyrethrin mixture versus a synthetic pesticide, imidan. Rotenone and pyrethrin are two common organic pesticides; imidan is considered a “soft” synthetic pesticide (i.e., designed to have a brief lifetime after application,  and other traits that minimize unwanted effects). It was found that up to 7 applications of the rotenone- pyrethrin mixture were required to obtain the level of protection provided by 2 applications of imidan.

It seems unlikely that 7 applications of rotenone and pyrethrin are really better for the environment than 2 applications of imidan,  especially when rotenone is extremely toxic to fish and other aquatic life.

It should be noted, however, that we don’t know for certain which system is more harmful. This is because we do not look at organic pesticides the same way that we look at conventional pesticides. We don’t know how long these organic pesticides persist in the environment, or the full extent of their effects.

When you look at lists of pesticides allowed in organic agriculture, you find warnings such as, “Use with caution. The toxicological effects of [organic pesticide X] are largely unknown,” or “Its persistence in the soil is unknown.” Again, researchers haven’t bothered to study the effects of organic pesticides because it is assumed that “natural” chemicals are automatically safe.


For obvious reasons, organic farmers have done little, if anything, to dispel the myth that “organic = chemical/pesticide-free”. They would only stand to lose business by making such a disclosure.

Pesticide manufacturers have little concern in the matter. To them, “synthetic pesticides sold” and “organic pesticides sold” are both “pesticides sold”.

As for conventional farmers, they are not really in a position to be critical. It would not be in their interest to draw attention to chemical and pesticide use.


The purpose of this article is not to discourage you from buying organic produce.

It is only meant to let you know what you are or aren’t getting when you make such a purchase. Unless you know your grower personally, there is no guarantee that your produce has been grown without pesticides or other chemicals. It’s a point to consider, given the substantially higher cost of organic foods.

There are many choices and decisions that we, as consumers, are asked to make. Hopefully, this has provided some new information that you will find helpful.

Many thanks go to the Organic Crop Improvement Association for providing much of the information for this study. The OCIA has chapters in AZ, AR, CA, CO, FL,  IL, IN, IA, KS, MD, MI, MN, MO, MT, NE, NM, NC, ND, OH, PA, SD, UT, and WI. Thanks are also extended to the California Certified Organic Farmers, the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, and Oregon Tilth Certified Organic.  The following state Departments of Agriculture have also been very helpful: AL, AK, AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, HI, IA, LA, MD, MI, MS, MO,  ND, OK, SC, TN, VA, and WA. States with no laws governing organic products include Alabama, Delaware, Hawaii, Mississippi, and Tennessee.  Minimum requirements for the country are established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Organic Standards Board.

The data describing the carcinogenicity of natural and synthetic compounds are referenced in Gold, L.S., et al. (1992) Science Vol. 258, pp. 261-265.

A copy of this document may be downloaded at http://www.37c.org/lhom/organics.doc

Five Meals Made Easy

I am a big proponent of saving time when cooking. I’m just too busy to waste much of it, aren’t you?

To help with my meal preparation I often make many meals in one day and use them throughout the week or freeze them for another time. Here are five recipes I make using 5 pounds of ground beef/buffalo.

An added bonus – I only have to clean up one mess!

Meal one- Hamburgers
Meal two- Taco Salad
Meal three- Thai Ground Beef
Meal four- Spaghetti Sauce
Meal five-  Meatballs on the Fly


I’m not sure I need to explain how to do this….. but for those who might need to know. Divide the pound of ground beef into four rounds and shape them into patties. From there grill over medium heat until no longer pink in center. Serve each on a bed of lettuce with a slice of tomato and onion.


Again sounds simple but here you go.
1 pound ground beef
½ cup of water
1 medium onion
2 Tablespoon chili powder
1 teaspoon salt
½ teaspo0n cumin
1 clove garlic, minced

Brown the beef along with the onion and the garlic. Drain off the fat and add the water and spices. Continue to cook until liquid is evaporated, about 20 minutes.

Serve with:
chopped onion
olive slices
cheddar cheese
hot sauce
black beans
refried beans

Thai Ground Beef

1 pound ground beef, browned and drained
1/3 head of cabbage, shredded fine
1 small onion cut into ½ inch cubes
1 green pepper, cut into ½ inch cubes
2 Tablespoons of natural peanut butter
2 Tablespoons of chili powder
salt and pepper to taste

Place ground beef that has been browned into a pan with the cabbage, onion, and green pepper. Cook over medium heat until veggies are soft. Add the peanut butter, salt, pepper, and chili powder. Enjoy.

Spaghetti Sauce

1 pound ground beef
1 large onion, chopped
1-2 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teasponn basil
½  teaspoon marjoram
¼ rosemary leaves
1 bay leaf
16-24 ounces tomato sauce

Brown ground beef, onion, and garlic. When the beef is no longer pink, drain excess fat. Stir in remaining ingredients. Simmer, stirring occasionally for 1 hour.

We serve this spaghetti sauce over Vegetable Fettucini or cooked spaghetti sauce.

Meatballs on the fly

1 pound meatballs
2  8oz can diced tomatoes
1 red pepper diced or sliced (how ever you prefer)
1 leek thinly chopped
1 bag of spinach
1 1/2 tsp basil
1 1/2 tsp oregano
4 minced garlic cloves or 1 1/2 tsp garlic powder

Simmer for 20 min in a large sauce pan and serve!

To make the meatballs-combine ground beef, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon sea salt, 1 teaspoon pepper, ½ teaspoon sage, ½ teaspoon basil. Roll into balls and bake at 350 for 20 minutes.

A few tips I’ve found help save even more time:

I brown all three pounds of meat together and then separate them. While they are browning I get the hamburgers and meatballs ready.

While things are cooking I get the veggies all ready. I start with the meal I am going to be eating right away and then work down the list. If I don’t get all the meals done when the hamburgers are ready I can pack all the veggies together to cook later or I finish preparing the meals after we eat.

Since hamburgers are best right away, I eat this meal first while the others can be reheated.

Get in the kitchen, get it done, get out of the kitchen – love it!

Make It Happen,


What’s Your Bootcamp Motivation?

Guest Post by Get Fit NH Bootcamp Member Helen Dutton

This morning at boot camp, someone joked with me, “Why are you in this class, anyway?” Good question (on some days, more than others as I struggle through an exercise) and it’s caused me to look again at my fitness goals.

Ask anyone why they are exercising or watching what they eat and chances are the answer is “I want to lose weight” or perhaps “I want to get in shape.” Those are great goals, but what is the reason for wanting to lose weight or to get in shape? Without a reason, we lack the incentive to reach the goal.

Think about it this way: if you decided to take a trip and randomly chose a location, with no reason for randomly choosing a location, how motivated would you be to start driving? For example, the city name that just popped into my head is “Tulsa.” I don’t know anyone there and I don’t know of any historical landmarks or cultural significance. Before you send this off to your cousin in Tulsa who will be outraged, let me say that I’m not saying those things don’t exist, just that I don’t know of any. How motivated am I to pack up, put my New Hampshire life on hold, and drive to Tulsa? Don’t count on seeing my bumper leave our state. If my reason for visiting Tulsa is adventure or to discover new places, this trip would be fun – and it would be fulfilling my underlying goal of adventure or discovery.

So back to why am I, and you, at boot camp? Complete these sentences to find your deep-down reason:

I am at boot camp (or taking Metabolism Makeover) so that…(fill in the blank – answer A);

—And I want (A) so that … (fill in the blank – answer B);

——And I want (B) so that … (fill in the blank – answer C);

———And I want (C) so that … (fill in the blank – answer D).

It might look something like this:

I am at boot camp so that I lose weight;

—And I want to lose weight so that my clothes fit better;

——And I want my clothes to fit better so that I don’t have to worry about what to wear every day;

———And I don’t want to worry about what to wear every day so that my days start out easily;

————And I want my days to start out easily so that I have plenty of mental energy for the day.

So for me, my reason for doing squats, lunges, crossover push-ups (seriously, Dean?) is all about having more energy. Now THAT is motivating to me and keeps me going.

Try this exercise out – you won’t be sore and you will be motivated at a whole new level.

Helen Dutton, A Vision of Your Own LLC, has been coaching business owners since 2000 to achieve business and personal excellence with ease. By clarifying goals and intelligent focus, her clients discover  more accomplishment and higher satisfaction in their thriving, energetic business ventures. In her spare time, she discovers more energy at boot camp.

Fat Loss Check List – 10 Reasons Why You Are Not Seeing Results

Here’s a sneak preview of one of the tools in the “Fat Loss Toolbox”, which is included in the “Your Metabolism Makeover” nutrition coaching course.

Many times people will give me a ton of “reasons” why they just “can’t lose weight”. Sometimes there are legitimate medical challenges that make weight loss difficult, but that is a very small percentage of us

More than likely…

1. You are eating TOO much. Even if you are carefully measuring and planning your main meals, extra calories can sneak in during snack. It is VERY common to significantly under-estimating the number of calories you are consuming on a daily basis. If you’re not sure, write down everything you eat for one whole week.

2. You are not eating enough. You need to create a caloric deficit by reducing you calorie intake slightly. If you go too far below your maintenance calories, your body goes into starvation mode; sheds muscle and stores calories as fat, for a future energy source. Not eating enough supportive foods also lowers the amount of calories you burn….less thermic meals = less body fat burned.

3. You are not lifting weights: Cardio burns calories but it doesn’t boost your metabolism. Resistance training is *critical* to maintaining your muscle and tone. If you’re not lifting weights while trying to lose body fat, you will lose muscle and tone and your metabolic rate will decrease causing you to burn fewer calories 24 hour-a-day!

4. You are simply not exercising anywhere near enough! You can only decrease your caloric intake so much before you start losing your fat burning muscle. The only other alternative is to increase calories out. VERY FEW people are successful at losing weight AND keeping it off without exercising almost everyday!! Make it a rule to be active at the very least 30 minutes a day.

If you’re having trouble losing weight, 20 minutes of exercise three times a week isn’t going to cut it! Most people who tell me they are *really serious* about losing weight are not willing to do what it takes to get where they want to be. If you’re not willing to make exercise a *serious* priority in your life, your chances of succeeding at losing weight and keeping it off are VERY small!

5. Are you impatient? Are you looking for *instant* results? When it doesn’t happen, you may give up. You HAVE to be resolved to the fact that it takes the integration of the Factors of Fat Loss and change WILL be slow yet steady! Try focusing on progress, not perfection.

6. Are you any skipping meals? If so, do not expect to see results.  Skipping meals slows your metabolism causing body to store calories rather than burn them

7. Are you eating sugary foods or simple / refined carbohydrates? White rice, white (non whole wheat) flour products, white pastas, soft drinks , sweetened drinks – like juice, and the hundreds of products that contain added sugar that’s deceptively listed on ingredient lists with names like sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, etc. turns off the hormones responsible for releasing your body fat and instead turns ON the hormones that store fat.

8. How many alcoholic drinks do you have each week? Alcohol stimulates your appetite, slows your metabolism, and it’s loaded with empty (sugar) calories!

9. Are you having fruits and/or vegetables EVERY time you eat? Are you taking your multivitamin supplements every day?

10. Are you planning and preparing your meals ahead of time? If you have not planned your meals, you are more likely to cheat and find yourself off track.

As you can see, fat loss can be VERY difficult……and can seem very confusing! Too little, too much, do this, do that…UGGHH!

Don’t stress out!

We offer the nutrition coaching you need to get it all figured out and achieve permanent fat loss. It’s up to you to get on board.

If you are ready to take the next step and get serious about your nutrition, the next 12-week “Your Metabolism Makeover” nutrition coaching course begins June 9, 2010 @ 6:30pm.

Sign Up Here!

This Picture Lives Up To The Hype

You have heard the saying over and over.

“A picture is worth a thousand words”

Much of the time I hear that and think to myself  “I can think of plenty of pictures that weren’t worth saying any words”

This is NOT one of those pictures.

And while I am not going to write one thousand words, I am going to offer a few and let you fill in the blanks.

You see every time you walk in the gym you have a choice.

Give it your all, every ounce of effort you have, or not.

Pick up the heavier weight.

Do the burpee instead of the jumping jack.

Grab the Green Bands for partner band rows.

That’s what these ladies did.

You may not see them all clearly, but there are 8 ladies in total – 4 partners.

They are all using the heavy green bands to perform their rows.

You know the best part?

They went and got them on their own!

No arm twisting or convincing – they were ready for the challenge, and they went for it.

So when you see Deb, Mary, Barbara, Stacey, Kristin, Becky, Tracy and Karyn, you better hold on…

You better suck it up…

You better get ready to get thrashed…

Because these ladies take no prisoners and never back down.

Now it’s your turn.

Make It Happen!

sizzlin’ summer slimdown reboot – Beat The 12!

By now you know that the overall winner of the Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown is the amazing Melissa Tyler, who lost 10.9% of her bodyweight over the 8 week contest period. Melissa will be receiving her fabulous prize package tomorrow, and we will get some pics up real soon!

To see the top 10 S3 contest participants, Click Here

What’s Next?

That’s been a very common question since S3 ended. After all, you have put in 8 weeks of hard work into achieving your goals, and the all too natural inclination is to breathe a sigh of relief and stop doing what made you successful!

Burn this thought into your mind – living healthy and being fit are lifelong pursuits. Commitment to and continual pursuit of a healthy lifestyle never stops.

The Japanese have a term in their culture – Kaizen. It is a philosophy and practices (key!) that leads to continuous improvement.

Adopting this philosophy and practice is what allowed the Japanese society to rise from the ashes of WWII and become the industrial powerhouse they are today. The continual improvement led to Japanese products being recognized for some of the most innovative and highest quality in the world. It was not always this way. The first car I ever drove was a 1974 Toyota Corona – not a pretty sight. But they learned from their mistakes, and although there have been missteps along the way the goal never changes.

Continual and unending improvement.

Kaizen can be applied to our lives as well, as a whole and then into individual parts, such as health and fitness.

What are you doing today in that area of your life that improves upon yesterday?

It all adds up.

In the same way a 1st grader cannot read well enough to assimilate Shakespeare, most of us start at the elementary level with our fitness and nutrition skills.

But we don’t have to stay at that level.

We learn more, we apply action to that knowledge, and we improve.

Step by step.

Day by day.

You didn’t quit school because you failed your first grade spelling quiz.

Why are we so quick to stop pursuing our health and fitness goals when we aren’t achieving them to our satisfaction?

Give yourself a Clean Slate.

Every Day.

Yesterday no longer matters. The choices you make today are the ones that count.

Starting today you have a second chance.

Not just figuratively, but literally.

The S3 Reboot – Beat The 12!

The “12” refers to Dean’s total percentage of weight loss over the 8 week period of S3.

It’s your job to beat it over the next 8 Weeks!

That’s right, you all have another 8 weeks to meet or beat the 12%, from the beginning of S3. A total of 17 weeks to get that 12%.

Some of you are close, some of you not so close. Some of you are new members, and that’s ok. Everybody still has a chance to win.

If you weighed in at the beginning of the S3 contest, you are good to go. We already have your starting weight. If you weighed in at the end of S3 (like you should have) it’s even better.


Because we can calculate exactly how much you need to lose by the end of the contest to Beat The 12!

I don’t know about you, but a concrete number on a goal is always helpful. Many of you set a goal at the beginning of S3 and worked very hard to achieve it.

We are excited to see all of you take this next step toward your goals.

Second chances –  we all need them.

Final Weigh-In July 16, 2010.

Let’s Make It Happen!

Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Body Transformation Contest Winner!

The numbers are in and the winner is about to be announced!

What an amazing job you all did in the Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown.

The weight lost over the 8 week period totaled over 350 pounds!


Just as a reminder, here is the incredible prize package (valued at well over $1000) our soon to be announced winner is going to enjoy:

  • 3 Months of Unlimited Bootcamp Free ($477 Value)
  • Free access to the 12-week  “Your Metabolism Makeover” Weight Management and Lifestyle ($299 Value)
  • Precision Nutrition V3 ($147 Value)
  • One Hour Massage at Chichester Massage ($65 Value)
  • One month of unlimited tanning at Tanorama of Concord ($50 Value)
  • Color Analysis with fabric Clothes & Accessory Shopping Palette & Instructional Makeover from Janice at the Image Enhancement Studio ($75 value)
  • 4-Week membership to Milk & Honey Farm CSA – ($80 Value)

So I know you are sick of me yapping, so here are the top 10 achievers in the 2010 Get Fit NH Bootcamp Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Contest:

#10 Gretchen Wolfe – 6.55%

#9 Amanda Stone – 6.57%

#8 Keith Harrison – 6.60%

#7 Katherine Dietz – 7.46%

#6 Rick Demmons – 7.99%

#5 Lori Chateneuf – 8.22%

#4 Jill Edelmann – 8.73%

#3 Barbara Olson – 9.4%

#2 Karl Edelmann – 10.53%

and Number 1…

The Grand Prize Winner…

of the Sizzlin’ Summer Slimdown Contest is…

With a total percentage of weight lost of



A Women!

and her name is…

Melissa Tyler!

Congratulations Melissa on a job well done!

You might want to think about asking Melissa and the rest of the Top 10 how they

Make It Happen!

S3 Class Contest

Without further adieu, and so Jill’s head doesn’t explode :), here is the winner of the S3 class participation contest. It was very close among the top 3 in particular – great job everybody!

I am excited to see what this class comes up with for their prize winning custom t-shirt design!

Top Prize goes to:

6:30am Concord, with an overall participation of 92.06% over the eight week period!

All Class Results:

1) 6:30am Concord: 92.06%

2) 6:00pm Epsom: 90.85%

3) 6:15am Epsom: 89.32%

4) 9:00am Epsom: 87.58%

5) 5:00am Concord: 87.03%

6) 8:30am Concord: 86.76%

7) 5:00am Epsom: 84.32%

8) 4:00pm Epsom: 76.84%

90% or better is where we need to be! Perfection is not possible, but when you want it to happen, you have to MAKE IT HAPPEN!